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Collection Of Rumi Sayings (11)

(See The Friend Directly)

Retreating into Allah's Love
is one of the sole cures for treating
a heart that suffers from the subtle nature of a crooked mind.

If you want to be healed eternally,
burn in your desire to be
privileged enough to see the Ultimate Friend
which stands by your side.

Wanting to receive a vision of your Greatest of Friends,
attentively devote yourself to your divine conception of Him.

By totally standing next to Him,
the grace that is fathomless
to the residents of this universe is yours.

Transcending the space of this sky,
a whole new universe beautifies your soul's vision.

Your body being comparable to a saucepan
and your soul to eatable foods,
stir up the flames of divine passion
and let its flames boil the truth of Friendship within you.

(Love Is All That Exists)

Drunk on Love,
Love is all that I care for.

Without the key of love,
no one knows how to open the door
that is Allah's Celestial House.

Knocking on His Heart,
Allah shall knock on yours.

In so doing, Allah asks of you
to eradicate your self-will.

Without doing so,
Allah's attention is placed elsewhere.

Eternally joined as Lover and Loved,
your heart is solely His.

Embracing the Soul of all souls,
the perfection of Love is self-manifest
and obvious to those who Care.

Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy

Your Daily Reading: “Living Wide Awake™” Open Your Romantic Opportunities 11-18-12

While temporary difficulties may have setbacks, they are not long-term.
Keeping balanced books is the message for self employed individuals.
Opposing Energies: disagreements, let-down, loneliness
Hard work is required now to make the progress to your dreams.
Wide Awake Words™ for today: faith, vision, progress
Good News for Relationships™:
A spark has happened.
However, the stress and fear from past relationships lingers, and the attraction may be hampered.
This is a growth curve.
A positive mind and some emotional reassurances may release some of your “shell of protection” and open your romantic opportunities.
“Uniting Spiritual Growth with Conscious Living”™
© 2012 The Sage Lady All Rights Reserved.

Spiritual Friends (Poem)

When these two existences manifested
as us met for the millionth time,
first in this life
our inner knowing smiled,
Shed a glistening tear--
our vibrations heightened
as our paths seamed together.
Transcending all shame and fear.
Our destinies knit into intricate
Indigo mandala. Source sent
beaming lights into our crowns,
grappled our tongues instigating
a spiritual song in form of human
interaction between our fleshed
astral bodies. You've been my guru,
I've been yours. Both each other's
Students in this school world. I
Wouldn't be the person I know
Now if our seeming parallel lives never
Intersected. Your presence resurrects
me. Your true essence awakens my own,
Ignited my inner lotus to grow. What we
Share is above love, it's joy -- the vibration
Of enlightenment. And those moments
When we treaded on rubble roads
Only fused our souls into further wholes
A sort of oneness the shadow can't
Separate. When I close my eyes I see
Magnificence. Higher than any beauty
I see with these organic eyes. The
Ethereal hand that took me out
Of illusion's spell. The spirit that took
Me out of self-created hell. Released
Negative Emotions that only in the
past now dwell. Taught me how to
Dwell in the only time we have that
Obliterates time and pain itself--
The now.
I now know with all of me that we've
always been something. Whether
It be companions or enemies,
siblings or lovers. We were something
To each other during these many lives.
Even if a gargantuan ocean or
Galaxy divides disregarding
Linear time.
I'm a honored to have a friend like you.

Copyright 2012 - Eva X.


The functioning of the heart and the mind are totally different; not only different, but diametrically opposite. The mind creates philosophies, theologies, ideologies -- they are all questions that don't have any answer.
The heart simply waits. At the right moment, the answer blossoms by itself. The heart has no question, yet it receives the answer. The mind has a thousand and one questions, yet it has never received any answer because it does not know how to receive.

The heart knows no questions.
And this is one of the mysteries of life: that the mind questions the whole life long and never receives any answer, and the heart never asks but receives the answer.

