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The Little Boy

The Little Boy

Sally jumped up as soon as she saw the surgeon come out of the operating room.

She said: “How is my little boy? Is he going to be all right? When can I see him?”

The surgeon said, “I’m sorry. We did all we could, but your boy didn’t make it.”

Sally said, “Why do little children get cancer? Doesn’t God care any more? Where were you, God, when my son needed you?”

The surgeon asked, “Would you like some time alone with your son? One of the nurses will be out in a few minutes, before he’s transported to the university.”

Sally asked the nurse to stay with her while she said good-bye to son. She ran her fingers lovingly through his thick red curly hair.

“Would you like a lock of his hair?” the nurse asked.

Sally nodded yes. The nurse cut a lock of the boy’s hair, put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Sally. The mother said, “It was Jimmy’s idea to donate his body to the university for study. He said it might help somebody else. “I said no at first, but Jimmy said, ‘Mom, I won’t be using it after I die. Maybe it will help some other little boy spend one more day with his Mom.” She went on, “My Jimmy had a heart of gold. Always thinking of someone else. Always wanting to help others if he could.”

Sally walked out of Children’s mercy Hospital for the last time, after spending most of the last six months there. She put the bag with Jimmy’s belongings on the seat beside her in the car. The drive home was difficult. It was even harder to enter the empty house.

She carried Jimmy’s belongings, and the plastic bag with the lock of his hair to her son’s room. She started placing the model cars and other personal things back in his room exactly where he had always kept them. She laid down across his bed and, hugging his pillow, cried herself to sleep.

It was around midnight when Sally awoke. Laying beside her on the bed was a folded letter. The letter said:

“Dear Mom,

I know you’re going to miss me; but don’t think that I will ever forget you, or stop loving you, just ’cause I’m not around to say I LOVE YOU. I will always love you, Mom, even more with each day. Someday we will see each other again. Until then, if you want to adopt a little boy so you won’t be so lonely, that’s okay with me. He can have my room and old stuff to play with. But, if you decide to get a girl instead, she probably wouldn’t like the same things us boys do. You’ll have to buy her dolls and stuff girls like, you know. Don’t be sad thinking about me. This really is a neat place. Grandma and Grandpa met me as soon as I got here and showed me around some, but it will take a long time to see everything. The angels are so cool. I love to watch them fly. And, you know what? Jesus doesn’t look like any of his pictures. Yet, when I saw Him, I knew it was Him. Jesus himself took me to see GOD! And guess what, Mom? I got to sit on God’s knee and talk to Him, like I was somebody important. That’s when I told Him that I wanted to write you a letter, to tell you good-bye and everything. But I already knew that wasn’t allowed. Well, you know what Mom? God handed me some paper and His own personal pen to write you this letter. I think Gabriel is the name of the angel who is going to drop this letter off to you. God said for me to give you the answer to one of the questions you asked Him ‘Where was He when I needed him?’ “God said He was in the same place with me, as when His son Jesus was on the cross. He was right there, as He always is with all His children.

Oh, by the way, Mom, no one else can see what I’ve written except you. To everyone else this is just a blank piece of paper. Isn’t that cool? I have to give God His pen back now. He needs it to write some more names in the Book of Life. Tonight I get to sit at the table with Jesus for supper. I’m, sure the food will be great.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I don’t hurt anymore. The cancer is all gone. I’m glad because I couldn’t stand that pain anymore and God couldn’t stand to see me hurt so much, either. That’s when He sent The Angel of Mercy to come get me. The Angel said I was a Special Delivery! How about that?

Signed with Love from: God, Jesus & Me.”

Love is the New Lens by Owen Waters

Love is the New Lens

By Owen Waters

January 29, 2013

People imagine that they think from the brain, but that is only partly true. The brain processes physical information and provides you with the concepts of time and space so that you can function in the fabricated reality that appears to exist in a world outside of you.

Your mind, however, is a nonphysical field of consciousness and it is not fixed inside your head. Each of the seven major chakras, or energy centers associated with the human body, resonate to a specific frequency band of consciousness. For most people in today's world, daily thought is focused around the solar plexus chakra. In other words, your thoughts come from and through such a frequency filter.

You receive mental energy from the global mind atmosphere or mind belt. Your thoughts and emotions condition this mind energy and you automatically re-transmit it back out into the mind belt. This can happen at the frequency of the solar plexus chakra or, in the case of higher thinking, at the frequency of the heart chakra.

At the lower end of solar plexus-level thinking, issues of hierarchical control are experienced while, at the higher end, intellectual achievement is the focus. A century ago, when the world shifted from the authoritarian lens of the lower end of the solar plexus chakra toward the intellectual achievement of the higher end, a distinct sense of self-empowerment unfolded. While people used to accept the idea of obedience and unquestioning faith in spiritual matters, today they have grown to realize that they can think for themselves and that they can determine and create their own reality.

The evolution of your consciousness produces an expansion in the size of your mind. The terms, "expanded consciousness" or "personal growth" literally refer to an expansion in the size of your mental field.

With the ongoing shift to New Reality thinking, the lens through which people see the world is moving from the solar plexus to the heart chakra. Heart-centered consciousness begins with an expansion of awareness that includes the needs of others and then progresses into the first stage of spiritual awakening.

People live within a chakra-related bubble of consciousness. Imagine it being rather like a deep sea diver's helmet or a spacesuit helmet. That bubble is moving up from the solar plexus level and the world is seen as a very different place when viewed from the new heart-centered perspective.

Looking through the lens of the heart, everything has a different perspective. Instead of providing an understanding of the emerging New Reality from a simply intellectual viewpoint, this lens engages your higher feelings and the New Reality becomes a personal experience, not just a mental concept.

In order to master the changes that are thrown at us in today's busy world, the new lens of reality has to be experienced each and every day. The world needs a technique which people can use to spiritualize their consciousness either in a period of quiet reflection or, more quickly, when pressed by circumstances.

You need to be able to reconnect easily with the Divine Presence within so that an elegant solution to every challenge can be created.

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