We love our kids, our family and friends, but our first love tends to be the one we overlook. Maybe you don’t know what I meant in the heading.
Have you ever had a friend that accomplished something wonderful? Maybe they have a talent for art, they know how to speak 3 languages, or they are really successful in something you don’t have the knack for? Have you found yourself feeling inadequate or down because you can’t do what they can do so well?
This is where my headline comes in “Are You Loving Your First Love”?
Are you putting time into yourself, caring and becoming good at what you love and really want to do? Are you loving YOU?
If you are putting time into yourself, learning and doing things you want to do, then you won’t have time trying to be upset with yourself over what you can’t do, because there is so much you can do!
Don’t be hard on yourself for not knowing how to do something if you haven’t done it for a while or haven’t yet learned the science behind it. Some things take years to know how to do well.
If you haven’t really tried loving yourself you’ll love it and it’s the most important First Love! It’s where everything in life comes from, even the people that love you. And when you are loving yourself everything you want falls right into place with the Universe.
Spending time loving yourself is not being vane. Its part of what you need to do to be happy.
Proverbs 19:8 KJV “He that getteth wisdom loveth his own soul: he that keepeth understanding shall find good.
Injustice- It all began 2007 and still continues, for my daughter was taken from my custody unlawfully for a second time 8/7/12 the same date she first was removed 8/7/07. Removed and into the arms of my fathers family once again. The man whom sexually abused me my entire childhood gets to spend more time with her then I do. Injustice has been indescribable. Recently Intuition sent me on a journey to look into the deeper reasons injustice happens. It was a true shock back in 2007 my daughter showed sign/symptoms of my father abusing her. I faced him told him due to his perversion he is asked to remove himself from my and my daughters life. I healed fro what was done to me and forgave him, but my daughters safety was at risk so he was asked to leave us alone. He filed a FALSE cps report...and to put it short this brought me to be forced to experience just how corrupt the system is. cps, juvenile courts, guardian ad litems, the list goes on years upon years nothing but civil rights ignored, guidline not followed and people lying under oath, malice,slander...I stayed strong the best I could, until set up for an unlawful eviction and forced to be homeless and a judge giving custody of my daughter to my fathers family once again. due to me being homeless with zero income. Yet I have a 3yr old son with me full time but not my 8 year old daughter.two years after she first was removed in 2007 I got her back..stood in faith and was such an amazing joy to have her back into my loving arms. I praised and was grateful. then 3 years latter she's taken again.This ripped wide open a big wound....
what comes out of injustice? - This pain shall lead me to new growth. Injustice does indeed strike the righteous just as much as other people. Every injustice is eventually made right. Acknowledge and seek out the blessings that have come from this.
I often shine despite this going on others wouldn't even suspect im laying alone at night curled up and sobbing for hours to the point of exhaustion and passing out asleep. For this is how much this hurts. Others don't know I'm often secluded because ive had several embarrassing breakdowns in public when I see mothers&daughters that are together.Or I see a other yelling at her daughter or mistreating her and here I am a very loving other whom don't have her daughter whom more then deserves to be spending everyday with her not just a few days a month.
A few times I lashed out in anger at my creator once even doubted creators existence. I've now overcome that and I stay strong and steady with the love I have for my creator. I've been able to let go and accept this isn't in my hands.This isnt some battle to fight this is "let go let GOD"...
currently the hardest part of this is seeing my daughters eyes have become empty,dark&cold....shes resides with people that are very materialistic and they also make fun of the less fortunate and they teach her and shes around much of the opposite of what she was being shown/taught when with me....one day she said "mommy i just wish the angels would let me die and take me away id rather be dead then go through this" also at times she has lost belief in GOD...as time passes it becomes harder for e to keep her faith alive....to be forced to watch your own child be destroyed before your very eyes mere words cant describe the pain this brings unto a mother... with each passing day I become stronger and await the new day...await for "dark night of the soul" to be finished....
Posted by Angelica Jayne Taggart on 3 November, 2012
My Mother taught me how to read before I was in school, and had an excellent library of old books, probably from her childhood. One of the books I read was Pollyanna, which gave me the first survival method I learned as a child. Pollyanna had many things happen in her life, and not all were good - just like me. Her Father had taught her "The Glad Game" before he died, which helped her cope with the rest of her life. I started playing that Game. No matter what happened, I would find something to be glad about. Over the years, my Glad Game became a Gratitude Game and I still play it today, even more consciously. In fact, way before Oprah suggested it, I was writing 5 things I was grateful for in my journal just before going to sleep every night.