Not only does the mind disturb your peace, your silence; it disturbs it to such an extent that the heart -- which is capable of listening to silence, waiting, receptive -- is denied all connection with your being. The mind monopolizes your being; it simply puts the heart
aside. And because the heart is silent, and a gentleman, it does not quarrel; it simply goes down the street, waits by the side of the road.
Mind wants to occupy the whole space.
The disciple has to understand this whole situation -- that the dictatorship of the mind has to be destroyed, that the mind is only a servant, not a master. The master is the heart, because all that is beautiful grows in the heart; all that is valuable comes out of the heart - - your love, your compassion, your meditation.

Anything that is valuable grows in the garden of the heart.
Mind is a desert, nothing grows there -- only sand and sand and barren land. It has never given any fruit, any flower. You have to understand it: mind should not be supported as much as you have been supporting it up to now. Mind has to be put in its right place.
The throne belongs to the heart.
And this is the revolution through which the disciple becomes a devotee: when the heart
becomes the master, and the mind becomes a servant.
This has to be remembered: that as a servant, the mind is perfect. As a master... it is the worst master possible; as a servant, it is the best.

And the heart -- wherever it is, either on the throne or on the street -- is your only hope,
the only possibility for you to be bridged with your being, to be bridged with existence. It
is the only possibility for songs to arise in you, stars to descend in you, for your life to
become a rejoicing, a dance.

When you are indifferent, the mind starts feeling as if there is nobody -- what is the point
of all the questions? Because you are interested, curious, you get involved, you are giving juice to the mind.
Indifference to the mind is meditation.

And all those questions will disappear, because they are absolutely meaningless. And when the chattering of the mind has disappeared, there is a silence, a peace, so that you can hear the still, small voice of your heart. Only the heart knows the answer... it already knows it.
And if you are with a master, the heart simply says yes to the master, because the heart knows the answer already. Perhaps the master is putting it in a better way, more
articulate, but the heart is in complete agreement. And that agreement dissolves all distances between the master and the disciple.

Then silence is not only silence, it is also communion.
Then things are not said but heard; then things are not said but shown.
And when the heart is totally willing, life is such a simple, uncomplicated phenomenon that you cannot conceive of anything more simple.
It is the mind which creates complications, goes on creating complications and questions. Mind's whole expertise is to create complications.

If you want to live a simple, a beautiful, a silent, a joyful, a blissful life, let the mind be
ignored and let the heart be restored to its status as master. This is the whole work of a religious seeker; nothing more is needed.

Light and Sound on the Path -- Remember the Forgotten Melody -- New Newsletter/Blog

Light and Sound on the Path -- Remember the Forgotten Melody -- New Newsletter/Blog:
@ Blogger: http://SantMatRadhasoami.Blogspot.com/2012/11/remember-forgotten-melody-light-and.html
@ Wordpress: http://SantMatRadhasoami.Wordpress.com/2012/11/17/remember-the-forgotten-melody-light-and-sound-on-the-path-sant-mat-radhasoami-surat-shabd-yoga


November 17, 2012 an easy 54 mile meditative run, “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.”


Some people ask me in whom do you believe
Other say believe in what; where does it take you
I think, I ponder and I conceive
It’s my higher power that’s whom I receive

There is no name I put to it
So no man can tear it down
It doesn’t have face
It doesn’t wear a crown

It comes without a sermon
But, It’s always by my side
I couldn’t live without it
It’s part of my light inside

I believes yours is right for you
By what ever name you've choose
So long as you have your higher power
You can never loose

Thanksgiving and living with thankfulness

Thanksgiving is approaching quickly; the stores are packed, traffic is bustling, and Black Friday ads are everywhere. As we choose how we will celebrate this holiday, I pause to reflect on both the concept of living with daily thankfulness and on the bravery of those first European Americans who braved the “New World”, gave up creature comforts, and set out for an unknown new life. Of the 102 emigrants who boarded the Mayflower and intended to begin life anew in America, 45 died the first winter, suffering from scurvy, lack of shelter, and from the general conditions on the ship (though they had landed at Plymouth Rock, they stayed on the ship that first winter as they lacked shelter.) Yet those first immigrants lived with determination, hope, faith, and strong will and work ethic.

