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A Message from Albert Einstein – Father of Relativity* ~ THE THEORY OF ASCENSION AS IT FITS INTO THE PUBLIC ARENA

There are three Phases of Development in reference to an Awakened Soul within the Human Construct. They are:


The Hall of Ignorance represents mankind; unawakened mankind; those that have no clue that they are beyond just their physicality. There are fully within the third dimensional world and are considered Unaware people, they are asleep in reference to their higher consciousness, have a tendency to blame others for their problems, they do not look within, they are egotistical, they are addicted to their things in life: drugs, alcohol, dysfunction, etc and do not see there is a way to get out as they never look within to their problems.

The Hall of Learning is when an individual starts to realize that there is more to themselves than their physicality, their body, their mind and their emotions. Many individuals just waking up in the last 20 years represent this level. It includes those that have many gifts as the Indigos, Star Children, Crystalline, Golden, and Rainbow children. They can make things happen easily and effortlessly without the physical world’s outer creation. They have strong psychic gifts. This level can also pertain to individuals that are in the self-help programs; they learn the skills to change their thoughts, like “The Secret” teachings; but it does not go beyond that until one day they are met by a master or master(s) usually within the physical world, but Spirit can also have this affect on these individuals through their dream states and visions. This is when they awaken up to themselves and realize they have much more potentiality than they ever realized, but with that realization comes responsibility.

The Hall of Wisdom is when an individual becomes an initiate; they walk unto the pathway of Mastery; learn about teachings of the Masters through the ages, search within books and knowledge for more information. They learn that there is much more to being aware than psychic abilities; they become very involved in global healing and accelerating that healing as they become more aware themselves. They are a master in training.

Now there are several sublevels within the Hall of Wisdom. It includes the initiatory process but each individual has free will to go as far as they choose. Some will stop and not move forward. When an individual gets to the 4th initiation, they have stepped unto the process of Mastership. Now this can include individuals on the self-help level; it depends on what they want to access in their lives and how they want to go about doing it. Each step of the ladder is an acceleration of the Light of the Christ. Individuals are becoming the Christ within.

Once an initiate decides they want to continue, then they accelerate themselves to receive more frequencies. When they reach the 5th initiation, their Higher Self is their guide. There is no turning back and the initiate is indoctrinated into the Brotherhood of White Light. But there are requirements and prerequisites to stay within the Brotherhood. They must follow the rules of selfless service by serving themselves first. They must go through each of the initiation processes to fully accept their own mastery within.

Now many get to this space and hold themselves there. It means that they can help individuals but truly do not step further upwards into the ladder. Everyone has the ability to acquire this level but not all choose to do so.


When an individual starts to realize there must be more to their life than what they are living, they leave the Hall of Ignorance and walk into the Hall of Learning. This level is massive as it includes many types of individuals such as: Self Help students, Newly Awakened Lightworkers and/or Rainbow, Crystal or Indigo’s, who possess many gifts and share them with others. (They can create teleportation, telekinesis, are mediums, psychics, healers, etc.) As Newly Awakened Ones, they do not necessarily take responsibility for their actions; they can be very controlling with energies, lower entities can be in this space. The Universe is at their command and they feel the will to do whatever they want it to do. They have free will but also may lack compassion or responsibility about what they are doing or creating. It is on a momentary basis and can fall and crumble just as much as it can be built. The lower energies are typically guiding them completely. Some stay in this area for a long time and other individuals see that there is a deeper level to who they are as a being. (This area of expertise would be considered the lower aspects in each of the Seven Rays of God for those of you studying them.) These Ones are bringing forth the dynamics of Universal existence, but there are too many other influences that are getting in the way of their full progress. Not to say that these individuals are not powerful; in fact, they probably are very gifted in many ways but they don’t use it with Universal Laws. This school of thought I put forth is to help individuals to see that there is a deeper reasoning process with what they possess which helps them to wake up even more through the process.

When the Learning phase has been initiated, and an individual sees that they must go further in their studies, they step into the Hall of Wisdom. This is where an initiate starts to walk the pathway through their Higher Self and not just their intuitive self of the physical body.

The types of people include self help teachers, gurus, and individuals that follow higher learning. They have now walked into the pathway of mastery as an initiate. They teach about responsibility and learn that everything has a purpose in life. The initiate that is growing through this learns about the Spiritual Hierarchy and the reasons behind why things happen, they apply the teachings to their life and step unto the initiation pathway. Each step on the pathway will take them deeper unto their mastery within.