Gratitude might be hard for the people affected by Hurricane Sandy, for those whose "happily ever after" has ended, for those who have lost their jobs, or had a medical diagnosis that is scary. There's no shortage of tragedy and sadness in our world, yet gratitude IS possible!
I remember reading a story in Reader's Digest years ago about a young man who loved to read philosophy and science. His Father was constantly urging him to get outside and play, but he just wanted to read. He'd rather be in the library than the gym. In high school the young man finally joined the football team to please his Father. Towards the end of the season, he was involved in a accident on the field and ended up a paraplegic. All he could do was lay in bed. Friends visited him, expressing their sympathy that he could no longer play football. He was so depressed and angry. He blamed his Father for his physical condition. One day a friend brought him music and books on tape and a cassette player. It wasn't long before he told him, "Thank you so much for the gift. I realize I'm glad this happened. Now I can do what I love to do. I can study philosophy and science."
At any moment our lives can change dramatically. We can go down the path of victimhood or we can find something to be grateful for. Which path would you chose?
Let's use all of November to be consciously grateful for all we have attracted and experienced and all that is to come. As Meister Eckhart said "If the only prayer you say is thank you, that would be enough."
I open my mind and heart to the realization that God is absolutely everywhere. In the midst of chaos, and in the stillness of meditation. It is a feeling of deep unconditional Love. I now let this Love well up within me, and spill out into my life.
As I feel Love, I am grateful for everything. For the people, pets, plants, and things I've surrounded myself with. For the wonders of Nature and the blessings of Spirit. For the adventures my life is filled with. For every experience I have attracted in my life.
As I walk through my life being grateful, Spirit gives me even more to be grateful for. My feeling of being grateful is catching. Everyone I'm in contact with feels grateful as well. How good it is to know this Truth is manifesting always.
Gratefully I release these words to Spiritual Law knowing it is done. And so it is.
Where do I go from here? I've always known that I was different from other people. I grew up the middle child of four sisters. My father passed away when I was six years old and my mom never remarried. At that age my mom said to me "son, you are now the man of this house". I took that very serious and looked out for my sisters. During my childhood, I would always dream of "Space" and for some strange reason I also felt as if "I was the color blue or red" I would be thinking as a child and would feel as if I was the color blue and other times red. Since I was the only boy in a small family, I would just be on my own. I would play by myself, climb to the top my house and just stare at the sky and wonder what else was out there? As if I belong to the sky. I would spend hours just staring at the sky. The moon and the SUN. I always knew that there was more then what I had in my life but it was out there in THE UNIVERSE.
Growing up was tough for me. I had school friends in grade school, it was then, I could tell if my friends would lie and what they really thought of me. So I never really could hold on to any friends. I had one best friend growing up, he lived a few houses down from mine. A true friend, he was. Like a brother from another mother. He passed away in 2010 in a car accident (I miss him). At times I'm able to sense him, he had a message for his wife but how do you tell someone that "your husband just told me something". Anyway.
Music was my only way to keep my faith alive. When I say faith, I mean my beliefs. I grew up roman catholic but that was because that was my moms belief. Deep down inside I did not believe in "Religious belief" I knew there was a GOD and all just not how it was presented to me. At times as a child I thought the SUN was a god because I felt LOVE from it. That just had me thinking other ways then what was written in the bible. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot truth in what is written but I wanted more, I wanted more then what was written. I always felt that they kept something out and it was up to me to find out so I would seek out the truth. I thought I knew some truth but unable to prove it. I thought it was all in my mind. As you can tell im not a writer or never been able to express myself. At times I have so much to say but unable to put it down on paper. So much is in my thoughts and once I open up it just comes out from all directions.
As I get more comfortable with this place SN. I will wrtie down more and continue to wirte my life story for someone to read and say "you're not alone". I will find a place for me to belong. A place where I can communicate with others of my kind and be "The real me". The one that is honest, loyal, caring, loving, faithful, truthful and a piece of GOD/UNIVERSE, the creator of all things.
Posted by Janet Alston Jackson on 3 November, 2012
We have been trying to make contact with family and friends on the east coast. Some we have located and others, we have not.
Our minds question,”Are they stranded in their homes?” “Are they injured and can’t get help?”
