My wisdom is as simple as simplicity itself and is more practical than all practical peoples combined.
Even if that is so, very few can recognize who I am and hardly anyone knows how to use my wisdom.
Wisdom has its fountainhead and experiences have an objectified leader.
By the subtle ignorance of being unpretentious am I initially grasped at.
Rare indeed is the Way of those who are wholly noble.
Dressing plainly and obscurely, what is valuable is hidden from sight.
What is most flexible and most enduring is water.
When it persistently goes against what is strong and overbearing, even the most powerful peoples, places and events are weak in comparison to its unending drive towards change.
A flexible mind detaches itself from what is without reason in its attachment to uniformity.
An inflexible mind in like manner is able to defeat its own opposing forces any time forces are seen as being forceless or without enduring power.
Though the world knows of this, it is still unable to understand it.
The truth is always paradoxical.
The truth is not believable and beauty is discredited.
The virtuous stray away from the argumentative and the argumentative stray away from themselves.
Sages are not interested in anything, and by being flexible in giving of themselves, the Tao gives of Itself.
Heaven's Way is always helpful and harmless.
The People's Way is always the Way.
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy
I recently saw a great French film, The Intouchables. In one memorable scene, the lead character who lives in an impoverished part of the city, played brilliantly by Omar Sy, is seated in an employment office as the counselor reviewing his work app says "under the skills section you listed only pragmatic." He smiles and proudly replies "yes, I am very pragmatic." In the movie, he utilizes this skill to help him rise above his surroundings and ultimately succeed in life. I recommend everybody see this timely, feel-good movie which has become the third highest grossing film of all time outside of the U.S., raking in over $300 million worldwide thus far.
Interviewed after the screening about the amazing and unexpected success of the film, Omar attributed much of it to the extreme instability in the world right now and the sense of hopelessness people are feeling that there is nothing they can do about it. The film's message is that by looking at the world through pragmatic eyes, we then see it for what it really is, thus encouraging us to take practical actions that elevate our lives. More and more people are beginning to catch on to this way of thinking which is why the world has flocked to this film.
prag-mat-ic - adj. Relating to or being the study of cause and effect in historical or political events with emphasis on the practical lessons to be learned from them.
I know this sounds like such a great concept in general. But you're probably thinking how the heck can this actually be put into action since there are seemingly so many things outside of our control that have influence over our day to day lives? If you asked that, good question and I will do my pragmatic best to answer it in a way that allows us the opportunity to bring harmony and opportunity to our lives no matter what's going on outside of it. Tall order perhaps, but why bother if we're not up to conquering the greatest challenges, so let's proceed.
See the whole picture, then take action!
In my previous articles, you may have noticed an underlying and often overlying theme of practical spiritual living, which is really nothing more than learning to focus primarily upon the things in life we can do something about. This requires taking a step back to observe what comes at us in a non-emotional and indifferent way in order to see things for what they truly are.
An example of this is when someone catches us off-guard by accusing us of something we believe to be false. Our first reaction may be to shout back that they are wrong, or worse yet, crazy. Bad Choice, as that would be akin to jumping into an emotional tornado which circulates confusion, anger, fear and the struggle for survival. Caught up in that, we would not be able to make very rational decisions for obvious reasons. By seeing the tornado coming and not running into it allows us added perspective to see what it's really all about before taking action.
Just the cold, hard facts
However, in no way am I suggesting we live our lives as detached beings like Mr. Spock from Star Trek, who goes around saying "fascinating" to everything he observes without ever getting involved on an emotional level. No, that wouldn't do at all. What I am positing is that by looking at life in a pragmatic way keeps our emotions from running amuck and out of our control so we can make choices that are truly in our best interests.
Let's take a look at the recent elections, for instance. It would be hard to find a greater emotion-sucking tornado than that craziness! Everyone who joins either the Republican or Democrat mob gets swept up into this whirling dervish, hurling insults and fighting for victory at all costs for no real reason other than that's what they are supposed to do to survive this 'every four year' calamity. If we step outside of this, we can get to a higher-ground perspective to view it objectively, then pick it apart rather easily.