Once an initiate has walked into the 5th initiation, they are accessing through their Higher Self. THIS IS WHERE MANY STAY. They feel good; they have accomplished a way of being that satisfies them as compared to where they were, so they don’t move further, they think this is the epitome of everything. Most Lightworkers are in this space. They do not go further through the process. This is where the deep work gets deeper. Some may go further; but if they are not ready to handle what they need to acquire, then they will feel lost. The Higher Self will slip backwards, and they will see-saw through the initiations they had already gained.

When one moves to the 6th initiation, everything is stepped up deeply. The initiate is now inducted into the Brotherhood of Light on a trial basis. They come in and out of Shamballa in their dream-state for teachings and wisdom. This is the hardest initiation as there is more responsibility which is put upon an individual in this level.

Once an individual moves into the 7th initiation, then they are fully inducted into the Brotherhood of Light. Now you can be at the 7th and not be fully indoctrinated into the Brotherhood. You must prove your worth to be part of the organization. Many masters do not make this level and filter back into the 5th and sometimes the 4th level due to the extreme responsibility that is put upon the soul to act within their highest wisdom through the physical existence.

This correlates with the dimensional frequencies. Second and third dimensional beings are unawake, fourth dimensional awaken but still fight their process including the old demons within and around them, fifth dimensional beings see that love is the only answer but their full I AM presence must be accepted within the bodily structure still. Some choose to stay at this level as they do not realize the potential to move through the processes. It must be understood that mastering the first seven Rays of God are a pre-requisite for this level. Many are not able to go deeper with that work but still access their Higher Self in certain periods of time. Nothing is guaranteed within the ascension process and this is why so few have done it as yet.

Many will not make the 5th dimensional level even in their consciousness by 12-21-12. Some may feel it and go back and forth through the process. Ascension is truly the full activation of the physical merging of the Lower Self with the Higher Self. It can be done on a consciousness level and yet not be fully actualized within the physical.


To continue reading this channeled message, http://walkingterrachrista.com/2012/11/12/a-message-from-albert-einstein-father-of-relativity/.

In Reflections of Oneness,

I AM Albert Einstein Extending My Essence Unto Yours

Blessings and Love

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~ All Rights Reserved. No reprinting or sharing without including this notice and a link to our website: http://WalkingTerraChrista.com.

Your Daily Reading: “Living Wide Awake™” Opening Your Heart 11-15-12

The big deal today is keeping a focus!
Your energies may seem scattered and you’ll feel like a hummingbird, flitting from one place to another.
Opposing Energies: worry, fear, selfishness, greed, stress, hardship
There are many opportunities to help others, and feel an inner sense of balance.
Wide Awake Words™ for today: openness, friendship, upliftment
Good News for Relationships™:
Today changes your illusions and tests your tenacity for love.
This is a powerful influence opening your heart to being unconditional with your attachments and dreams.
Letting go is moving on to the truth in love.
“Uniting Spiritual Growth with Conscious Living”™
© 2012 The Sage Lady All Rights Reserved.


Prem means love and pramod means joy; joy that comes out of love. That’s the only joy there is. Whenever you love, you are joyful. Whenever you cannot love, you cannot be joyful. Joy is a function of love, a shadow of love… it follows love.

So become more and more loving, and you will become more and more joyful. And don’t be bothered about whether your love is returned or not; that is not the point at all. Joy follows love automatically, whether it is returned or not, whether the other is responsive or not. If you are loving, you are joyful, and that is more than enough, more than one can expect. That is the beauty of love – that its result is intrinsic, its value is intrinsic. It does not depend on the response of the other. It is totally yours.

But people are in very much confusion. They think you become joyful only when love is returned. That’s where they miss. Their whole analysis is based on wrong presumptions and their whole life becomes a misery. Joy follows love. It has nothing to do with whether it is returned by somebody or not.

That’s why, even if there is no god, a man who prays deeply becomes joyful. There may not be any god, but that is not a necessity. The devotee loves – god is just an excuse. It triggers, that’s all. It will be difficult to love without somebody there, so you simply imagine that somebody is there in the heavens, and you become loving towards that reality that you have imagined. Joy follows; it is just a by-product of your love. It has nothing to do with the object of love. The object of love may not exist at all, Still one can be joyful. The object of love may exist and you may be joyless if you are not loving.

People are continuously asking for something in return. Their love is conditional. They say, ’Make me happy, make me joyful, then I will love you.’ Their love has a condition to it, a bargain. They are completely blind. They don’t know that by loving, joy automatically arises. It is a spontaneous by-product. So just be loving.

And it makes no difference to whom you are loving – to a dog, to a cat, to a tree, to a rock. Just sit by the side of the rock and be loving. Have a little chit-chat. Kiss the rock… Lie down on the rock. Feel one with the rock, and suddenly you will see a shudder of energy, an upsurge of energy – and you are tremendously joyful. The rock may not have returned anything, or may have – but that is not the point. You became joyful because you loved. One who loves is joyful.

