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12:12:12 ~Earths Crystal Grid System ~ Return of the Divine Feminine ~ Patricia Cota - Robles ~Your Light in needed now!




by Patricia Cota-Robles

Hi Precious Heart,

Your time is at hand! We are in the midst of a momentous event on this planet that each and every one of us have been preparing to participate in for aeons of time.  I AM delighted that you are awake, and that you have volunteered to help lift Humanity and all Life evolving on this sweet Earth up the Spiral of Evolution to the next octave of our learning experience.

You may not know on a conscious level all of the details of your lifetimes worth of preparation, but I assure you, your God Self, your I AM Presence, knows exactly how you can be the most effective instrument of God during the unprecedented shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness at hand. You have an important part to play or you would not be in embodiment and receiving this information during this critical time.

Ask your I AM Presence for guidance, then remain in a state of Listening Grace. Respond according to the inner promptings of your heart to the opportunities that are being magnetized into your sphere of awareness. There are myriad events taking place all over the planet during the month of December 2012. See which events resonate in your heart, then make the choice to join physically by attending the events or to join in consciousness by adding your Light from wherever you are on the planet.

When we join together physically or in consciousness, the Company of Heaven has been granted a Cosmic Dispensation to amplify our efforts a thousand times a thousandfold. This gift of Divine Grace will exponentially expand the Light we are capable of adding to the world during this Cosmic Moment. Please do not let this opportunity pass you by.

I AM going to be participating in three events that I would like to invite you to participate in. Please read the following information carefully and see how these events resonate in your heart.

Tomorrow, November 28th, we will experience a very powerful Lunar Eclipse that will expand the Open Heart energy of both Humanity and Mother Earth. This will allow the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to magnetize the patterns of perfection from our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love more effectively from the Realms of Cause. This will pave the way for the powerful activities of Light that will occur in December.

For the December 12, 2012 events, 12:12:12, I have the honor of participating in the STAR KNOWLEDGE CONFERENCE at the Carefree Resort in Phoenix, Arizona. That event will take place December 10-13, 2012. For details please click on this link and go directly to the website:

On December 12, 2012, 12:12:12, our Mother God—the Holy Spirit, and the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout all Creation, will breathe into the Earth’s Crystal Grid System the highest frequencies of God’s Transfiguring Divine Love that Life on this planet is capable of withstanding. Due to the monumental influxes of Light that have occurred over the past several decades, and especially since the Dawn of the New Millennium, this will be the greatest influx of Divine Love Humanity has ever experienced.

For over 500 years, December 12th has been celebrated in Mexico and throughout Central and South America as the Feast Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe. For millions of people this aspect of Mother Mary has symbolized the return of the Divine Feminine, our Mother God. On 12-12-12 our Mother God, and Her exponents representing the Divine Feminine throughout all Creation, will cocreate a Forcefield of Divine Love that will envelop every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth, and all of the spaces in-between the particles and waves of Life. This forcefield will reinforce a multidimensional and multifaceted Womb of Divine Love and a Birth Canal of Divine Love that will assure Earth’s safe passage up the Spiral of Evolution, and the Birth of the New Earth in the Realms of Cause.

The Beings of Light are aware that in most instances this information is beyond the comprehension of our finite minds. But they assure us that the I AM Presence of each and every one of us clearly understands the bigger picture of what is happening on this planet. They said that adding to the Light of the world during this miracle of the Shift of the Ages and the Birth of the New Earth in all her splendor is exactly why we volunteered to embody on Earth at this time.

The events of 12-12-2012 will be the final steps of preparation leading up to the December Solstice and the Birth of the New Earth on 12-21-2012. These two dates reverberate with the master number 11, 1+2+1+2+2+0+1+2=11 and 1+2+2+1+2+0+1+2=11, the numerical frequency of the transformation of the physical into the Divine. Isn’t God fun?

On December 20th, from 7:00-9:00 p.m., we at the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose have organized an event that will take place in Tucson, Arizona at Loew’s Ventana Canyon Resort. During this Activity of Light, THE SHIFT OF THE AGES, we will create the safety net for the Cosmic Events that will take place during the December Solstice. This event is FREE and open to the public.

During the Activity of Light on December 20th, we will unite with the Company of Heaven and Lightworkers around the world. Together we will cocreate the sacred space for the greatest influx of Light Humanity and the Earth have ever experienced. We will form a Chalice of Light that will cradle the Earth and serve as a particle accelerator to prepare every man, woman, and child to safely receive the monumental influx of Light that will occur on Earth when we align with the Galactic Core of the Milky Way during the December Solstice.