From one liar to another
A few questions our pragmatic mind comes up with from an outsider perspective may be "are there any real measurable differences between these two sides at all?" History suggests the answer to be "no." "Is there any measurable impact on my life regardless of who gets elected?" The answer appears to be a resounding "no." "Once selected, do Presidents ever honor their campaign promises?" "No way, Jose," says recent history. So if the above is even somewhat true, why can't the majority of America see through this ridiculous illusion? The answer may well be because they don't want to be faced with that truth, for that would mean they would no longer have someone to decide for them or to blame for their individual shortcomings in life.
You see, Americans have found, over the last few decades especially, that it's far easier to let someone else be in control of their destiny, to obediently follow orders, to be told what to do and when to do it, to be compliant, submit to authority without question and most importantly, to consume and get into massive debt as a means of attaining the mythical American Dream. As George Carlin so succinctly put it, "it's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe in it." In return for living in this docile, controlled dream-state, Americans are rewarded with free things. So much for independence in modern America.
Best of all it's free. Oh, SNAP!
Last week, Obama proclaimed that the recovery had begun by throwing up phony GDP, CPI, housing and unemployment numbers in an effort to prove his point. Conveniently though, he'd like us to ignore the fact that since August, a half million new recipients were added to the welfare rolls, bringing the total to over 47.1 million Americans on food stamps. This is roughly 20% of the nation and the highest levels in United States history. When you add the other myriad free money entitlement programs, including social security and medicare, those figures climb to well over 150,000,000, or roughly 70% of the country on some form of government welfare. Unfortunately, this is before you factor in the albatross that will break the back of the current American economy for good: Obama-Care! More than 100 million Americans are on welfare
Fascism is corporate controlled government. Can anyone deny this isn't true of the United States?
How is this even remotely sustainable? It's not and the game is about over! Most average Americans have been unknowingly suffering the consequences of this free-money insanity for some time now, yet the only thing they seem interested in is making sure the entitlement handouts continue indefinitely. They don't want to hear the government has run out of free money to give away. They still stubbornly choose to close their eyes and ears to reality and blindly believe their leaders will this time divinely rescue them from their own destructive ignorance and apathy. Sadly, they are in for an even ruder awakening: there is no recovery coming!
Look out below!!
On the other hand, true pragmatists saw this train-wreck a long time ago and have prepared and taken decisive actions that have benefited themselves and those in their sphere of influence. By seeing things plainly for what they are, we become armed with valuable information that can be put into practical action. See the opportunity in every disaster never was more appropriate a slogan to free ourselves from the tyranny of self-imposed oppression. Conversely, insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results. Given this, it becomes abundantly clear that the vast majority of America has gone insane.
Let's take a peek at a few of these insane ideologies. As the Prez threatened the past week, the government is heading towards a dangerous fiscal cliff and if the right and left don't come together to fix it asap, financial destruction may result. Who is he trying to fool? Definitely not the pragmatists among us who saw the government train careen off the cliff a long time ago and what's left of the wreckage is but a heap of smoldering steel, twisted and tangled at the bottom of the abyss. Despite this fact, the people shout "tax the corporations more. They must pay their fair share to support the black hole of government spending too!"
Protect it from what exactly?
This is completely insane thinking. Have they never bothered to notice that corporations simply collect taxes on behalf of the government and do not themselves pay them? One simply has to look at utility, cable, phone or any bill issued by a corporation for that matter to see the increasing numbers of supplemental taxes included that have to be paid by the consumer.
The people scream for higher taxes for corporations, then scream again when the corporations pass all of the burden back onto them over and over again! Want to punish the greedy oil companies by mandating higher taxes? You get hit with higher taxes at the pump. Want the airlines to pay as well? Hello twenty-percent transportation tax added to your ticket. How about taxing the crooked banks? That'll cost you in new ATM, minimum balance, confusing customer service and transaction taxes and fees. This is all so plain to see, yet America remains happily myopic. After all, it's someone else's problem to fix.