And once you know this key, you can be joyful for twenty-four hours – if you are loving for twenty-four hours, and you are no more dependent on objects of love. You become more and more independent, because you know more and more that you can love – even if there is nobody. You can love the very emptiness surrounding you. Sitting in your room alone, you fill the whole room with your love. You may be in a prison; you can transform it into a temple within a second. The moment you fill it with love, it is no more a prison. And a temple becomes a prison if there is no love. So love is freedom, love is joy, and in the ultimate analysis, love is god. Jesus says, ’God is love.’ I say, ’Love is god.’


November 14, 2012 an easy 22 mile meditative run, “The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively”

The Svetasvatara Upanishad

May I see the Light which eternally shines
in every star that serves to beautify Your Lotus Heart.
May I be placed in the heavens as a beacon
of Your Light for One and All.
May I be Exalted by my Spiritual Master.
May the peace of the universe be ours. Om.

Under which cause am I born?
Why has Brahman given me life?
What is the individual soul's purpose in the material world?

The intelligence of space and the primitive energy of time
is not my Ultimate Benefactor.
Neither is the randomness of chance the cause of my becoming.
But effects and links in matter, the happiness of the soul is to be found elsewhere.

The seers, heavily immersed in the heights of meditative contemplation,
discovered that the Ultimate Self Luminous Reality
is to be found everywhere and in all individual souls.

Deep within each individual soul is THAT
which controls the motions of space and time.

Perceiving the universe as a gigantic wheel,
all that which is involved in the process of growing and decaying
continues to spin along Brahman's orbit until Self-Realization
is achieved and immortality is the primary nature of the individual soul.

Lost in Transcendence is He who has managed to
bypass the laws of cause and effect.

Such a great soul is heralded by the scriptures
as being none other than the Supreme Brahman of Infinite Size.

Devoted to the Imperishable Substance of Eternity,
the shadow of this cosmic manifestation is easily overcome.

Supporting you as He supports this universe,
free yourself from mind and matter.

Since the beginning of beginningless time,
maya or illusion has had the better portion
of yourself tied to it. Therefore, untie the knot
and realize the connection between the illusory energies
of the individual soul and the Cosmic Reality of the Supreme Brahman.

Your only real duty in this world
is to know what Brahman is
and to see how mind and matter are non-different from Him.

As fire is hidden within wood,
the wood of your body will reveal Brahman's Purity
when rubbed against the transcendental syllable OM.

Brought together through truthfulness and meditation,
the senses are bound by the Light which emanates off of His Love.

Strive with all of your might for the Pure Bliss
which is the property of every individual soul.

The Inner Reality calls out to you now,
asking you to discriminate between Omniscience and finitude.

The Glorious Lord is uncovered by you
in the High Heavens of Immortal Intellects.

Crossing the fearful ocean of worldliness,
use the raft of OM in order to become drunk with the Liberating Love of the Lord.

As you settle down in a sacred space
and engage in meditative practices,
many visions will come to your mind's eye,
but do not think that they are Brahman.

As you become proficient in yoga,
the individual soul will be separable from the body
and you will enjoy the radiance of one who has fled from sorrow.

Becoming all four corners of the Earth
and everything that is made of the five elements,
the Truth will be directly confronted and merged with.

At once the Impersonal Brahman and the Personal Savior,
devote yourself exclusively to THAT
which has no origin and no place of birth.

Destroying the evil impurities of the world,
everyone who is your devotee is concealed from all possible harm.

Filling the universe with Himself,
He mercifully liberates everything that exists
without even knowing that He is doing anything.

Revealing the purity in every lotus heart
is He who has no face and yet shines without break.

Though devoid of senses,
He sees through everyone's senses.

O Divine Brahman,
great in Your formlessness
and even greater in Your formed nature,
fill me with thoughts that are reflective
of You as the fire, sun, air and moon.

In women and men and in the young and the old,
You accompany everyone wherever they go.

Beauty beyond beauties,
You are the thunder cloud of my senses
and the seasons without end.

Illusion being your loyal wife,
the rivers of Your Love
unite the creatures of this world with the creatures up above.

As two birds of golden plumage,
You are simultaneously the witness
of everything and the individual souls who enjoy limitless pleasures.

O Most Worshipful Lord,
being as changeless as the dwelling places of the gods,
Be Yourself and Allow Me To Be.

The Source of every scriptural injunction
and the Source of all religions,
make me into Your Very Form.

As Adorable as Infinite Peace,
seers around the universe cheer You on,
giving You their purified lotus hearts.

Genderless and without seed,
You are Consciousness Itself in its All Knowing Position.