It has been 391 years (the first Thanksgiving was in 1621) since our first Thanksgiving and the changes in creature comforts, availability of food, and general life has clearly dramatically changed. Besides these obvious wonderful changes, something else seems to have changed in our country that is less desirable, involving an attitude change. The first European immigrants were grateful to leave Europe and gain the privilege of freedom of thought and religion; they expected nothing other than freedom as they began their new life; no handouts, no help, nothing for free. Those first immigrants were grateful to the Native Americans for their help and knowledge. Today our attitude for many has dramatically changed, some have lost the feelings of hope, of making it on our own, and of appreciation of the freedoms we sometimes take for granted. This attitude change can at times cripple self-esteem, motivation, and the feeling of thankfulness.

The idea of being thankful is very powerful. Our life feels better when we are thankful; we are happier and more motivated when we live with gratitude. Moreover we raise our energetic level when we live with gratitude. So on this week of Thanksgiving I made a list of some of the things many of us can be thankful for:
1. A relatively healthy body…the ability to see, hear, feel, smell, taste, and move.
2. A home or place to live in and food to eat.
3. Being able to give and receive love in our life….love of family and friends.
4. Being gainfully employed.
5. Having the blessing of pets in our life.
6. Being able to enjoy the beauty of nature in our world.
7. Having the world of knowledge at our fingertips and the blessing of being able to tap into that knowledge at will.
8. Having the ability to “connect” with and talk to loved ones anywhere in the world in seconds.
9. The blessing of having music, art, and culture around us. With the additional blessing of being able to turn it on, plug it in, or go to see, hear, or experience music, art, and theater.
10. Freedom of religion.
11. Freedom of thought.
12. Freedom of speech.
13. The ability to seek highly trained medical help at will.
14. The ability to travel relatively easily; to move quickly across continents and oceans.
15. The ability to travel locally more easily than at any other time.
16. The ability to purchase almost anything at a store or through the internet.
17. The ability to read, think, and study at will; having the greatest minds of all time available to study from.
18. Schools, Universities, and programs available to learn from.
19. The blessing of having faith.
20. The blessing of interaction.

27 Major Improvements

Now that our brand new upgrade is finally complete we are super pleased to announce 27 Major Improvements to your community. Here is a short list to get you started below.

1. Pages. Every Page now comes with the ability to add a Cover photo, admins and Shoutbox. Here is fresh example from Dr. Mia Rose called "Soulwoman Sanctuary" www.spiritualnetworks.com/soulwoman Additional upgrades will offer Blogs and Timeline capabilities that you can turn on and off at the touch of a button.

2. Comments. For the first time ever Pages that you choose to LIKE will now transport comments to your Home activity feed. This juicy tidbit should result in a massive jump in engagement rates as we progress into the New Year.

3. Activity Feed. Many of you have already discovered the SORT button which gives you the power to select "Top Stories or Most Recent" posts just like FB. Members who generate a consistent stream of quality content should see a major boost in visibility moving forward.

4. Photos. Theatre Mode Photo gets a major shot in the arm with 25% greater resolution. Check out this beauty from Sonya Jean called "Radiance of the Divine." www.spiritualnetworks.com/photo/134949/radiance-of-the-divine If you right click any photo on your activity feed to "Open File" the net result is a giant full page layout of your favorite pic.

There you have it my friends. Just a few goodies for your viewing pleasure and please stay tuned as future upgrades will include iPhone/Android APPs, Activity Point Store, Premium Pokes, Ultra Photo Albums and more!

Much love,
Jason heart

Srimad Bhagavatam - First Canto, Ch.2

After lovingly meditating on Sukadeva Gosvami,
Suta Gosvami started to further praise this exalted soul.