This is where your tax dollars go
Logic tells us that taxes don't work and have never been for the benefit of the taxpayers. The government lie that income taxes are needed to keep the system functioning like a well-oiled machine are so outdated and transparent that only those who lack the ability to reason coherently could ever fall for it. Obama pleads with any sucker willing to listen that by raising taxes on the super-wealthy, it will somehow balance the budget and put a dent in the one hundred trillion dollar deficit the government has racked up over the years. Oh yeah? What a pragmatist asks is if taxes have been getting collected all along, how did the government ever pile up such an astronomical debt in the first place? Obama's answer would be "uh, next question and from someone in the gallery who can't see, hear or think, please."
Trading your paper assets for silver coins will not only protect your wealth, but greatly increase it
You see, governments don't have a clue what fiscal responsibility is or even care to know. As soon as tax money hits their hands, it is immediately spent on any frivolous pursuit they can think of, wars, bribes, drones to kill its citizens, prostitution, influence peddling, general corruption, lavish lifestyles, you name it. Never has it been used to pay down debts, ever! In fact, no matter how much tax revenue is sucked from the people, governments will always spend even more than they take in. It's like leaving drug addicts in charge of guarding a pharmacy at sundown and expecting to find fully stocked shelves in the morning.
So what's a pragmatist to do regarding money given the above? The answer is quite simple really. Get your money away from the influence of this broken system run by government crackheads. How? Begin to eliminate most, if not all, paper (de)investment vehicles. The most insidious by far is the 401k, which is nothing more than a ponzi-scheme to trick the unwary into throwing investment capital into bad, government-created debts repackaged and sold by Wall Street shysters who know ahead of time the investments will go bust before the suckers retire. This was shockingly apparent after the 2000 tech and 2009 real estate bubble busts which destroyed many 401k's. Yet, this is only the beginning. For those who hold their deteriorating wealth in 401k, IRA, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, CD's or US dollars will continue to see them evaporate quicker than ever.
For those who saw the writing on the wall and didn't sit around passively lamenting the unfairness of it all, took actions to their best advantage. In fact, during Obama's first four years, which were arguably the worst financial years in American history, those who got out of paper assets and into the safe haven of fixed assets, silver and gold, saw their wealth climb over 200%.
Think independently - take back control of your life!
Even more impressive, since 2000, silver has smashed all other assets, rising as much as 2,400%! In comparison, adjusted for inflation, the DOW JONES has gone nowhere over the same period. Imagine what that did to millions of retirees who discovered there was nothing left to retire on? It's very critical to understand that silver and gold prices only rise sharply and sustainably prior to a total economic and currency meltdown, the likes of which we are seeing play out across the globe now! Yes, the US dollar economy is at DEFCON 1, the government knows it, but is doing all it can to make sure its people don't by conning them into staying all in in their rigged fiat currency game. Politicians don't go bust - the people do.
What might we conclude by all this, given the the same team that was in charge four years ago is back at it again, only now saying the debt spigots must be turned to "full power, no stopping us now!?" I'd say it's a certainty that silver and gold will vault much higher during the next four years in what is appropriately being called "the greatest transfer of wealth in human history." Those who hold either of the two metals will certainly be on the right side of that wealth transfer. That's just being pragmatic.
In fact, many states are also getting into the act by writing new legislation for silver and gold to be used as currency within their borders once again. 13 States now considering gold and silver as money
China is certainly following this path by actively dumping the US dollar in favor of stockpiling gold and silver in order to make the renminbi the new world reserve currency. So trading paper assets for silver and gold coins obviously becomes the most sensible undertaking for the people to counter the corrupt Federal government debt swindle. Simple. Done. Next!
