Posted by John McIntosh ( on 24 October, 2012
by Angelina Hart
Let me speak of love, or more particularly, about love-making. Love-making is a literal term. It means to make more love: love not only as an ideal, but more importantly, love as the substance of all creation, both in form and formlessness.
Imagine a great ocean of water. As the sun moves upon it, the electrons within it become excited until the frequency of the water is quickened. As it is quickened, it rises in its gaseous state and collects with like substance in a cloud until the frequency begins to lower itself once again, returning it to a liquid state, where it is magnetically pulled back to its lower frequency upon the earth. When there is little or no exchange with the energy of the sun, there is no excitation of the electrons and they become more and more dense, turning to the solid state of ice. All of it is comprised of the same substance that merely takes on different qualities depending upon the vibratory frequency of the electrons held within. WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT?
Such is love. It defines the All That Is, the Source of All Creation in its great, limitless ocean of Love as potential in formlessness. This would be considered the Divine Feminine primal force of creation. But it does not exist without its complementary form, the Divine Masculine primal force of creation. This aspect is Consciousness, Thought, Will, Intention--the great power of the cosmic lightning strike that stirs the ocean of limitless potential into motion, creating a mold for the love to fill.
As its power excites the electrons contained within the atoms of the ocean of love, they become heated, or excited, and begin a dance of sorts that initiates a spiral or clockwise spinning cycle. This spiral energy takes on the shape known as the torus as the electrons move toward the outer edges and a vortex opens in the center.
This electromagnetic field looks like a doughnut with strings of flowing energy spinning and being pulled into the center from both the top and the bottom of the central hole. The movement creates centripetal force, first throwing the electrons to the outer edge of the field and then pulling them back into the center. As the orgasmic energy continues, it literally creates a black hole which magnetically sucks the electrons forcefully into itself where they fuse.
In their fusion, an enormous amount of atomic, holographic energy is released. The closest example I can give you is your understanding of an implosion. It is holographic in nature, in that it took what it was--love--and made more of itself: Love-making--the two primal forces of creation creating only more of the same--The Only Begotten of the Mother/Father God--more of itself-- more Love. THE SEXUAL SOURCE OF ALL CREATION
No matter what name you give this, no matter what image you put to God, the fusion of these two streams of conscious energy, inseparable and interactive as One Intelligence, are the Source of All Creation. The molds or forms created by thought, into which this substance can be configured, are limitless.
As God expands and expresses itself in a holographic manner, you can easily see how every part of God contains the whole blueprint of God. Every part of God is contained within God, even as every cell contained within you contains your full blueprint, regardless of the organ from which is derived. Some cells take on the form and function of brain cells, some toe cells, some heart cells, and so on-but they each contain your full blueprint--your full DNA. And, they are capable of replicating themselves. All cells have the same basic composition.
This process of sexuality is but the exchange and fusion of energetic forces which creates an orgasmic release of energy. Such exists on every level from the macro to the micro, in every dimension. All creation results from a sexual exchange. Even the creation of thoughts stirred into motion in your mental body creates an energetic mold or form for an ideal that is held in the causal plane. This always precedes a physical manifestation.
I'm often asked how this translates to human sexuality, and people never fail to point out that just because humans engage in sex, it doesn't mean the union results in a child.
Even in the expression of the physical union of a man and woman, the resultant child may simply be an energetic release, yet the 'child' potential or ideal always exists.
As mankind began to believe itself separate from Source, their understanding of the great creative forces became diminished. The Twins split in both consciousness and in physical experience because, as the ultimate atomic generators of love, to unite without the stable heart of divine love would create atomic havoc-resulting only in chaos, decay, and death. Truly, this demonstrates the power of the Twin Flame union.
The definition of sexuality, as understood by the vast majority of humans, has been greatly distorted as an act of self-gratification. There are very few who practice even procreation with any sense of consciousness attached to the act. Rather, they consider the temple they're creating for another as an unavoidable mistake with which they will have to live and for which they will accept responsibility.
The act of passion and the exchange of physical love or pleasure between humans is not wrong. However, when one reduces the act of love-making to its lowest frequency in the form of an act of personal of taking... there is no stable nucleus at the center of the love-making. This results in only undirected energy that has no purpose or form into which to pour itself. Consciousness has not directed this energy into any constructive activity or form. Instead, it is just wasted energy. As scripture attests, like pouring your seed upon the ground--the seed representing your full creative potential. PAST TEACHINGS ABOUT DIVINE UNION
There have been, at several times upon this planet, sacred teachings to help initiates become adept at the conscious use of these energies within. The sex magic of Isis was one of those mystery schools: a school from which those of the Judeo/Christian tradition derived much of their material. Within the Magdalene order were priestesses who taught the higher tantric laws of sacred sexuality. This included the sacred sexuality that can happen within an atom, or within the Twin Flame heart of every individual, or between any chakra of two people who join together, or the joining of the Twin Flame Heart of Creation between two or more beings.
The memory of at-one-ment with both God and your Twin Flame, as well as the memory of the extensiveness of your full co-creative potential, is held within your DNA-and the clarion call for the return to conscious at-one-ment has gone forth. The encoding within the DNA for this return has been activated for humanity en masse by both the powerful cosmological alignments we are going through and emanations from the sun.
Physical intercourse is but one possible avenue of expression of true sacred sexuality. And, it is just as divine as the other avenues of expression if used to consciously create more love to be directed for some useful purpose. To consciously procreate a temple into which another soul may enter through this avenue is one of the most holy acts of creation, for to do so is to create a perfect blueprint for all four lower bodies for a soul to inhabit. It is an immaculate conception, or the holding of a pure concept or ideal: the mold of the perfection of God in this domain.
If the consciousness held at the nucleus of your love-making is the immaculate concept of love in its highest frequency, that pattern becomes the resulting substance of your holographic creation-whether or not you are creating a temple for another soul. This multiplied substance can be consciously directed to some useful purpose or creation rather than just allowing it to dissipate into the ethers. TRUE LOVE IS GIVEN - ALWAYS
Though you can receive the magnification of love from another, you can never take love from another. True Love is given, always. It is self-generated, limitless, and self-sustained. Therefore you can see the act of self-gratification and lust is not an act of giving love, but the attempt to take the light from another. This is the consciousness of Separation from Source, in which one believes there is lack of love within them and that lack can be fulfilled by consciously or subconsciously taking the *light or love from another.
Humanity, at large, is in desperate need of sexual healing. It is only when one understands sexuality from a divine perspective that such a healing can take place. You have made contact with this material for a reason. It means that your Twin Flame Heart has been re-awakened. And, in that awakening is the remembrance of yourself as a hologram of God with all your God-creative faculties intact. Understanding the divine and balanced nature of this sacred union is essential to wielding the co-creative powers in a constructive manner.
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.