Shining forth with the grace of my Spiritual Master,
Your Grace is ever so delightful and ever so rewarding.

United Through Yoga,
May The Peace Of The Universe Be Ours. OM.

Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy

~ An Observation of Pure and True Love ~ By Pearl Shanti ~ Submitted By Agnes MacEachern ~

By Pearl Shanti Lodur-Lionheart

This is A true story

"An observation of Pure and true LOVE!

During my years I have witnessed selfless LOVE in all living souls, all over the WORLD...

When my son and I were on Isla del Sol,this summer, we experienced something very valuable...

One day as we walked along the trail on our discovery tour, we where suddenly passed by a screaming and running small donkey.
It ran straight to a stoned fenced area where were more donkeys were waiting, along the way.
It looked as if they were of three different breeds... The smallest that was passing us, ran straight up to the largest one, as if they knew each other... They wept and kissed and rubbed their muzzle against each other.

Leopold and I sat down on the grass to take this heart-opening scene of LOVE in to our HEARTS..

The owner, an elderly Inca shaman came panting quite a while later.... He sat down next to us to enjoy what he saw, and with tears of joy on his cheek, he told us:
"These two have lived together all their lives, until the owner could not find this small one, useful... I bought it only to save its life, he can still flourish in many years more...

The two animals, screamed loudly when they became separated, so I made a deal with the two animal souls that I would bring them together once a month, I live on the other side of the island and it takes over an hour to walk each way... I have asked the owner for permission to buy the big one... But he wants to use her a few more years, and then I finally get to buy her ..

The first Sunday of the month is the day where we take our long walk, and the little one knows which day it is already every time... And he always starts to run the last part every time... And this I have to do as well... he laughed... It pleases me to see this big and warm love between these two... This day is my monthly day of LIGHT..."....he smiled...

We sat there with him until the sunset approached..
Then he walked over to the donkey and stroked both of them with a loving hand... He told them how they had only an hour to reach home before it was dark and they had to say their goodbyes now...
The shaman waved us with a warm smile, the little one reluctantly followed after him... He turned incessantly as he searched and gazed for her, she was standing motionless, looking after her beloved... Both knew that they had to go, for the previous owner did not want the little one's existence near her...

The shaman and the little one walking towards the sunset... soft sounds can be heard from the two yearning souls... ALL that they had was to look forward to the next meeting with the LOVED ONE..

I do not know if all of these three races in the picture are called donkey, or how old they are.. I just want to share a observation of LOVE that goes on in the animal world.... a world we HUMANS tend to suppress... My message is that LOVE is in everyone, everything and everywhere...

This photo was taken on Isla del Sol on Lake Titicaca ....

Golden DNA Activations

DNA Perfection

We maxed out the webinar system last night so here is the link to the replays:

How to Activate Your Golden DNA Template for Ascension Session 1:


How to Activate Your Golden DNA Template for Ascension Session 2:


Tonight I will do the 3rd and most powerful Golden DNA Activation, activating strands 9 through 12 and also a bonus activation of the Highest Sutras of Universal Consciousness. You will also learn how you can apply to certify as a Golden DNA Activation Facilitator and learn how to facilitate these sessions for others in your own practice.

Here is the link to register for tonight's important activation:


You need to register again to attend. Please share this with as many people as possible. We need 144,000 Indigos activated to ascend the Earth. Thank you for your help!~

Much love and respect,

the peace of God that is beyond all understandings

This humility is your kingdom on top of the mountain. It so odd that the world see it as undesirable; The world feels that it needs to be a something when overlooking the need of radiates an oneness to all things. It is quite impossible to do both – either you are at one, or trying to be so. The new universe will never be to your rational mind understandings – it has no concept of its ways. Your mind could never serve you in understanding the ways of perfections. These perfections are the touching of God to your reality. God touching our imperfect world causes it to be used as a way to see though its frailties to a more perfect reality – God. You have come close to these understanding in the study of the Tao. LA Tzu has a group of scholars who were accredited to the knowledge and not so much a single individual. They were enlightened in their day to administer the light in poetry and song that would ring in the hearts and mind of the people. Its understandings are to be felt empathically and never intellectually. The intellect can only view the doorway of truth, but never enter therein. You humans are born with the gift of an emotional body: in Sanskrit kama-rupa or desire body. It houses your intention toward people and life in general. It also reflects the moon in its waters of understanding if its waters remain still enough. This is the purpose of all forms of meditation; however, it peace is to be taken it and not intellectual gathering to appease the ego control of finite ideas. The peace of God is beyond all understanding and should not be attempted to understand it; it is beyond it. I say so for if it weren’t infinite it would be finite and the opposite of the truth.

