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In this video, Sadhguru discussed more about what is meditation and how does this kind of routine can help us become not only physically healthy but how to have a healthy lifestyle as well. Read more here
SOURCE: Part two of this full half hour interview with Reza Kahili, a former CIA asset embedded inside the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, he reveals that Iran currently has the motivation and the ability to effectively send the United States back to the 1800's with an Electromagnetic Pulse attack.There is absolutely no way that the Islamic Republic of Iran could ever hope to defeat the United States standing toe-to-toe; but just two nuclear weapons detonating high in the atmosphere over the continental United States would fry every microchip within line-of-sight of the blasts. In seconds there will be no more electricity.Few cars built after 1985 will run after an EMP attack, and that includes police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks. When the three days worth of food that any one grocery store is gone, there will be no more deliveries. People dependent on medication or electrical devices to stay alive will die as soon as their insulin runs out or their machine's fail. Water pumps will stop working as they are also electrically powered.Sewage systems will fail almost immediately, contaminating what water may be available; without proper medical care cholera and dysentery will run rampant. and between starvation and disease, up to 90% of the population of the United States will die within one year of the initial attack.Kahlili also explains why the Iranians have no fear of Israel or the United States: The Shia 12er belief in the coming of the Twelfth Imam, Imam Mahdi. According to a video produced by the Islamic Republic of Iran titled "The Coming Is Upon Us" which was revealed to the Western world and translated by Kahlili, once enough blood and violence are visited upon the world, Imam Mahdi will return to unite Islam and supernaturally sweep away the enemies of Allah. They have no fear of US or Israeli atomic weapons, and may actually strike preemptively.
Please Link To: Season Two Finale of The Truth Is Viral wraps up a few loose ends and adds more depth, and video evidence, to the continuing investigation into a massive explosion that rocked hundreds of square miles of Northeastern Michigan; an investigation that has taken a turn for the surreal. On a tip from a source that said they saw US fighter jets intercept and engage a UFO over Lake Huron almost 12 hours after the explosion at around 9:30 pm on June 6th 2012, I went to and looked at the radar returns for that time frame. Much to my astonishment, I saw two planes freeze in mid-air in the airspace off Alpena just before they disappeared from the scope. When you watch this episode of TTiV, you will see them too.I also have video evidence of UFOs flying above the Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center. The first video is one that I shot myself on the night of January 10th 2012; the second is daytime video of what appears to be a classic "Triangle-shaped" TR-3B that was uploaded by NDestinationUnknown on August 25th 2012.The ACRTC by the way is slated to be the new home of a drone R&D, manufacturing, training, and operational center to be built with cooperation from the Department of Defense and General Dynamics. The Federal government wants to have 30,000 drones in the air spying on you in the next few years, and Alpena is going to be a hub of that operation.There is a lot of strange stuff going on up here in Alpena and I'm smack dab in the middle of it. During the course of my investigation I have been arrested, and the CIA sic'd their disinfo lap dog Sorcha Faal on me in an attempt to discredit the fact that an explosion did indeed occur with a ridiculous story about "380 American Rebels Killed By Obama Administration." When they try to discredit your work, that is when you know that you are on to something.To keep up with this story and many others, including the continuing unrest in the Middle East and the coming Gog/Magog War, subscribe to this Youtube channel, join the new TTiV forum to discuss the show at and if you can please go to to make a donation to the fight via Paypal. US Department of Homeland Security has purchased 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition over the recent months, arming Federal agencies as innocuous seeming as the Social Security Administration and the National Weather Service, with the intent to quell the unrest that will accompany a complete societal collapse of the Late, Great, United States of America.They are getting ready; are you? this exclusive interview with former CIA spy Reza Kahlili, he makes the shocking claim that Barack Obama has sent diplomats to Doha Qatar where they met with their Iranian counterparts and have recently signed a deal.The secret deal, something that would truly be an "October Surprise" for the President, would force the US to acknowledge that the Iranian nuclear program is totally peaceful in nature. In return, the Islamic Republic would agree to halt enrichment of uranium.Kahlili says that the Iranians would much prefer having Barack Obama in the Oval Office as opposed to Mitt Romney, who they see as being much more sympathetic to Israel.The full half-hour interview with Kahlili will be available shortly, and it is even more explosive. Stay tuned, Subscribe, Like, and Share EVERYWHERE!