Sometimes waiting to hear from loved ones, is more nerve wracking than having to face the challenge.
Most of the country is in a “Wait -and- let’s see mode.”
In the meantime, paying attention to resisting and trying to control what has already happened is vital to our sanity. Being aware of our knotted and tensed bodies, helps us to relax and let go of those haunting fears.
Read the rest of the blog here: http://YourHappinessIsWithin.com
Two old guys sit at a bar drinking, says the one to the other,'Number 12', to which he starts bursting out with laughter and responds with 'Number 47', to which the first guy laughs heartedly in return. The point is that the two gentlemen have been telling each other jokes for so many decades that at this point they can just refer to the number in the joke repertoire.
A friend once asked me what she could do about excessive worrying and I told her that unfortunately you can't really do anything about it. What I recommended though was to put together a worry list similar to the joke catalogue from our two friends. While there is no limit to the ingenuity of the ego to come up with cancerous thoughts, they nevertheless all fall into general areas such as 1) Worries about my child's health, 2) Worries about my child's education, 3) Worries that I am neglecting my child, 4) Worries about my own health, 5) Worries about my financial well-being, 6) Worries about my job, ...
List them all and be specific enough to capture them all, but be general enough not to drown in them and then memorize the list very much as our two friends did. What it will do for you, it will allow you to distance yourself from the voice in your head and will show you how much of your time is spent on this cancerous activity of questioning everything without any underlying reason. When you have memorized your worry list, you can actually track the worry train before it leaves the station just because you will not engage with it. Instead, what you will tell yourself, 'oh, it is 57 again.'
The Light at the Center of Your Heart http://circleoflight.net 10-16-12
"Beloved ones, feel this Light that is blazing from your heart. Follow it into the very center of your being where you connect with the power of life, with the force of Love, with the Moment of Creation. Let the movement of Love create this heart and blaze its truth into everything.
When you let the Light illuminate everything, you recognize that you have become a source of Light itself. Living thus you will find there are no shadows and you move every moment in a world of exquisite good. This is how we come to live Heaven right here and now, as the world awakened to itself as God I Am.
When you allow the pure Light that is fully available at your heart's center to illuminate your every step, your every breath, your every moment, beloved ones, every choice shall be clear and your experience shall be ecstasy continually. It is this point of Light where all life is unity, for Light is the bursting forth of Love into movement, into action, into the exquisite grace of relationship -- of energy creating new experiences of God that this Love may continually expand.
Become conscious of this blazing Light in the center of your being, the place where Creation comes forth as you, as the Twin Flame womb of Creation, of energy, of the expectation of the illumination of God I Am into knowing ever more this limitless joy, this glorious hum of ecstasy.
In the past you have practiced imagining the Light but beloved ones, now this Light is here. It is taking over. All that it needs is the "yes" of your attention and everything you see shall fully be illuminated by the pure Light of God I Am. As this Light blazes forth from the center of your being, it will show you every step with clarity, in full communion with My Love.
The power of Creation becomes the center of your life, the center of your experience of the endless Now Moment. With this power fully conscious, acknowledged and alive in you, you are truly the force of Creation itself, and moving mountains will be child's play as you open to Real beauty and the pure joy of living the world of only Love.
Notice, I did not say "in the world" but "living the world" because beloved ones, your heart is in full communion with everything. Every motion of God, every current of this Love, every expression of joy that your eyes see as Nature and every blessing of the precious hearts that surround you is part and parcel of your very own experience of life.
As this opens to you, the richness and joy of communion with all life in every moment comes to fill you at last, and all dreams of loneliness, of being separate individuals can fall away as you are filled with the joy of remembering that all life is part of you, fully conscious and joyously expressed.
This Light shines continually and brings to you the ability to truly see every nuance of life, to appreciate every expression of the outreach of Love, to illuminate the reality of the truth of God which is the expression of the truth of your heart -- with no shadows and no illusion.
As you allow the magnitude of this Light at the center of your heart, of your being, of your reality, you will have no need for releasing the ego dream -- for the ego is a shadow that disappears in the glory of this Light at the center of your heart. It is the coming together of the very forces of life -- radiant, ecstatic and powerful -- blazing forth, bringing you movement and consciousness, and allowing your heart to be the illuminated aspect of the heart of God that you are meant to express.
As you see this Light with the eye of your heart, you will be amazed at all that is contained in it -- rainbow hues of creativity expressed and the ability to reflect All That I Am, perfectly -- illuminating all illusions and going right to the center, the truth of Love that exists in all things.