On December 21-22, 2012, I have been invited to participate in a very powerful event that will take place in Sedona, Arizona. Sedona is a power point along Earth’s Crystal Grid System through which the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light from Suns beyond Suns beyond Suns will flow during the December Solstice and the Galactic Alignment. This event is called SEDONA 2012 FESTIVAL. For details please click on this link and go directly to the website:

On December 21-22, 2012, the Earth will align with the Galactic Core of the Milky Way. This will open a portal of Light that will extend from the very Heart of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God—the Cosmic I AM—All That Is, into the Divine Momentum pulsating in the center of the Earth. This influx of Light will flow through God’s all-encompassing Divine Matrix to bless every particle of Life on this planet. This Divine Matrix is the Body of our Father-Mother God within which all Creation lives, moves, breathes, and has its Being. This influx of Light will begin the process that will Birth the New Earth in the Realms of Cause. This will be Earth’s New Beginning. From that moment forth, the patterns of our Planetary Cause of Divine Love and our Renaissance of Divine Love will easily flow into the mental and emotional strata of Earth. Humanity will be able to easily tap into these patterns of perfection and through our thoughts, words, feelings, actions and beliefs we will bring them into manifest form. These patterns contain the viable solutions to every humanly-created malady existing on Earth.

The Birth of the New Earth will accelerate the awakening of even the most recalcitrant souls, thus causing a shift that will take place in the energy, vibration, and consciousness of each and every one of us. This shift will reflect a new level of understanding that all Life is interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent. Humanity en mass will begin to realize that what affects one part of Life affects all Life. From this new awareness people will be inspired to work together to find win-win solutions that will benefit every person and enhance the existence of every facet of Life on Earth. This is monumental! Please be the instrument of God you volunteered to be prior to this embodiment.

December 10-13, 2012 - STAR  KNOWLEDGE  CONFERENCE 

December 20, 2012 - THE SHIFT OF THE AGES
7:00-9:00 p.m.
Loew’s Ventana Canyon Resort
7000 N. Resort Drive
Tucson, Arizona

December 21-22, 2012 - SEDONA 2012 FESTIVAL

Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization        
FAX: 520-751-2981;
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

Views: 108


November 2012 
From the Spiritual Hierarchy through Judy Satori
           "Love is the Catalyst...Love is the Key"


A Message From Judy Satori

I have been prepared by Spirit to transmit new recreation energy to prepare people for Earth's shift to the Fifth Dimension.  Now is the time to begin.  This energy is spiritual Light Language.  It is transmitted through very rapid energy words transmitted directly into the DNA, cellular template and energy fields of the body. 
My purpose is to get this energy to as many people as possible in 2012.  Please help me spread the word.
            Judy's Story 







My book, Sunshine Before the Dawn




This is the story of why we came to Earth from the stars and how.  It is a love story.  The words are coded to help you to remember




Like the lotus flower as it rises up through the muddy waters of a lake, humanity has for aeons been diminished and disempowered by being forced to exist within the confines of a third dimensional Earth.  Now Earth is ready for restoration and advancement, ascension to the fifth dimension.  A New Earth is to be created of peace, love and oneness with all life.  Humankind will come together as one global family.  As the Earth ascends, so too will YOU, but you need to be ready to hold the faster pulsating energy of the fifth dimension within your physical body and energy fields.  You body must be healed and resynthesizedThis is the purpose of these energy transmissions from the Elohim.  To prepare us all for New Life on a New Earth.  



November Full Moon Transmission

From the Galactic Council and Archangel Metatron



to listen and download





Note:  We want to continue making these transmissions free, but each time they are downloaded we are charged.  Please only download once, save to your computer desktop and replay from your computer desktop.  It is suggested that you listen to this transmission lying down. 





Ascension Tools to Support You  




More Ascension Tools on the Website  


Click on the tabs on the left hand side of the website.  For most energy activations listen as least three times.  For Karmic Clearing audios (Karma Klear) listen three times at one session per day for seven days or 21 days.  You can then to go deeper with the clearing of a particular belief or pattern of consciousness by listening nine times at one session per day for a further five days or longer if desired.  These energy activations will not cause any harmful affects, but they may initiate clearing release with physical or emotional symptoms for a few days.  This is similar to when you go through a physical detoxification process.  It is best to only work on one Karmic Clearing activation, or one CD or Mp3 program at a time.


Website Tabs say...