But what will the majority of Americans who refuse to take action on their own behalf and have traded their freedoms for welfare handouts do when the checks stop coming? Our government has a clue about that, which is why they recently purchased well over a billion rounds of ammunition and millions of new handguns in an effort to quell what they call the upcoming "zombie riots." DHS Classifies Ammo Purchase
Are the states headed for civil war against the Feds in D.C.?
We are indeed living in strange times. Over the past week, 1.2 million Americans signed formal requests for their states to escape the clutches of the Federal government through secession. Of the fifteen states who have petitioned the White House so far, Texas leads the pack with well over 100,000 signatures. Texas secession request
Now that's pragmatism in action, in much the same way the original colonists, fed up with England's tyrannical bent, left to seek their own sovereignty. Who knows, it may be at that time again to hit the restart button! Either way, I am willing to bet we are in for some extraordinary and breathtaking times ahead and much sooner than we think...except for the pragmatists who already see it coming.
In Part two, I will discuss being pragmatic with your health to achieve optimal wellness. Until next time, stay conscious, independent and informed!
What is it to be an empowered being? Is it possible to attain such a level of empowerment that everything you consider drama to be shall no longer be a part of your reality?
Empowerment in its most simplistic form represents the ability to be responsible. For one to dig deep and discover the core of their being births the understanding of that person to reach a point of self-respect, love and appreciation for who they are. They are no longer interested in living within a reality that highlights weakness or unworthiness. They are not burdened by the fact that they live in a world of problems that cannot be solved. They do not conceal themselves by masking away their true feelings only to sweep issues under the rug. They are now living in a world of repair and resolve. It is absolutely possible for one to be free of the allure of drama. Drama itself is addicting because the canvas of what that drama represents is so appealing to the invention of personality and identity. Identity needs something to grasp onto. It is a bubble collecting another bubble, collecting another bubble and so on. If you are able to see yourself as more than what you consider identity, if you see yourself as the very space you occupy, as the now moment that you are in, and if you allow yourself to walk hand in hand with the universe birthing yourself anew at every moment that you exist, you are on the path to evolving to a state of pure empowerment.
How can the law of attraction assist in my quest for empowerment?
The law of attraction within the new age circles has gained an image that relates to the idea of attaining material and possession. Whereas this can be possible no doubt, many misunderstand that the consciousness aspect of attraction is the way to attain growth through yourself. You can attract all the money, houses and cars you want, but until you discover what the essence of expansion is relating to your life, you will never fully understand this universal law as it is meant to be known.
The common formula for many that is taught throughout your traditional Law of Attraction is as follows:
This is only a partial model of the equasion relating to the law of attraction. This is telling someone that if you place your order with the universe, enact the vibration of that intention, you will be able to receive it. This is not the understanding. The correct formula below gives you more of a detailed idea relating to the functionality and response relating to this universal law:
ASK/INTEND (Set your asking/intention and release it from the mind) + BECOME (Take action to vibrate on the level of the alignment) + RECEIVE OPPORTUNITY (You have not received it yet. You are choosing the path to allow the alignment to manifest) = RESULT (Follow through with opportunity and you will achieve resulted alignment)
As you can see, this formula relates to more responsibilty by following through with your opportunity/opportunities that come your way. Many stay clinged to the idea of intending, and that if they intend enough of it over and over and over again, their alignment will magically manifest directly in front of their face. No. As you see in the completed formula, intention is aligned with asking. What this means is that you are to release the intention as quickly as asking for it. Your becoming nature represents your assurity of aligning to the premise which will then bring you to an intersection of opportunity. Opportunity is an expanse and rarely ever one single choice, unless that is what the manifester only wishes to see.
It is through this example that guides you to the point of self-appreciation and calibration as you work with your energies on aligning to the opportunity path you prefer. However, understand that opportunities can come in the most miniscule ways, but can expand into the amazing results. Should you dismiss opportunities, rather than being mindful of their presence in your reality, you will need to go back a step. Therefore, the less judgemental you are relating to opportunity, the quicker alignment can occur. The only thing preventing your manifestation is your own harsh critic within.