If you do enjoy my blogs and what to learn more, buy my current book ‘the enigma of God, a revelation to man’ it is on my home page – visit it now! When you do, subscribe to my post… love and light….Frank M. Antonetti
http://www.alternativespiritualitybook.org/works /
Oh yes before you leave do view my you tube show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfaEqXRDvHw&feature=youtu.be&noredirect=1

Polymorphism in crystals


In crystal talk, polymorphs refer to solid compounds which have the same chemical composition (and vapors), yet are very different in their crystalline forms.

Differences in crystalline forms were first discovered in the 1820s by a German chemist, Eilhard Mitscherlich.

There are several polymorph minerals. I am going to talk about two minerals that all of us are familiar with: graphite and diamond. Both graphite and diamond are polymorphs of carbon, which means that both of them are composed of exactly the same thing: pure carbon. However, they differ greatly in their crystalline structure and properties.

Below are brief descriptions on graphite and diamonds…


Graphite is a very soft mineral (1 – 2 hardness)

Graphite is believed to be produced by carbonates and organic material that metamorphosed (completely changed in form or nature) into rocks. Coal is even thought to metamorphose into graphite.

Graphite crystals are hexagonal in shape and usually grow as large alternating layers of veins or as scaly granules in metamorphic rock. Graphite’s structure consists of parallel sheets of weakly bonded hexagonal carbon atoms in an orderly arrangement on top and below each sheet.

Graphite is silvery black (opaque), fairly dull in appearance and can be quite flaky (like the Gem Maven).

Graphite is a good conductor of electricity.

Uses of graphite: pencil “lead,” a mineral that toughens steel and a slippery lubricant. This lubricant is used in materials to build autos, aircraft and golf club shafts.

It’s interesting to note that at our atmospheric temperature and pressure, graphite is a stable form of carbon.


Diamonds are a very hard mineral (#10) because of their framework. Under extreme heat and pressure, diamonds start growing when one carbon atom bonds to four other carbon atoms creating a very strong bond. If another carbon atom comes close, that too will bond with the others. BTW, most crystals grow this way… one atom locking into another one, creating a repeating network. For those who are wondering how many carbon atoms make up a one carat diamond…Billions and Billions.

Diamonds crystals are isometric (equal dimensions or measurements).

Diamonds are usually transparent.

Diamonds are an excellent electrical insulator and a superb abrasive.

Diamonds represent status and wealth.

A few words about diamonds…

Diamonds grow deep in the Earth’s crust, however many diamonds are found at or near the Earth’s surface. These “surface” diamonds are a result of underground volcanic activity that happened deep within the Earth a very long time ago when the Earth was much hotter. The violent volcanic eruptions carried the already formed diamonds from the upper mantle to the Earth’s surface. The huge amount of volcanic material caused by the eruptions reached the surface of the Earth and eventually cooled. Diamonds were found in the mixture. This process where diamonds were brought to the surface is called the “Kimberlite” eruptions and it is believed to have happened quickly ( 20 – 30 miles per hour). If it was a slow moving process where the diamonds went from a very high temperature to a lower temperature, these already formed diamonds would have turned back to graphite. By reaching the surface this way, there wasn’t enough time and energy for the carbon atoms to have become rearranged and turn back into graphite. Over a very LONG period of time, if these diamonds aren’t found, they will eventually transform to graphite.

Just to confuse you more, other polymorphs of carbon are…. graphene, (very similar to graphite, except the atoms are arranged in a one atom thick sheet), carbon nanotubes (Yeah, that’s kinda technical for me too) and buckyballs (ditto).

You may be asking yourself how and where carbon forms.
No one is exactly sure where carbon forms. Some say that it originated inside the Earth’s mantle while others believe that it formed near the Earth’s surface. It may have come from carbonate sediments, animals, plants and shells that were carried into the Earth’s upper mantle by the plate tectonics (large scale motions of our planet many years ago).

A few words on other polymorphs…

Calcite and aragonite are polymorphs of calcium carbonate.

Calcite is the more stable form of calcium carbonate.

Aragonite will quickly change into calcite when exposed to temperatures of 880 F (470 C). At room temperature, it takes much longer.

Silica has 3 different polymorphs, one being quartz. The other two silica polymorphs are: tridymite and cristobalite. Tridymite is a new term for me, however cristobalite is not. Cristobalites are the grayish white “snowflake” formations on snowflake obsidian.

Get it......give it.......grow in it

Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not impress. Don't strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt........unknown author

Wednesday 11/14/12

Good afternoon. Today, we’re going to shift gears in a major way with the message. For nearly two weeks we’ve been talking about surviving the storms and moving forward in our life. Today we’re going to hear more about the latter from two of our beloved decks. The Archangel Oracle has a message for us as well as the Tree Magick cards. It will be lengthy, like the journey, but many of us are going through similar journeys right now.