Able to penetrate the hard hearts of anyone and everyone,
Sukadeva Gosvami departed from his ancestral home
without receiving the brahmin initiation
in order to engage in pure renunciation.

Vyasadeva, his father, knowing of his
newly formed decision, cried out to his son
in an attempt to keep him from leaving.
Deeply immersed in separation,
this devotee of the Lord made
the whole world tremble with ecstasy.

O Sukadeva Gosvami, let me glorify you eternally.
Having an ocean of compassion for those
who are struggling with the darkest realms of ignorance,
you offer every soul the most confidential
and nectarian verses of Vedic knowledge.
Personally in touch with the Lord,
deliver us from this state of misery.

I also wish to thank the sages
who are gathered here,
for your questions about Sri Krishna
are especially relevant to the well being of the universe.
Only questions that are concerned with transcendence
can fully ameliorate the happiness of every living entity.

The best duty for this universe
is that which enables souls to succeed
in a loving devotional relationship with the Lord.
In order for this devotional relationship to succeed,
it must be free of all personal motivations and wanton desires.

By being a devotee of Sri Krishna,
infinite knowledge is easily had
and renunciation is as free flowing
and mellow as a spring time breeze.

Driven by duties of every variety
and of every grade of consciousness,
such work is quickly turned into
unnecessary labor if the duty at hand
does not open the heart up to
the transcendental knowledge of Sri Krishna.

Thus, your duty should ideally lead
the soul within you to the Absolute
platform of spiritual liberation.
Foolish is he or she who only works
for material profits and debts.

Not making the goal of life
the satisfying of the senses,
human life is designed to make
the heart and mind strive for the Absolute Truth.

Every transcendentalist who is in touch
with the Absolute Truth qualifies
the whole as being Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan.

Whosoever is more than familiar with
knowledge and renunciation realizes
the Absolute Truth by way of devotional service.

O twice born sages, the highest goal
of human work is to perform your duties
with the sole aim of satisfying the abode of bhakti
that is the Personality of Godhead.

With a fully concentrated heart,
please incessantly hear about and remember
the protector of devotees, Sri Krishna.

With the sword of intelligence,
slash away at and destroy the knots
of karmic activities by remembering your Beloved.

By serving great sages who are in love
with the Lord, the greatest of services is performed
and a taste for hearing about the Lord emerges.

Sri Krishna, who is in the heart of every living entity,
gets rid of all desires which hampers the soul
from diving into the virtues of transcendental messages.

By routinely hearing the messages of Srimad Bhagavatam
and by serving the pure devotee, the heart is cleansed
of its vices and service to the Lord
is seen as all-consuming to the soul.

When devotional service is firmly fixed
in the lotus heart of a devotee,
passion and ignorance,
along with all of their innumerable side effects,
diminishes to the point where only goodness reigns.

Liberated from materiality,
the knot of the heart is cut open
and the chain of karma is vanquished
when the self is seen as the spiritual master.

Enlivened by the self and for the Supreme Self,
transcendentalists have filled their time
with activities related to Sri Krishna.

As the Absolute Truth, Sri Krishna manifests
as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
Out of these forms or qualities of the Lord,
set your sights on Vishnu, who is the representative of goodness.

By goodness alone is transcendence achievable.

Whosoever follows in the footsteps of
learned transcendentalists is sure to rise above
the qualities of nature, including the quality of goodness.

Not desiring to worship the demigods of the elements,
they who are wise and unenvious worship
the blissful form of Vishnu and His Associates.

Urged on by material benefits and boons
such as receiving more wealth and power,
the unwise are more prone to solely celebrating
the ancestors and other conditioned living entities.

Celebrating Sri Krishna as the goal of every mystic process,
all actions, words and sentiments are used to further
the soul's loving relationship with Him.

Existing before the creation of this universe,
the Personality of Godhead expanded Himself
into everything by way of His Internal Energies.

Although He is within every quality of nature,
He is still fully transcendental to everything.

As Paramatma or the Supersoul,
He appears as multiple forms,
but in Reality He is the One who has no second.