When you are in the mindset to be empowered and understand that the true purpose of the law of attraction is to bring you into a state of growth so that you are constantly aligning to that which compliments and benefits you to the point of moving well into a state of neutrality where there is no longer wants, desires or even passions. There is the point to where you are part of the universe and you are transcending the identity illusion of self and coming into Isness. It is the point where you a move into a humble messenger and guide acting in naturalness to all that is divine within creation where possession, material and physical reality as you know it is to be transcended. But, this will be thoroughly discussed further in our next article.
Posted by Dorothy M Neddermeyer on 20 November, 2012
When you notice you are thinking negative thoughts, treat it like a ‘hot potato,’ drop it as fast as you would a ‘hot potato’ to avoid burning your hand. You can imagine a picture of people tossing a ‘hot potato’ to avoid burning their hands.
Negative thoughts or thoughts of discord are ready and waiting to pop into your mind. You can win the challenge by tossing them aside the moment you notice them, and return to thoughts of good.
Remember to toss those negative thoughts as fast as you would toss a ‘hot potato.’
Posted by Catherine Dougherty on 20 November, 2012
Enjoying a sense of happiness today; it almost feels euphoric. Life may have taken a turn for the better. You’re more in touch with your Inner Being, experiencing things from a spiritual perspective. For some, today’s energy encourages one to be nurturing, affectionate and caring toward others. Opposing Energies: self-indulgent, over-emotional, ruthless Quite possibly you’ve found your niche in business or your career, after a long and arduous search. Wide Awake Words™ for today: romantic, passionate, affectionate, flirtatious, generous Good News for Relationships™: This might be an interesting day for some, as a romantic opportunity may happen in either your business or personal world. An amazing day for romance. To meet the man or woman of your dreams…Your head is in the clouds. Try to refrain from transferring this dreamy-like state to romance as you could lose your objectivity and make a fantasy out of a possible solid romance. The rest of this energy is also quite beneficial for healing. There is a sense of identity and fulfillment with the spiritual side of life, feeling connected to the non-physical realms and psychic energy of today. Whooooo! Take good care to stay grounded with all this energetic movement.
Whenever you listen to the voice of the ego, sooner or later there will be trouble. You will fall into the trap of misery. This you have to watch: ego always leads into misery, always, unconditionally; always, categorically, absolutely. And whenever you listen to nature, it leads you to a well-being, a contentment, a silence, a bliss. So this should be the criterion. You will have to make many errors; there is no other way. You have to watch your own choice, from where the voice is coming, and then you have to see what happens — because the fruit is the criterion.
When you do something, watch, be alert. And if it leads to misery, then you know well that it was ego. Then the next time, be alert, don’t listen to that voice. If it is nature, it will lead you towards a blissful state of mind. Nature is always beautiful, ego always ugly. There is no other way but trial and error. I cannot give you a criterion so that you can judge every thing, no. Iif e is subtle and complex and all criteria fall short. You will have to make your own efforts to judge. So whenever you do something, listen to the voice from within. Make a note of it, of where it leads. If it leads to misery, it was certainly from the ego.
If your love leads to misery, it was from the ego. If your love leads to a beautiful benediction, a blessedness, it was from nature. If your friendship, even your meditation, leads you to misery, it was from the ego. If it were from nature everything would fit in, everything would become harmonious. Nature is wonderful, nature is beautiful, but you have to work it out.
Always make a note of what you are doing and where it leads. By and by, you will become aware of that which is ego and that which is nature; which is real and which is false. It will take time and alertness, observation. And don’t deceive yourself — because only ego leads to misery, nothing else.
Don’t throw the responsibility on the other; the other is irrelevant. Your ego leads to misery, nobody else leads you into misery. Ego is the gate of hell, and the natural, the authentic, the real that comes from your center, is the door to heaven. You will have to find it and work it out. If you work it out diligently, soon you will be absolutely certain of what is from nature and what is from the ego. Then don’t follow the ego. In fact, then you will by yourself not be following the ego. There will be no need to make an effort; you will be simply following the natural. The natural is Divine. And in nature the supernature is hidden. If you follow the natural, by and by, by and by, slowly and slowly, without even making any noise, suddenly one day the natural will disappear and the supernatural will appear. Nature leads to God, because God is hidden in nature.