The Gingko Tree – “Treasures that arrive like gifts from heaven may be of the spirit or the earth. A rare and fruitful event is forecast for you to treasure, symbolized by the ‘silver fruit,’ the translation of the Chinese word yin-kuo, or Gingko. The event will be quite extraordinary, because the Ginkgo is the only surviving member of a species so ancient that its leaf veins predate those found in any other living tree. Fall could bring a spectacular change, as the fan-shaped leaves turn from apple-gold to brilliant yellow. Someone may need to fan the flames of passion. The Chinese call the Gingko the “godfather godson tree,” because it takes one or two generations to produce fruit. Rich rewards, destined for you when the time is ripe, cannot be hastened.”

There has been so much that has happened recently that could be urging us to reignite the flames of passion in our lives. And when we say passion we are not just talking about the flames of passion in a relationship, but it is possible that this is the message for you today. There may have been stagnation in your life that has prevented you from moving forward towards what you are passionate about. If the flames are there but only in the embers of your spirit, there is someone in your life that can help to fan them to reignite what drives you. Finding this person may be difficult. Discerning who this person is may be an enigma. There are clues all around you as to whom you need to turn to in order to alight your spirit.

We are also being lead to remember that it takes time for our efforts to produce fruit. We have to plant the seed in order for the plant to grow. There must be a time period that has to pass in order for the tree to grow tall enough to produce the luscious fruit that can be given to others. We may have already grown to the point where we can produce this fruit, but because of the stagnation in our hearts and spirits, we aren’t seeing any. There may be a drought inside that has prevented the nourishment required to produce. What is it? What caused it? Are we strong enough to look? Do we have what it takes to continue the work in order to produce that which we are called to?

Archangel Haniel – “Trust and follow your renewed passion in your love life and career. Playing it safe can lead to staleness and depression. You’ve asked for more happiness and definite direction. I’ve lit the flame of passion in your heart to lead and guide you. It’s safe for you take risks and follow your heart’s desire. Ask me to be your partner along your path of passion, to guide and nurture you. When you feel a strong knowingness, alongside a burning passion, pay attention, as this is my way of giving you information about your next step.”

When things seem to continuously go wrong because of decisions we’ve made, there is a danger that we just stop. Stop our path, stop our passion, and stop our movement. When this happens, we can really find ourselves in negative mind loops. Those we’ve strived so hard to release and not allow to hold us back anymore. When we fall into our own traps like these, we don’t know how to get out. We don’t know what we can do to get back our vim and vigor in order to jump back on track and get on with our lives with new and renewed passion. We have to re-learn, and rekindle the flames of passion that once moved us. It was said before that we may need assistance in this. Archangel Haniel can be one of the guides that you turn to in order to accomplish this. She will put people in your life that will help you rekindle what you feel you’ve lost.

Truth is, you’ve never lost it, and you just might have lost sight of it. You may have just misplaced what you’ve known or replaced what you’ve know with a different path. Sometimes we don’t always take the path that we know is going to be in our best interest or in the interest of our path. We do have the ability to turn around and make our way back to where we started going. We don’t have to sit in the fear that our every decision will cause more destruction in our lives. Like we had heard several times over the last couple of weeks, we can rebuild. We can use the passion that Haniel can reignite within us to get on track. We can use this renewed passion to reach the “safe” feelings we once had.

What if we’ve never felt safe? What if we’ve never felt that we could trust that path that is lain out before us? What if the events in our lives continuously hit brick walls and we feel that we can’t get to where we are going? Here’s an interesting perspective to think about…what if we were? What if the illusion of fear was so present in our minds that we had been moving forward the whole time and just didn’t realize it? What if our entire lives have been building up to the point where we can actually turn and look at the accomplishments and failures and realize that we did EXACTLY what we were supposed to? Haniel is coming to us today, to those of you who truly need this, to remind us of this fact. In order for us to learn, we have to be educated. What better way to learn and appreciate the lessons than to actually go through them? This is a bittersweet and probably enraging perspective for some, but it is true. How can we “know” if we haven’t been there? So what does all this mean?

Tree of Heaven – “Aim high. Gifts of heaven will be granted to you. Dream, plan and believe. Like the tree of Heaven, whose name Ailianthus altissima means “strong enough to reach heaven,” great news will inspire you to stretch yourself beyond your usual boundaries. You are destined to succeed in your chosen field; with tenacity, you strive higher than others toward the light. As the Tree of Heaven appears skeletal in Winter, so your ambition will endure and mature with nobility, even in harsh circumstance such as isolation or overcrowding. You may soon be mixing in an all-female or all-male group to achieve an aim. You may reap the rewards of your lofty success in June, when the Tree of Heaven’s large clusters of sweet-smelling, pea-like flowers bloom. And when its pretty-winged, fluttering seed envelopes fly in the Fall, you will see that it was worth reaching for the stars.”