Free Energy Activations:  The Three Blessings for Health, Abundance and Joy...and more


Ascension and You:  Energy work to clear and work with current ascension symptoms


Karma Klear:  Energy activations to clear belief systems created by past and current life trauma


Self Mastery:  Personalized numerology and astrology for self understanding and self mastery








                                 'Love is the Key and the Way'


Judy Satori | PO Box 339 | Naples | NY | 1451




Mother,thanks for your gentle nurturing

from your breast, as you cradle me in your

arms while I rest. To see a smile upon your

face, to hear your gentle soft voice and your laughter to.


Mother, thanks for your care, love and affection that you have shown.

To be there in time of sorrow, pain and happiness and always giving of yourself.


Mother, thanks for your patience, kindness and support as

I grow and the years go by.


Mother may you truly be blessed for all your caring, love, affection and gentleness.




Feb. 3, 1996 J. H. Bloom

Confirmation of the Spiral Norway referred at Wanderer of the Skies 25:03:2012

Spiral Ufo in Armenia - 2nd Angle AMAZING!June 7, 2012


Dear Readers,

Quoting the 25:03:2012 channelling, 3rd paragraph:

"There has been a turning away of many who see this process dragging on and use this as proof that it was never meant to be in the first place. This will change upon the Creator’s response and we are reasonably excited to believe that the time has come. The call has gone out from the Federation to all systems in the cosmos and an even greater number of visitors are now heading this way to observe this next phase in activities. In that respect, you can expect that another “Norway spiral” will occur as more dimensional beings arrive over the next several weeks."

Here it is:

Ufo in Armenia - FULL - Spiral Spinning !!! Amazing June 7, 2012 Wormhole

UFO Enters into Spiral Hole !! Amazing June 7, 2012 in Armenia

UFO Spiral in Armenia June 7, 2012 - in Night Sky


First of all we wish to dispel all rumours of what may or may not be configurations in your skyline … which at this time are causing quite a stir.






These spiral Lights shall begin to appear throughout your world … in places that may seem most unlikely. They are placed at certain points on the grid and within these energy points, are able to magnify that which they are .



Thanks to Apple Goddess for emailing me  this:)







Spirals by Kore





Sarah’s group onSonja Myriel’s beautiful site


The Crystalline Grid,the Gravity Grid,the Electromagnetic Grid

Recent UFO sighting





Uploaded by  on Dec 15, 2009

The Spiral Lights

Three times these lights have appeared now. In China, in Norway and in Australia. The official explanation: A rocket spinning out of control. People who believe this story, must be sleeping so hard that they would believe that their head had fallen off - as long as it was written in a newspaper. By the way; where did these "rockets" fall down? For some reason they exploded and/or kept spinning, but never hit the ground.

China 1988

Norway - December 09 2009

Latest video upload of the Strange Spiral lights in Norway

The official explanation is that the light in Norway was a Russian rocket that exploded.

Australia 5th June 2010

Problems with the official explanation:

Problem 1: In Australia the spiral light was observed moving all the way from Melbourne to Brisbane, a distance around 900 km. How can a rocket keep spinning out of control, while moving slowly 900 km across the sky, and never fall to the ground? In Norway however the explanation was that it exploded right away -- 2 different (but equally stupid) explanations accounting for the same visual phenomenon.. Hmm

Problem 2: An exploding racket does not in any way look like these lights.

A spinning rocket would leave a trace of light (burning fuel), which would follow closely behind the rocket. Like this (pic to the left):

There seems to be no convincing explanation as to how a rocket could leave a (or several?) perfect spiral(s) of continuous light as seen on the picture.

Problem 3: If the Russians had fired a rocket over Norway (mistakenly or not), Norway would (because of several military reasons), have reacted strongly. But in this case, there has been no reaction whatsoever.

Problem 4: As mentioned these rockets never fell down.

Problem 5: The fact that this has happened several places now makes the official story even more ridiculous.

Whatever it was, it wasn't rockets.

Thanks to ken h for posting this PORTAL ?????
















SaLuSa 28-November-2012

SaLuSa 28-November-2012

As you are realising, very few of the long standing predictions for this year have come true and it has been very much a normal year. There is always much happening of a physical nature which goes largely unreported. So it is nice to report that little has happened, that could fulfil the expectations of those preparing for major upheavals and catastrophes. You can take much credit for the outcome, as the vibrations of the Earth have been considerably lifted to what the were just a few years ago. The amount of Light attracted to the Earth has lessened the need for more energetic cleansing. We of the Galactic Federation have also helped by also taking part in the cleansing, and generally preventing pollution from becoming worse. That also includes Chemtrails which had the potential to seriously affect all forms of l

Now your path through the final few weeks of duality should pass quite peacefully, allowing you to concentrate on your preparations for Ascension. The best advice is to keep calm and peaceful, and do not let anything distract you from your focus on it. You will be making history by being one that is actually on Earth to experience everything associated with Ascension. The old vibrations will no longer be able to interfere with your evolution, and in there place will be heightened vibrations that will lift you up. Most of you should register some pleasant reactions to the changes, although for some they will be difficult to assimilate. A total frequency change is naturally far reaching, and all life forms will be affected to some degree.