First, be natural. Then you will be flowing in the river of the natural. And one day the river will fall into the ocean of the supernatural.
The link will take you to a chapter, Transformation, from Blessings in the Mire: A True Story of Miracles & Recollections. I hope you enjoy this free gift from me.
Those who are familiar with the Way do not know how to express what the Way is and those who are less than familiar with the Way can express so many great observations about the Way.
Equalizing the world into the world and your Essential Nature into your Essential Nature, the sameness of everything is unified by the light of the Way.
Neither common place and neither obscure, neither valued and neither neglected, its amazing features are neither seen nor unseen.
When the government does not intrude into the private lives of the peoples, the peoples remain kind hearted.
When the government is too controlling, the peoples react with the hostility of anger.
Calamity and oppression is a fortune for the few and virtue is a fortune for everyone.
What is orthodox soon becomes unorthodox and what is good is eventually confusing.
Direct but not tasteless, and brilliant without overindulging, sages serve the Way with the justice it deserves.
Do nothing and desire what is desireless. Tasting what is tasteless, what is insignificant is seen as significant.
Valuing what is valueless, difficulties are easy and without struggle.
What is most challenging must be done while it is least challenging.
What is most great to behold must be seen while it is least noteworthy.
Sages therefore do not engage in grandiose endeavors and do not indulge in indulgences.
If you trust yourself too much, others will have little trust in you.
By making it through the difficult periods of a nation's life, a sage's life is made faultless.
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy
Having no predetermined destination within the infinite landscape of the mind, sages convert their minds into the minds of the peoples.
Improving in goodness for those who are good and for those who are less than good, the virtue of goodness is known everywhere.
Making what is true into what is false and what is false into what is true, the truth never stood out so much.
Relating to the universe of the peoples solely out of a concern for their Essential Nature, sages turn their minds into the clouds of heaven; thus transforming the eyes and ears of the peoples into the innocence of spring.
The world is a mother of eternal beginnings. Finding the mother, the child of the universe is complete. Becoming like a child, a return is made to the endless mother.
Not perishing, perish no more.
Closing your eyes and closing the doors of the senses, struggling through life is of no real concern.
Opening your eyes and opening your minds, the duties of being human are accomplished.
Perceiving the smallness of smallness is being clear minded.
Knowing how to be flexible is your one and only strength. Shining with the radiance of the Tao, you enter into the light of eternity.
What is well founded in your Essential Nature does not drop away from you just as the sky does not fall away from the greater heavens.
Embracing goodness, the honor of the peoples is undying.
The reality of virtue is the reality of yourself.
Breeding virtue in and around your home, its abundance is forever running.
Breeding virtue within the nation and the world, the richness of a universe sprouts forth from your Essential Nature.
Contemplating yourself, simultaneously contemplate what makes up the nation and the world within a home.
Contemplating yourself, you are yourself.