In charge of every demigod, human and animal,
He takes on the role of various incarnations
in order to save those who are essentially good.

Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy


The attached link will take you to an article about the after-death experience or what one calls the Bardo! Enjoy!

~ How to Manifest Anything Through Your Oceanic Existence ~ By Jafree Ozwald ~ Submitted By Agnes MacEachern ~

How to Manifest Anything Through Your Oceanic Existence

By Jafree Ozwald

"Be not bewildered. Do not strain yourself to understand all life's mysteries at once. Accept each one as it comes and fit it into the jigsaw puzzle, knowing that bit by bit each piece will be shown to you and will fit into place perfectly." ~Eileen Caddy

The Universe is a cosmic soup of pure energy and consciousness which we are all intimately connected with. Everything is made of energy. Your house, your body, the air you're breathing, and the ground your home stands on is all pure energy vibrating at various speeds and densities. It has the appearance of being solid and unmovable, yet this is the greatest illusion of all. Once you crack through this illusion and know the energetic truth of reality, you start feeling the interconnected nature of everything and can start manifesting anything you want at pure will. You can ask the conscious Oceanic existence for something specific to form for you, and it will soon fulfill your request because it doesn't feel you as a separate living entity anymore. The more you relax and merge with the Ocean the more you can see how your beliefs intimately create your reality.

The reason you can manifest anything and everything you can imagine is because the Ocean is always listening to you. Your innermost desires, thoughts and intentions are generated within the Ocean, by the Ocean and you are never ever separate from it. You are like a drop of water that has believed it was a snowflake, cold distant and separate from the vast cosmic loving Ocean. The truth is you cannot separate anything from the infinite Ocean of the Universe. It is intimately a part of you and you are intimately a part of it forever.

Being non-separate from the Universe means there is only one vast consciousness. There truly is no plural to consciousness, there is only one Ocean of consciousness and we are all swimming in that. There of course is the illusion of a separated individuated self, an ego with boundaries, fears, limitations and worries, yet you cannot take this personally. It is a purposeful delusion your soul set up and is meant to propel you deeper into merging with the Oceanic existence within you. If you don't relax and merge, you soon begin suffering in some way. This is the Universe's way of providing loving "feedback", assisting you to move deeper to the core of your being which is the most enlightened direction you can go.

If you want to start manifesting your dream life this week, stop your mind from believing in the idea that you're separate from the Oceanic existence. Realize again and again that you are one drop, who has all the same qualities of the entire Ocean. You are infinite, all accepting, loving and swimming in an oceanic state of bliss. You must get beyond the negative controlling mind to feel this bliss. The ego-mind is deeply addicted to the belief that it is separate, and will do everything to defend itself, prove this fact is wrong to survive.

If the ego-mind could feel the entire living Oceanic reality its swimming in, it would be sooooo embarrassed of all its small limited powerless beliefs and surrender immediately. The only reason it holds on to its small minded separateness is its desperate attempt to create a safe, stable, and secure future. It has its personal dreams and desires that it wants to achieve for itself, and has forgotten completely about merging with the Oceanic bliss all around it. It doesn't realize that the Ocean already has the safest, most abundant, loving, healing divine future in store for you that is much much more amazing than you could ever imagine.

The illusion of separation is what makes life hard. It's what keeps people from loving each other, causing divorces, bankruptcy, and every kind of pain, fear and loss you can fathom. When you are relaxed in your body, breathing in each new sensation that arises, while resting at the core of your being, absorbing it all in, a very simple and sweet miracle happens. You completely stop believing in the illusion of separation. You feel the oneness with the Ocean and this feeling stays within you wherever you go. If the door opens for you for just for an instant, that is all you really need to free your Self forever from the mind's entangled matrix of separation. Yet, you must be willing to open the door to the unknown, step through it again and again no matter how many times you fail. If you want to truly be free you must continuously release each limited belief that you have, training your mind to trust that you are deeply taken care of by the conscious Oceanic existence.