There is nothing that you need to do to allow this Light to illuminate you but recognize that you are the source of Light itself; that you are connected to the beginning through the creation of life that is ever occurring, that you might rejoice in all that you are and live this world as peace and beauty.
As you become a fully acknowledged source of Light, the world you live in contains no shadows, no dreams of separation, no sub-creation of the ego and every step is illuminated perfectly, that you might see everything as it really is and live in endless gratitude.
If the dream seems to take a while to fade, keep your focus on the Light, beloved ones, for as you do, those old images of the ego's world lose their potency, lose their ability to affect you in any way, and you walk in the pure Light of living Love, the movement of the Love of God I Am, radiating Light upon everything and bringing forth the truth of Love within it.
Every heart is pure Light at the center, for Light is the expression of Love's movement and you are moving. You are the outreach of the Love I am. You are the opening of My own heart. You are this consciousness of God I Am becoming ever greater and more joyously clear.
Therefore, as you look for the Light in every heart, you will be amazed at how effortlessly all shadows fall away. You are always living as God meeting God, stunned by the beauty in everything -- heart swelling with gratitude for the beauty, filled with never-ending peace and the deep assurance of our communion bringing you everything that I Am -- laying the treasures of Heaven before you. The gifts of Creation are Real, held at the center of the treasure that is your heart.
Say "yes" to this glorious illumination and let the Light blaze through your being, dislodging old perceptions and old attitudes and thoughts until you are able to live completely expanded with the ability to blaze this Light into everything -- that you might always live by the truth, no longer to be fooled by the shadows of ego any more.
You live at the center of your exquisite and beautiful heart that sings the living song of Creation itself, that calls the divine to create more Love. The masculine and the feminine come together to encircle the Light, to take the illumination of living Love and to manifest it as new beauty.
This, beloved ones is what you are doing here. You are painting on the canvas of the world the most glorious view of Love, the most powerful expression of the heart of God, the most potent outreach of Love, the deep acknowledgement of gratitude for life, that new expressions of the Love you are may come forth right now.
Keep your focus on your heart to live here at the very center of Creation itself, to feel the force of Love and let it move you to be more, more Love, more grace, more beauty and the limitless expression of your unique beauty as the heart of God.
It might seem nebulous -- this directive to see the Light in your core, in the center of your being of your heart. But, dearest ones, how you see things is everything -- whether you see the world through the eye of Love or the two eyes of the ego. This blazing Light at the center of your heart is the illuminated eye of Creation, the eye of the I Am of God, the power at the center of your being, the core of the Twin Flame Love you are. All of it is ready to be lived, to be expressed as this world of exquisite beauty, but you must choose to see through your heart, to allow this Light to illuminate your world and to be the expression of pure beauty, the Love I Am exquisitely alive as you and celebrated every moment.
To make this shift from the little mind to the heart, beloved ones, is easy in truth. It takes decisions and it takes this Love, but it is available and I Am with you continually. As you breathe it, as you feel it, as you are clear that your heart is how you live and what you bring to create with, then the mind becomes illuminated by this Light, and what you see before you as the world is the Creator expression of the truth, the expansion of the heart of God.
It has been difficult living in the dream but oh, beloved ones, the glory when you awake. Your ability to bring Love forth has something new to add to the power of Creation, to expand the living heart of God I Am, to paint on this canvas of the world something that has never been created before and to name it pure Love.
There is nothing more exciting, no greater gift than this. So I ask you to celebrate this opportunity and to shift your focus to the Light, the pure Light of Creation in the center of your heart and let it illuminate your world. I Am with you as I Am in you as you are Me, the opening of this beauty and this Love. I Am ever in gratitude for you and I delight in our ability to relate and to live in this vibrating communion that supplies your every need.
Come and live in this Light. Experience the expansion of this Love, and watch the world as it moves beyond the shadows and becomes this Light's full expression. Be prepared not only to be amazed but to live in gratitude continually."
Most books are written by human authors. Apart from the first and last chapters, Lighten Up was written by 7 Souls now residing in the afterlife. How is that possible? Through the pen of a gifted spiritual medium, where the medium held the pen and unseen hands did the rest.
If you're interested in learning more, check back often, as I will be posting Lighten Up book excerpts here each week. I'll be sharing some fascinating insights into life on the other side and what happens when we arrive there.