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy
Mind language Learning how to access you mind might not be as straight forward as you thought for one good reason; which mind is it that you desire to actually access. Yes even the mind in your head isn't as straight forward as one might think; but it soon can be! Every bit of you has a mind and while this isn't my scientific area of expertise I found I wasn't as ignorant as I perceived; for years after having what my guides outlined as would be relevant as to how everything works then to my surprise being amplified by Bruce Lipton some time later just let me cement that the information I received was on the right track. You see I didn't think science and guided information would ever come together on the same page; but it has! We have learnt that thought can move mountains; sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't so we needed to take the sometime aspect out of the equation didn't we? This is how affirmations evolved of course to give direction of the thought process of what we perceived were needed; we in fact desired to use a different source language to deliver the message. Now linking an affirmation to a thought process isn't as straight forward as you might think because just repeating an affirmation doesn't mean the exact message is going to get through for so many varying reasons like what? Well an affirmation is only going to primarily connect to conscious energy as this is going to be talking the same language isn't it? So we need a new more efficient way of talking to our energy of our self which doesn't have an efficient conscious link. This was one of the primary reasons for writing the book Conversations through My Soul of Presence to show people how to create a self-strength which can be reliable, which means yourself contentment is now able to expand and connect. To connect to the missing consciousness of you takes self-strength which indicates a new way to use self-love is indicated; not the same old formula which hasn't been efficient to create enough currency to reconnect the many vital bodies of you; this is the efficient conscious language I was talking about earlier. At present you are trying to access your self-love through your heart yes; but you are trying to use your physical heart to help what is more of a spiritual language than a physical one had you contemplated this dilemma? So how do you use your heart strength to access spiritual language add your soul and use your heart and soul as one whole body not two separate bodies; this makes sense doesn't it? You see this is how we use the strength of our-self and create an efficient message which is going to actually be conscious; yes actually conscious, because if you don’t use both the heart and soul together the message is never going to be fully conscious is it? I didn't immediately get this message either until my guides spelt it out very slowly so I could understand why I wasn't getting a true reading all the time as I needed to use my soul and heart on a full-time basis to access every point of truth I was seeking. Truth like every commodity of our life needs strength. With this need formula you are going to cut out duality as your starting with an integrated component aren't you this component is whole and not working as two separate identities but one; it goes without saying then and it is totally logical that this is the missing strength that you have been missing isn't it? Therefore this strength has been right under your noses all the time without you being totally aware as this formula was what to dam obvious and we generally only accept complicated formulas for so many reasons which my guides have gone into great detail about. The main point is though how to create a conscious language which in old terms wasn't entirely possible was it? This is why we rehashed so many of the old components of what we knew hoping for a breakthrough but not really breaking new ground now you can! The alternative is the old inefficient language where one part of you might be asking efficiently but another part is just not co-operating and is in fact not even ware that you desire anything at all; this part of you might be totally more like a crap magnet than a helping hand but it is only acting this way with good reason. The whole scenario which is depicted really falls into the hands of how you actually use your energy what it is really telling you and what it deciphers; yes this energy also needs to interpret the many messages it is receiving just like your computer. Just like your computer we blame the computer for stuffing up but it is only as good as the Intel which is put in; this Intel is useless if it is not connected to a full time consciousness as the message then would be intermittent or never constant and thus confusing. While this is correct imagine if wires haven’t been connected properly to access the needed information from certain areas of Intel needed to deduct what was relevant and what was useless information. The useless information is of course drama; this drama is only created by lack of correct information to deduct truth. In energy terms the information just keeps running around trying to find a solution which in real terms isn't going to happen; as all the relevant information isn't available. When I hit these areas it just looks like spinning rings of energy with nothing connecting but it can be affected by the energy around it, this either makes it contract or introvert and goes deep into the body trying to connect to what is needed. The opposite can just as easily happen and the rings of energy spin out wards as there is no strength to keep them on track of the destination of truth or real answer. Once this energy goes outside the normal energy fields then it to be going to be totally lost. This is why my guides focused on showing me what my energy meant whether it was conscious and able to be used; sitting deep inside me unable to be touched and then they showed me where energy just shouldn't be