Sinkhole quake jolts further than Bayou Corne Officials: Math doesn't work; end to evacuation is unclear ALERT! IMMINENT!! LA SINK HOLE & NEW ORLEANS! After Sinkhole Flyover: Strongest odor I have ever experienced in all my time in Louisiana Millions to Participate in FEMA Drill Next Week New Threats to Riot if Obama Loses Election experienced-in-all-my-time-in-louisiana-intense-petroleum-fumes-hovering-directly-over-community/ YouTube Truth Summit Hijacked by Joshua Simons or Robert propheticseer THIS IS WHY HE WILL burning in hell Copy this below and share it with EVERYONE you know! District of Columbia Act of 1871 America could be 'taken over,' warns Ross Perot he has birth certificate Iranian Hacker tells the USA to STFU and the Chinese can shut our power off! We are not prepared for WW3 WWIII Is Coming Soon & Here's Why!? New Comet Discovered—May Become "One of Brightest in History" IT IS NOT PLANET X Louisiana Sinkhole Continues to "Eat Up" More Land -- Sep. 26, 2012 UPDATE 9/25/2012 SINKHOLE ALERT "NATURAL GAS COMING OUT OF GROUND EVERYWHERE" Louisiana Alaska F-22s deployed to Pacific even as tensions escalate between China, Japan Big Sis: Obama Ready to Sign "Cybersecurity" Surveillance Grid Executive Order YOU CAN FIND THE TRUTH ON THIS PAGE Sinkhole Geologist: I'm here to tell you I was wrong about low pressure readings — Newspaper: Fear gas could escape through earth and present explosive risk (VIDEO) Zombie Counterterrorism Training in San Diego "Dollar Index Headed for Rapid Collapse" Over Next 3 to 4 Weeks A Burlington County, New Jersey, jury acquitted longtime marijuana legalization and First Amendment gadfly Ed Forchion, better known as the NJ Weedman, on charges he possessed marijuana with the intent to distribute last Thursday after he told jurors he needed marijuana for medicine and that they had the right to vote to acquit him despite the facts in the case.
FIDOCKAVE213 - a World of Imperative change EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS OCTOBER 2012 Note this video does not imply the world is going to end in 2012 EARTHQUAKES FLOODS STORMS SINKHOLES UFOS METEORS HURRICANE FRANKENSTORM SANDY TSUNAMIS solar activity ANIMAL KILLS canninal attacks BIBLE PROPHECY
Jeffrey Gonzalez is one of such, the founder of Sanger Paranormal Society and a UFO chaser for the past four years. He even runs a 24-hour UFO hotline: people call and he investigates claims of UFO sightings. He works as a phone company technician during the day and solves mysteries of the unknown during his time off. He says his background in electronics helps him use the tools to investigate the paranormal. "I go out to the location to where these events happen, I'll talk to the witnesses I will take reference points and I will make sure it's real," he said. Gonzalez drives a research vehicle or "Paranormal Ambulance" equipped with the requisite gear necessary to investigate UFOs: a Geiger counter, an EMF scanner, infrared cameras, and of course, a Sony HandyCam camcorder with night vision.
Time-lapse footage which clearly shows a UFO leaving and returning to a possible base in the mountains of Hawaii. These are not planes. Objects like aircraft on time-lapse videos are stretched, long, thin, cigar shaped if you like. As you can clearly see these object/objects are spherical shaped and are huge. Watch as the object goes behind the mountain on the right for a comparison of its size etc. Footage captured 30th October. ADG Facebook: Follow ADG on Twitter: Kategorie:
SHOWN FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY - SHOWN FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY - Performance artist/comedian Bogosian brings to hilarious life 10 separate oddball characters in a one-man-show. This profane, smart, crisply edited film will have you screaming for more. Starring: Eric Bogosian Directed by: John McNaughton,, Runtime: 1 hour 37 minutes,Release year: 1991...b.
In 1990 a friend used to drive bike to work,saw this on the road.She stops and she start to wonder if this tracks were there from maybe a tractor's wheel, had no clue how it disappeared from the road.And the other smaller inner circle in the center left a deep track too, meaning a veehicle was there.So if it was why and who did it, or if it was a play from a child how it took place during the night,because the time of taking photo was early in the morning.So I start thinking how can a singlewheeled tractor left the road without moving back or forth?Wait for your ideas...
Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss Chinese investors pouring money into silver, while American investors pour money into bonds 33 times faster than into equities. They also look at the latest updates to the mystery of there being no Chinese gold bars in the GLD vaults and on the fly by day operations at the Federal Reserve Bank. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to John Butler, author of The Golden Revolution and chief investment officer of Amphora Capital, about German gold and a German exit from the euro.
The father of a former Navy SEAL killed in the Libya terror attack last month said Friday that U.S. officials who denied a request for help while the diplomatic compound in Benghazi was under attack "are murderers of my son."Charles Woods was reacting to accounts by Fox News sources that a request from the CIA annex for backup was denied by U.S. officials. His son, Tyrone Woods, was killed in the Sept. 11 assault. "They refused to pull the trigger," Woods said. "Those people who made the decision and who knew about the decision and lied about it are murderers of my son." Woods said he forgives whoever denied the apparent request, but he urged them to "stand up." Sources also said Tyrone Woods and others, who were at the CIA annex about a mile from the U.S. consulate, ignored orders by their superiors to stand down and not go to the consulate to help. Woods went to the consulate, and hours later he was killed back at the annex. Charles Woods said his son's action "does not surprise me." "I wish that the leadership in the White House had the same level of moral courage and heroism that my son displayed," he said.
I filmed these UFOs leaving the moon over the course of about 3 days with an 1.5 hour film time. I edited the videos down for time and to get to the "good stuff". Starting to see this happening every single time I point the camera at the moon. This is the first time I have seen them leaving in a pair and 2x at that. What do you think is going on?Don't forget to visit us at and
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.