Dramatic changes will follow Ascension, many of which you should have already experienced. However all will happen in good time, but in quick time to give you the advancements that should have already commenced, but for the stalling tactics of the dark Ones. The dark Ages with all of their limitations will be replaced by one that sees you uplifted in so many ways, and brings the people of your civilization together in mutual love and respect for each other. All past differences will be set aside, to bring you close together in loving co-operation and unity. That will no longer be difficult to achieve as the false barriers placed between you, will fall away as trust replaces the fears created to keep you apart.

You can start now to become your real self, by being outgoing and loving and able to express your true feelings. For too long you have been bound by fear of what others may think of you, that you have even hesitated to show your natural love for others. Find the inner child within you heart that knows not of your doubts and caution, but glories in being able to freely share its Light and Love. You have been moulded into what you think of as yourself, by selective training all through your upbringing. You are being set free to share your enjoyment of life with all others. In the future no one will be offended by a show of love and it will become a quite natural way of greeting each other, as you are all One.

Yes, the meek shall inherit the Earth, and those who have caused so much trouble with their deliberate wars of death and destruction, will be removed from your midst. Only the gentle and loving souls shall remain to enjoy a happy and joyful life, such as they have not known in duality. You have proved that you are mighty souls with hearts of gold, and all will recognize you as ascended Beings. Your creative powers will be channelled into purposeful creations for the good of all. Hitherto, you have not realized how powerful you really are, and have not been in control of your abilities. Do not worry however as with Ascension your increase in levels of consciousness will change all of that.

You are co-creators with God, and your service to others will take you all over the Universe. You will have unique qualities resulting from your varied experiences in duality. You will be looked upon as the Masters of Light, and help other emerging civilizations to evolve. However, that time lays somewhat ahead of where you are now, but you will be drawn to serve others in that way. You have had a long and arduous journey, but have gained much that is greatly admired by us. You will take your place along side us equals, and many of you will choose to join the Federation. You know enough about us now to make such decisions, and our comments apply equally to both male and female. In that respect unlike now, you will both be balanced in the two energies, and the differences in them will be hardly noticeable.

In spite of the turmoil in your world at present the prospect of peace remains very real. It is being approached at the highest level, and the response is encouraging. It is removal of the fear of the big powers that holds smaller countries back, but we can easily maintain the peace once an agreement is reached to disarm. Peace is an absolute must if you are to enter the higher dimensions, as it will not support the low vibrations of the threat of war. Together with the moves to achieve governmental changes that are also proceeding, dramatic changes will occur that will change the whole face of your civilization. Then you can add disclosure, and matters will be able to go forward with all speed. These events are not far away at all, and our allies are working very hard to bring them to fruition.

We clearly place a great deal of importance on disclosure, as it is a means of bringing us together and entering a relationship that is necessary for your progress. More importantly is our part in overseeing the vast changes to your society, and helping your big commercial companies handle the changes affecting them. There have to changes that reflect the need for smaller groups rather than monopolies, and adjustments to new ways of working. You will see that in future business will be on an open basis, so that everyone will know what is taking place and that it is operating on honest and just principles. That should be easy as those criminal elements that exist in your society now will have been removed.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and want you to remove your focus from the past, and give your energy to the new in accordance with your expectations. That way you will help bring it in much quicker, and also be more prepared for what will take place. We are with you Dear Ones, and it will always be so.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Translations - Português - Novo - ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/Greeck - Latviešú/Latvian - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - РОССИЯ/Russian – HRVATSKI/Croatian - SLOVENSKY/Slovakian

Thank You to All

Skipping Through the Dimensions

Welcome to Brenda's Blog 

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s 11/25/12 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Perhaps you continue to experience pain and loss. Something you didn’t expect after you cleared your personal and global fears. But the higher dimension you select as your comfort zone, the more cellular fear you will wish to clear.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”Physically, the New Age Isn’t What You Imagine”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about a similar topic.

Dear Ones,

You are fast approaching the date you have declared as the end point of many aspects of your world. Earth is not going to explode or implode. Nor are you donning white gowns and floating into the ethers. You have selected this date to expedite your movement into the New Age.

