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If you don't want to be rejected, stop rejecting. It is such a simple thing: don't reject! It is a vicious circle. I can understand: you reject because

you are afraid they may reject you. So it is better to reject from the very beginning - at least you have the upper hand, that you rejected first. So now there is no possibility of them rejecting you - you have already rejected them. But if you reject, then how can they accept? So you have created the possibility for them to reject you. Now you are in a vicious circle.

Because you are afraid of being rejected, you- are creating their rejection continuously. If you are really interested in being accepted by people, then stop rejecting! Even if they reject, you stop rejecting. That is their problem - if they reject, that is their problem. They will not be happy; nobody is ever happy through rejecting. They will suffer - that is their problem, nothing to do with you. You go on loving people.

If you love, sometimes it is possible that they may reject you. They may be just like you - afraid that if they accept you, you may reject them. So they may reject you. But how long can they reject? Once, twice, thrice - by and by, they will see that anand goes on loving them. So the fear is unbased; she is not going to reject them. Even when they are rejecting her she is not rejecting - so why should they reject? Their fear will drop, they will start accepting you. You have to start it, otherwise your whole life will become a misery: And it is a simple thing....

So the first thing to do is, start loving people, saying yes - even if they say no, knowing that they may say no. Okay! If they say no they will suffer from their negativity - why should you bother about it? Say yes and enjoy the freedom that yes brings. Say yes and enjoy the life that yes brings.

Yes-saying is a great, blissful state. Start slowly.... Drop all cautions - cautious people don't live.

Those who live are the people who can live in danger. Gamblers live, cautious people don't live - they do business, they don't live. They hoard money but they don't live, they protect themselves but they don't live. If you really want to live you will have to be ready to move into danger. And this is the greatest danger: rejection.

Millions of people miss love because they are afraid of rejection - and because of their fear of rejection they are rejected. Now they are creating their own problem. Get out of this vicious circle!

And I am not saying to try to do it: simply get out of it. From this moment simply drop it. For one month live without rejection and see what happens. Let it be an experiment - it will be a great experiment in living. For one month just accept people even if they reject you. Say yes even if they say no, love even if they don't return love. For one month be a spendthrift, and after one month tell me.

You will have a totally different face. You will have a radiancy, you will have a flow in life and fear will disappear. If you can give love, fear cannot exist..........♥
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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

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