"You are the Supreme Being, and yet thinking yourself to be separate from it, you strive to become united with it. What is stranger than this?" ~Ramana Maharshi

Everything your heart and soul truly desire is available to you right now. Whatever it is you really really want, you can have it, yet you must be willing to let go of your beliefs in smallness and separation. Anything and everything is possible to you. Your mind will negate this fact with a thousand good reasons why its not true. The mind will argue for its limitations, struggle and smallness. Watch it, and don't believe a word it says. Once you intimately know the infinite quantum soup of reality is all around you, the Universal mind within you is awakened.

When the cosmic soup of consciousness is realized, you'll truly relax because you'll know everything you want can and will be done. Since everything is made of the same quantum conscious energy and is intimately interconnected, there are no accidents or coincidences in this world. Nothing is by chance. It is a synchronistic orchestra of events, where the Ocean responds to your every thought, intention and overall energy. Your attitude (vibration) speaks louder to existence than your thoughts, yet they do have a strong relationship with each other. You are constantly communicating 24 hours a day with the Ocean, who you are, what you are, what you're not, where you've been and where you are going. The Ocean simply responds accordingly to the beliefs you are holding as your deepest truth or "reality".

The key to manifesting the life you truly want is to get beyond these ideas of who you think you are and relax into the Ocean. Real freedom is the result here and to arrive you must feel and release each memory, thought and feeling that arises. Whenever a new wave of energy from the Ocean flows your way, your job is to welcome it and not resist it. These waves of energy are e-motions (energy in motion), and when you allow yourself to merge with these waves you instantly intimately tap into the deepest Oceanic experience available to you.

When the habit is formed of gentle relaxation into every emotion that rises and falls away, your ego-mind quickly learns that it is powerless over the Ocean. It then surrenders all its desires to it, and dissolves to merge with existence. You then emerge from the waves of life knowing your true divine nature. There is a divine synchronicity to everything and a timing that you cannot and do not want to control. The secret to how quickly you can manifest things is all about how easily you can merge, trust your experience and relax within your negative feelings. The more you can relax into every and any negative feeling and emotion that arises, the more the entire Oceanic energy awakens in you, and you suddenly and profoundly realize there is an all powerful manifesting being living inside you.

To welcome all the heavy, deep and old feelings that arise in you without judgment, resistance or analysis, you must be willing to die. Not physically, this is an ego death of old identity. When you let go, you will soon have no fear or resistance to anything in life. You will welcome every moment in your life with an open heart and mind, knowing anything is possible. As you get into the habit of merging with the Ocean, you'll recognize a profoundly simple and harmonious connection with every drop (person) in the Ocean who may still believe they are a separate disconnected individual. By living this Truth in your daily life, the experience of oneness becomes your everyday path, and you naturally find instant access to the divine manifesting power from the Ocean anytime. You can request from the Ocean anything you want, and it effortlessly creates it happily for you.

The mind cannot understand the infinite power of this Oceanic existence, as it is beyond logic and reason. The mind was trained to remain separate, seeing everything at a distance to protect itself from feeling insecure. It does not want to relax, merge and feel a oneness with existence. That would be the end of the mind. Yet, by creating an intimate relationship with these waves (feelings) which rise and fall within yourself, you naturally and effortlessly being to open up and trust the Oceanic Universal love. The Ocean accepts you just as you are, it knows you better than you know you because you are an organic part of it.

In a few months practice of merging with your feelings you will soon feel this Oceanic connection. You will see how things you desire are somehow just showing up in your life. You just sit back, surrender and enjoy the unfolding of your magical mystical Oceanic self. Knowing your intimate connection with this vast existence provides your soul's specific necessary understanding how to access the power inside you that attracts anything your heart desires. When you deeply realize you already are the Oceanic energy who is not separate from all the 7 billion drops in the Ocean in any way, all 7 billion drops do whatever they can to help you further on your path, purpose and mission.