You can’t force growth. This much is known. When we are faced with being pushed in a direction that we are not comfortable going in, we fight back. We resist. The seed was planted and what we do with it is up to us. We can react with fear, with complacency. Or we can be grateful for the sowing. Our initial reaction may be to lash out, but let it set. Let it take root and see what is produced. We can stretch our consciousness to new heights if we just allow ourselves. We are almost through the Fall season, Winter is nearly upon us. We see the trees have responded to the change in temperature and placement of the Sun. We know that we are approaching the months where being inside and having the opportunity for contemplation and planning is in our grasp. There can be movement when there is “death” around us. It is not the end. We know that in Spring, just a few months away, we can see that life is always renewed.

Much like our passion, which can be renewed if we allow it, things move. Things happen. Decisions are made. Seeds are planted. Ideas are brainstormed. We can make the needed changes in our thinking and our passions in order to begin to bear fruit for us to reap in the summer. Patience, faith and trust are necessary elements when following dreams and passions. The question was raised not too long ago, possibly yesterday, as to why it is so much easier for people to frown than it is to smile. Even though it takes more muscles and more effort to frown, it is what is easy to us. We don’t exactly know why, but it is.

The point of that was many of us are stuck in ruts of comfort zones that we want to break free from. But we are afraid of the work we know is required to get to where we want to go. Dreams happen, but not without work. Passion is followed, but not without renewing it. Renewal requires work. Comfort zones just are. We know them. We know what to expect. We may not like it, but we know the outcome without having to put too much effort into it. What we don’t realize is that we are putting effort in that is not healthy to our passion, our health, or our heart. Our spirit gets diminished when we just give in and stay where we are comfortable because it is “easier.” Our relationships suffer more because of our misery. Our finances suffer because we are always waiting for the next shoe to fall. Our health suffers because we are stressed all the time. We lose sleep, drag our heels, give in to anger, and ignore the signs that could move us away from this.

We have been given gifts from Heaven. We have guides to help us with these gifts. We have the resources within us to do what we know in our hearts we should be doing. What we need more of us Faith, Hope, Patience, and Surrender. Because of the world around us “expecting” certain things from us, we usually feel we don’t have time for any of those things. The world wants us to move when it says move regardless of how it is going to affect us. This comes to us in the forms of food cost, credit cards, mortgages, taxes, and other things that WE have created to control the world around us. We put people in power to continue this tradition on. We’ve heard recently that the traditions that we are surrounded by are illusion and many of them aren’t working in our favor anymore. Not enough people who’ve made this realization are standing up to make the changes to get away from illusion and move towards truth.

By living your truth, finding your passion, and renewing your spirit, you can make a difference. It may seem small to you, but because we are all connected, there is a root system that starts to jut out from you and touch others. Be the change you want to see. How many times have we heard this? If you want to see the world around you change, you have to change the world within first. Renew your passion. Live your truth. Yes, this is redundant, but the messages are circling around us waiting for us to take them in our hearts and be the beings of light we’ve ALL been called to be. We know the darkness, most of us have lived there all our lives. We can step out of the darkness, reignite the embers that are nearly out, and see the light that truly is around us. It is not an easy path to take. It is not completely welcomed in the world around us. There are those who are so comfortable living in the darkness that they will attempt to drag any and all of us down. They are so afraid to see the light and the truth that they will devour anyone who attempts to do otherwise. You CAN be the change you wish to see. It is scary, it is terrifying, but it is also glorious, fruitful, and full of love.

If any of this is confusing to you, write down in a journal what you feel you need to focus on. Meditate on it. Send a private message to your reader or a friend for clarity. The answer will present itself in the manner that it is supposed to be. Life’s changing. Doors are opening. The challenge is whether or not we have the strength, faith and brevity to walk through them. We can help each other on our individual paths. We are connected after all.

Je Vous Aime Tous!

~White Raven~

Twin Eclipses of November 2012

Twin Eclipses of November 2012 ~ A message from Guruji Krishnananda

The period between the twin eclipses of 13th November and 28th November is an extremely important decisive phase for the events leading to the Light Age.

An eclipse is not just a physical phenomenon, several Spiritual energies are released as well which help in our transformation. Meditating or channeling Light helps in assimilation of these beneficial energies.

