6th Sense Connection

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Katie Stiller

Our dear sister Katie crossed over on Tuesday morning at 7am.

Sherre told us that astrologically speaking this was an excellent time for Katie to travel and leave this world and it's troubles behind. She will be sadly missed by family and friends. She's survived by her son Shawn and mother Phoebe, three brothers and dear friends.

Anyone who knew Katie, knew she was an amazing spiritual soul. When life gave her lemons,  she made lemonade. She never complained about having cancer or about the trails and tribulations that life offered her. She must have signed up for a lot in her pre-life contract and she worked through it all diligently and kept a positive outlook on life. She continues to be loved by many, it was so easy to love Katie as she was an enlightened soul and a very bright light who has suffered so much and now is pain free.           

She worked with us at 6th Sense Connection- she helped us set up the retail side of our center. Her talents were many and she was amazing at the way she created the displays of crystals and jewelry. We will miss Katie and her loving ways.  We love you Katie and hope you enjoy spending time with your lost loved ones in spirit.  We wish you well in your new life and send you love and blessings. Our loss is spirits gain. 

There will be a memorial service for her next Sunday at Colby Temple in Cassadaga.  

If anyone knows about an inexpensive car for sale- Katie's son Shawn needs one. Shawn was in a bad accident 4 years ago and nearly lost his life.  He was in a coma for months. We call him superman as he fought his way back and went through a lot of physical therapy and is on disability. Please let us know if you know of a car that might be suitable and donations towards a car for Shawn will be accepted.

Lots of love, light & joy

Anne-Marie, Jon, Nick, Trish, Kimilia, Philomena, Sherre, Ana, Teketa, Eric, Karen, Nicole & Beth.  

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