"The mind does not exist apart from the Self, that is, it has no independent existence. The Self exists without the mind, never the mind without the Self." ~Ramana Maharshi

One thing that most people get lost in along the way is security. Security that just comes from the outer world is an illusion and is not going to give you the freedom and power needed to manifest your heart's desires. You have to swim with the sharks, living in this instable insecure Ocean with the tidal waves, tsunamis and hurricanes to find real security. Life is super delicate and its supposed to be this way for a very specific reason. This crazy insecurity is meant to scare you to the bone, so that you root yourself in your spiritual nature and find peace within all your deepest fears. This is the only path to true security, again its all about merging with the Ocean. You must jump into it, leap out of the small minded safe fishbowl and into the seas. As you learn how to swim with the sharks you'll find out they are actually your greatest teachers and friends.

If you don't choose this inner path of spiritual connection you will always live with constant states of anxiety, worry and fear. Nobody knows what could happen next. Not even the best psychics can tell you, heck only 50% of Nostradamus' predictions came true! Anything can happen at anytime...yet anything. The future is unknown, it is a blank canvas and your imagination is the paintbrush. If you can imagine and feel it happening, it probably will. The challenge then is learning how to control the mind to focus on what you want, and stop focusing on what you don't want. The secret again is becoming one with the Ocean and knowing you are never alone.

Remember, the reason why you're here on this planet right now is to learn something truly amazing. Its to wake up from your smallness and relieve yourself from your stuckness in separation consciousness. You are here to rise out of the muck into becoming the greatest most divine ascended being you can imagine! You aren't here to drink and play card games everyday, whittling your precious time away. You are here to be an awakened conscious loving being who understands how to manifest anything at will. You are here to discover what God is and live without suffering. This task is beyond reason, as the mind cannot actually hold onto what the experience of awakening is all about. Yet, through surrender to the unknown, to the Oceanic consciousness, you'll feel the connection in your chest and know intimately how amazing you truly are.

As you open yourself up to the Ocean you'll discover what its like to be infinitely patient. When you're able to wait for an eternity for your ego's desires to manifest, the Oceanic experience instantly shows you your natural ability to manifest desires with effortless ease. The more patient you are, the faster you can receive your desire. The key to knowing what being infinitely patient feels like. comes from learning how to surrender and deeply accept what is. This means you've released attachment to your angst, your agendas, your plans, your fears, your judgments, and given all of yourself to the Ocean. Trusting completely 100% in everything that's happening to you, knowing deep down that everything in your life is actually happening for you, not to you.

"Be surprised at nothing. Let peace and stillness flood through you and envelop you completely in its cloak. Put on the whole armor of love - and yet feel, feel very deeply. Let tears flow, washing away impurities until you feel clean within and clean without. Become like an empty vessel ready to be filled with life's nectar." ~Eileen Caddy

The moment you access the feeling of being able to happily wait a billion more lifetimes to attain your ego's desires, the Ocean hears this joy inside you and feels your relaxation and trust. It then instantly rewards you with what you are wanting because you stopped believing that you're lacking it. Its a very complex paradoxical situation, yet the moment you truly let go is the moment you truly attain. The Ocean wants everything that you want, the secret is knowing how to want what you want. Your mind can be sooo controlling, manipulative, negative, yearning, lacking and distracted with a hundred different things that it cannot connect to infinite source inside you which is what manifests things instantly through you. It is through the state of feeling this infinite Ocean that the clarity and patience comes to guide you along your way. The more you can feel the Ocean vibrating around you, the easier it becomes to manifest everything you want instantly!

Everything is available in the Ocean. You may just have to swim a short distance around the corner towards it. As you live with 100% trust, you won't take less actions in the world, you'll actually take more because you'll have more energy, joy and excitement to do more. With this trust all your desires have to manifest at some point in the future, when the time is right for you to receive it, and infinite patience is the key. We all know how to be patient for 5 minutes, perhaps an hour, a week or 9 months maybe, yet forever is a very long time and the golden secret to manifesting.