Those who wish to enter the Light Age will have to become completely pure and constantly radiate Love and Light. Since this is not easy given the external environmental conditions and our own weaknesses, out of immense compassion, the Light Masters have given us a great opportunity. They say that if we just choose to be good, simple, honest, truthful and peaceful, if we just choose to positive no matter how we are right now, and if we choose Light, then they will clear our Karma and help us enter the Light Age.

The eclipse on November 13th is a time marker for using our Freewill to choose Light. This choice has to be from the level of the soul and not just an intellectual decision. This means that we choose to let go of jealousy, strong anger, hatred, aggression, revenge and violence of all kinds. Choosing Light means forgiving, even if we cannot forget, and moving on. Choosing Light means our will to radiate only Love, Light and Peace, irrespective of the situations around.

Once we choose genuinely from our soul, the Light Masters will help us in every way. The Light Masters are trying to do everything possible to see that all of us sail through the events of 2012. There will be more confusion, turmoil and turbulence. These are tests; be careful, have faith and do not panic. Even with our shortcomings, the Light Masters are willing to help us provided we choose to change and make honest efforts to positive.

May everyone choose Light.

Sequencing of asanas, pranayama and meditation

New Members: It is recommended you read from the beginning of the archive, as previous lessons are prerequisite to this one. The first lesson is, "Why This Discussion?" at http://aypsite.com/10.html

Q: I combine some other strengthening exercises like push ups, squats, etc. along with yoga. Some of these exercises consume lots of energy. So, when I follow this with pranayama & meditation, I feel the 'freshness' of the meditation is reduced due to the other activities. So, is it alright if I first do the meditation and then do the Yoga/Exercises and then pranayama? I would like your suggestion to resolve this problem. Thanks a lot for the continued guidance.

A: Thank you for writing and sharing.

As you have figured out, exercise is best done after meditation, not right before. With meditation, we are systematically bringing the mind and body to stillness. This stillness is a primary source of all spiritual progress.

Asanas and pranayama are part of this process of going to stillness. With easy bending and stretching we begin to quiet the nerves, and prepare the spinal nerve for pranayama. With pranayama, we further quiet our entire nervous system and cultivate it in a way that prepares it for deep meditation. That is the traditional sequence for best results in a routine of practices -- asanas, pranayama, and meditation. And it really does work.

I suggest you consider doing the easy bending and stretching portion of your asanas at the beginning, then do pranayama, and then meditation, so you can get the full benefit of the above-mentioned sequence. After meditation and adequate rest coming out, then it is a good time to do more vigorous physical exercise.

So, first we do those things in the best order to take us in to pure bliss consciousness, and then we come out refreshed and ready to be active in the world. Vigorous activity after meditation is not a problem once we have taken time to come completely out. Activity helps stabilize the bliss and ecstasy in our nervous system. That is how we transform to become the walking enlightened, instead of the walking whatever we were before.

The guru is in you.

Note: For detailed instructions on sequencing practices in our daily routine, see the AYP Eight Limbs of Yoga book at http://aypsite.com/books.html#8lim


Teach Me How to Meditate with Heart

Where to begin with caring for your heart. Diet and exercise are great, yes, but many people are not able to develop a regular schedule for these things. Thus the epidemic of obesity and diabetes. Heart Meditation Practices can help you become more masterful of your own domain. Here's what I recommend:

Start by touching your heart. This is a gentle practice where you use your breath and some visualization.

Next, make your heartrate rhythmic and solid. This is called heart coherence and it will help you be healthier and have more self-control.

Find a place to sit and meditate. Having even just a chair in your home or business that is your meditation chair can have a helpful impact on developing a daily practice.

Learn more about how your heart is your true power source. All good things radiate out from it and the more you help that along by giving your heart your breath and your attention, the better.

Explore your heart. Meditate on your heart. Listen to your heart. Trust your heart to lead you to your life's purpose.

Begin this journey with your next breath..



present to ourselves

the lessons
we are to learn
in the School of LOVE
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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales. Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas. RELAJACIÓN MÚSICA, MÚSICA RELAX, MÚSICA MEDITACIÓN, MEDITATION MUSIC, FRECUENCIAS SANADORAS, MUSICA ALTERNATIVA, MUSICA SANADORA, MUSICA PARA SANAR EL ALMA, HEALING MUSIC, MUSIC FOR HEALING,healing frequency, FREQUENCY TO HEAL, MUSICA ESPIRITUAL, SPIRITUAL MUSIC, MUSICA DELFINES, DOLPHIN MUSIC, MUSICA NEW AGE, MUSICA REIKI, MUSICA YOGA, MUSICA DE BALLENAS, RELAX MUSIC FRECUENCIAS SAGRADAS SOLFEGGIO