What does that mean for you? The New Age is available for all who wish to partake. But part of the New Age being that is you includes selecting the dimension that feels most comfortable. Some of you are comfortable in the 4th dimension. Others will wish to transition into the 5th dimension and beyond.

For the first time in eons, it is acceptable to be different. You have the freedom to be – as does everyone else on earth. Given that freedom, you will select your lifestyle,  skill sets and being on the basis of what feels most comfortable. And that comfort zone is created by the role you are playing in this New Age.

Perhaps some of you advanced Lightworkers are disturbed because you have opted for a 4th dimensional life. Others of you are smugly satisfied that you have selected a 7th dimension or higher life. Such feelings are Old Age remnants and have little to do with this New Age. There is no better or worse in your selection process. All roles and all dimensions are equally important. Perhaps you wish to be a star instead of a bit player. You are a star in your role – whatever that role is.

Do you understand the confusion and complexities of everyone shifting from the third to the 7th dimension at the same time? There have to be gradients of development and creation. You selected your dimension comfort zone on the basis of what is required during this transition instead of your ego.

Can you shift to a higher dimension after you have completed the projects you designated for yourself before entering earth in this lifetime? Most certainly. After you have completed your key role, you are free to explore and live within any dimension you wish.

Will those of the 7th or higher dimensions be stars in this transition? Not at all. They will merely have different roles or tasks. Similar to a plumber and engineer. Both use similar problem solving skills – but one has more advanced tools to solve more advanced problems. Perhaps in your 3rd dimension eyes, an engineer is more important than a plumber – that is, until your toilet overflows and your engineer spouse does not know how to repair it.

Is there some quantifiable means to determine how many Lightworkers will be most comfortable in each of the dimensions beyond the 3rd? Not at all. For indeed, you have the freedom to move up or down as you wish. And you will wish to do so once you have completed your core tasks. Please understand that up and down are not necessarily correct terms, but the best descriptors we have to explain the location of the various dimensions at this time.

Some of you are concerned that you will never complete your core tasks and so will be “stuck” in one dimension for the duration of your time on earth. That, of course, is your decision. Some of you will race through your tasks and gleefully move to many dimension comfort zones. Others of you will stay in your current comfort zone. That is your choice and your freedom.

You may even choose to shift from the 6th to the 4th dimension once you have completed your self-assigned tasks. The dimensions are not linear, but somewhat circular. Perhaps you wish to explore a certain feeling only available in the 4th dimension or decide to jump to the 8th dimension – just for the experience – and then return to your comfort zone.

Other than the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions,  no dimension is “off-limits” for you Lightworkers. You would not be a Lightworker if you had not completed all the experiences in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions. There is so much to explore in the dimensions beyond the 3rd, that none of you will wish to return to those experiences. Just as you have no need to return to kindergarten – even though you loved the experience – once you completed your high school education.

You will not leave earth. You will merely expand earth and the experiences of all entities on earth. And so it will be for you who will live forevermore beyond the 3rd dimension; and those who opt to hold some 3rd dimension energies on earth.

Why would the Universes help beings program a 3rd dimension life in this New Age? Just think of the excitement and emotional range required of those who cannot relate to or interact well with those beyond the 3rd dimension. Those who remain of the 3rd dimension are extremely courageous beings. As you are all. This lifetime is not for the meek of heart.

You finally have your full range of dimensional choices – from the 4th to the highest possible. Each of you has elected a comfort zone because of your role in this wondrous transition. Once you have completed that role – and you decide when you have done so – you are free to play in all dimensions from the 4th and beyond.

Such freedom is exciting in terms of exploring various dimensions – and being exposed to the skill sets and appearances of those who are exploring different dimensions.

Determine your comfort dimension by asking yourself what it is. Explore that dimension with joy and freedom. And when you are tired of that dimension – which will happen once you have completed your transition role – explore another and another and another. Play to your heart’s content with freedom and joy. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2012, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep the integrity of this article by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: 


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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales. Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas. RELAJACIÓN MÚSICA, MÚSICA RELAX, MÚSICA MEDITACIÓN, MEDITATION MUSIC, FRECUENCIAS SANADORAS, MUSICA ALTERNATIVA, MUSICA SANADORA, MUSICA PARA SANAR EL ALMA, HEALING MUSIC, MUSIC FOR HEALING,healing frequency, FREQUENCY TO HEAL, MUSICA ESPIRITUAL, SPIRITUAL MUSIC, MUSICA DELFINES, DOLPHIN MUSIC, MUSICA NEW AGE, MUSICA REIKI, MUSICA YOGA, MUSICA DE BALLENAS, RELAX MUSIC FRECUENCIAS SAGRADAS SOLFEGGIO