sitting and able to be easily played with by others energy. Now I understood how to quickly fix anxiety fears dysfunctional patterns played out over and over again; depression; post natal trauma; but I also found out why humanity was missing some of the biggest pictures of life and not have a clue and unable to connect to this massively humongous potential. The biggest surprise has actually been I helping the stuck aware people and many of these have been so gifted and totally aware; so I'm not changing how they work I'm just showing them how to value add and do what they do naturally and just totally enhance it because we are all here to contribute one way or another. I'm not really here to convert the unaware I'm here to help the aware who are ready to move and communicate in a new way; the novice just isn't going to get what I've been asked to pass on where all here for a reason. To help this, my guides have passed on the light body keys and codes to help connect the many bodies we are unaware of and help the strength of our consciousness connect more easily. To access these and the activation manual of how to use these keys and codes please visit If you are looking for a work shop type book with exercises conscious activations to connect to affirmations then perhaps you will also enjoy Conversations through My Soul of Presence. For different insights which look at life from outside the square For immediate help
Posted by Agnes Claire MacEachern on 19 November, 2012
Watch the ways of the ego. Go on watching. There is no need to fight for, no need to fight against; there is only just one need: to watch and be aware of how the ego functions, its mechanism. And slowly, slowly out of that awareness, one day the ego is found no more. Because the ego can exist only in unawareness. When awareness comes and the light comes, the ego disappears like darkness. And then there is freedom. That freedom knows no ego
In the death of the ego love is born, God is born, light is born. In the death of the ego you are transformed; all misery disappears as if it had never existed. Your life right now is a nightmare. When the ego dies nightmares disappear and a great sweetness arises in your being, and a subtle joy, for no reason at all. You cannot explain it to anybody, you cannot explain it to yourself either. It is unexplainable, mysterious. But who cares for the explanation? When you are bathed, when you are in rejoicing, when the being is in a dance, who cares?
Ego is able to convert everything to its own use, even spirituality. For example, if you have learned of a particularly beneficial meditation technique of spiritual practice, then ego's attitude is, first to regard it as an object of fascination and, second to examine it. Finally, since ego is seeming solid and cannot really absorb anything, it can only mimic. Thus ego tries to examine and imitate the practice of meditation and the meditative way of life. When we have learned all the tricks and answers of the spiritual game, we automatically try to imitate spirituality, since real involvement would require the complete elimination of ego, and actually the last thing we want to do is to give up the ego completely. However, we cannot experience that which we are trying to imitate; we can only find some area within the bounds of ego that seems to be the same thing. Ego translates everything in terms of its own state of health, its own inherent qualities. It feels a sense of great accomplishment and excitement at have been able to create such a pattern. At last it has created a tangible accomplishment, a confirmation of its own individuality.
The heart of the confusion is that man has a sense of self which seems to him to be continuous and solid. When a thought or emotion or event occurs, there is a sense of someone being conscious of what is happening. You sense that you are reading these words. This sense of self is actually a transitory, discontinuous event, which in our confusion seems to be quite solid and continuous. Since we take our confused view as being real, we struggle to maintain and enhance this solid self. We try to feed it pleasures and shield it from pain. Experience continually threatens to reveal our transitoriness to us, so we continually struggle to cover up any possibility of discovering our real condition. "But," we might ask, "if our real condition is an awakened state, why are we so busy trying to avoid becoming aware of it?" It is because we have become so absorbed in our confused view of the world, that we consider it real, the only possible world. This is a struggle to maintain the sense of a solid, continuous self, & is the action of ego. What most minds refer to as "life".
According to the Buddhist tradition, the spiritual path is the process of cutting through our confusion, of uncovering the awakened state of mind. When the awakened state of mind is crowded in by ego and its attendant paranoia, it takes on the character of an underlying instinct. So it is not a matter of building up the awakened state of mind, but rather of burning out the confusions which obstruct it. In the process of burning out these confusions, we discover enlightenment. If the process were otherwise, the awakened state of mind would be a product, dependent upon cause and effect and therefore liable to dissolution. Anything which is created must, sooner or later, die. If enlightenment were created in such a way, there would always be the possibility of ego reasserting itself, causing a return to the confused state. Enlightenment is permanent because we have not produced it; we have merely discovered it. In the Buddhist tradition the analogy of the sun appearing from behind the clouds is often used to explain the discovery of enlightenment. In the meditation practice we clear away the confusion of ego in order to glimpse the awakened state. The absence of ignorance, of being crowded in, of paranoia, opens up a tremendous view of life. One discovers a different way of being.
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.