To find the source of infinite patience you must travel deeply inwards to the source of who you are. You must be willing to let go of those habits which are destructive for you, and replace them with healing habits that enlighten you. This is the greatest journey a human being can make in their lifetime. When you take the time to dive deep enough within yourself, into the place where you feel there is no more conflict within yourself on ANY level with anything or anyone, you have found the source of infinite patience and unbounded peace. You are accessing the infinite Oceanic energy 24 hours a day, and it is manifesting the most brilliant divine experience of life with a consistent eternal ease.

Remember the Forgotten Melody, the Ancient Song That Will Take You Home

Remember the Forgotten Melody, the Ancient Song That Will Take You Home

"You are to attend to your meditation every day. When you persevere in this practice, His grace will surly descend upon you one day..... Moreover, the Shabd-dhun [Sound Current, Inner Celestial Melody] is the very essence of the Anami [Nameless] Lord, and it is resounding within you all the time. When it pleases Him to merge the soul with Himself, He will do so in an instant. When the soul is as pure as the Shabd-dhun, there won't be even a moment's delay. Ever since the material world was created the mind and soul have been gathering dirt. Never for a spell of ten or twenty years has the soul been fixed in the Shabd-dhun for seven or eight hours. How can it then find a place in the Dhun [Heavenly Melody] so soon? Until the soul has intense longing for the Dhun day and night, how can it merge into the Dhun? Submit yourself and practice daily the technique imparted to you, because the Shabd-dhun Guru is anxious to purify your soul and mind without delay. He showers such grace and mercy that not even for a moment does He forget the time when the soul that He has awakened through the Shabd-dhun will become pure so that by merging it within His Shabd-dhun Form He can take it to Sach Khand [True Eternal Timeless Spiritual Realm]." (Baba Jaimal Singh)

Your perfections are with God

In our return home, who is to say that we aren’t there already? The fact is; we haven’t even left our source. We are still at God’s side. There is one thing that God can’t do and that is to loss! We are not lost to God. He can’t loss us anywhere. No matter how bad you are, God still holds you in the highest regard and love. There are world religions how preach their special salvation if you are of their mind set and attend their religion centers and act in conformance to their standards. They are considered to be spiritual children who are in need of specialness in identity and in favor with God. My advice is, if they happen to preach such folly for you to run in their opposite direction. There is no reason why your salvation should be left to other people’s interpretations. The truth is; there is no real need for salvation in the first place as you rightful place is still with God. Of this God, he is found within and to work out his present is your our personal religion. Religion is for those who can’t find God within themselves but choose to have it told to them thought others personal account. Such account are unreliable and losses its original intentions in it members interpretations. There is just one thing that you can rely upon, and that is yourselves. Why should you put something so important s your relationship with God to other peoples understandings. Their holy books aren’t holy but written by man in God’s man. Even the bible says not to store your treasures upon the earth where they can be corrupted but in heaven. So why would God put his words upon the earth in any so called holy book? The truth is; God’s words are in the flames of love in your hearts.

If you do enjoy my blogs and what to learn more, buy my current book ‘the enigma of God, a revelation to man’ it is on my home page – visit it now! When you do, subscribe to my post… love and light….Frank M. Antonetti
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on the TRUTH
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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales. Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas. RELAJACIÓN MÚSICA, MÚSICA RELAX, MÚSICA MEDITACIÓN, MEDITATION MUSIC, FRECUENCIAS SANADORAS, MUSICA ALTERNATIVA, MUSICA SANADORA, MUSICA PARA SANAR EL ALMA, HEALING MUSIC, MUSIC FOR HEALING,healing frequency, FREQUENCY TO HEAL, MUSICA ESPIRITUAL, SPIRITUAL MUSIC, MUSICA DELFINES, DOLPHIN MUSIC, MUSICA NEW AGE, MUSICA REIKI, MUSICA YOGA, MUSICA DE BALLENAS, RELAX MUSIC FRECUENCIAS SAGRADAS SOLFEGGIO