Posted by Dorothy M Neddermeyer on 2 November, 2012
Life lived in gratitude is significantly different than the competitive or 'an eye for an eye’ and a tooth for a tooth’ culture that exists in business and politics.
Research reveals that when people practice gratefulness and put it into words, they have greater joy and fulfillment in life.
The effects of living in gratitude, peace of mind can be measured in blood pressure, heart rate and cellular response. The body is an amazing biofeedback machine. What is your blood pressure? Healthy at rest blood pressure – 120/80 mmHg or less. The majority of people have blood pressure of 134/87 mmHg. My blood pressure - 100/60 mmHg.
When you live in a state of praise, peace of mind/gratitude, especially when it is verbalized—your body takes it in.
Humans thrive on the vibration of praise, peace of mind/gratitude. Native Americans express their gratitude to all life.
“Each of us is put here in this time and this place to personally decide the future of humankind. Did you think the Creator would create unnecessary people in a time of such terrible danger? Know that you yourself are essential to this World.” — Chief Arvol Looking Horse of the Lakota,Dakota and Nakota Nation, 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe
“Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.” – Unknown Native American
"Lose your temper and you lose a friend; lie and you lose yourself." -Hopi
Learn to live in gratitude – take one minute each hour to recognize things for which you are grateful. Write in a journal, make a mental note to yourself. Or simply allow it to reside in your heart. As you continue this practice, you will notice more things to be grateful for. You will cultivate that awareness, expanding the possibility of more and more opportunities for gratitude.
In this daily Thanksgiving, remember to be thankful for Native Americans, whose homeland insurgents over took. Remember the bounty you have received as your ancestors’ descendents. Through your thanks invite the flow of abundance and honor it with your gracious stewardship and sharing with others as the Native Americans did for your ancestors.
“We return thanks to our mother, the earth, which sustains us. We return thanks to the rivers and streams, which supply us with water. We return thanks to all herbs, which furnish medicines for the cure of our diseases. We return thanks to the corn, and to her sisters, the beans and squash, which give us life. We return thanks to the bushes and trees, which provide us with fruit. We return thanks to the wind, which, moving the air, has banished diseases. We return thanks to the moon and the stars, which have given us their light when the sun was gone. We return thanks to our grandfather He-no, who has given to us his rain. We return thanks to the sun, that he has looked upon the earth with a beneficent eye. Lastly, we return thanks to the Great Spirit, in whom is embodied all goodness, and who directs all things for the good of his children.” An Iroquois Prayer
Live life in gratitude. ###
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician - Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She facilitates Past Life Regression and Future Life Progression. She was a World Regression Congress faculty member in the Netherlands, India, Brazil and Turkey. http://www.drdorothy.net http://facebook.com/DrDorothyNed http://teamasea.com/drdorothy
With all the struggles and issues we're dealing with across the globe, especially our dear friends on the North East coast of the USA, I wish you a very happy and problem free weekend.
Its times like these - when we're pushed to our limits - we really know just how much strength we have inside. We find out just what we're capable of achieving when we turn our focus to the power, light and warmth we hold inside.
Wherever you are, take time to draw a breath and know you have so many friends, willing you to succeed.
Have an awesome weekend: I have no doubt your life will soon be back on track.
After making a pilgrimage to Mecca, where do you want to be now when you are surcharged with devotion? Listen, listen; you will soon find your Beloved.
Without being conscious of the Beloved because of the wall which you have erected around yourself, your Beloved is most near to you in the form of your neighbor.
What has driven you to lose yourself through travelling in this barren desert of the material world?
If you are able to behold the formless form of Allah, you will simultaneously realize that you are the Lord, His Celestial House, and His Kaaba.
For one time only, when entering and leaving His House in the way that is expected of you by extremists and conformists, fly up to its roof and proclaim the beauty of the world to your Beloved.
Showing us a sign of your love for the Lord, the roses which beautify the garden of your soul transmutes every ordeal into a treasure of the Lord. Alas, step away from hiding your own treasure from yourself.
(The Paradox)
I will chase down my Beloved with all of the power of a thousand heavens until I assure myself that there is no use in searching for Him.
Even if I know that it is futile to look for Allah outside of me, I will still travel the world with Him in mind.
His Sublime Glories are worth risking life and limb for the excitement of an enlivening encounter with His Mysterious Presence.
Allah has sealed my heart and told me to look for Him elsewhere. All this He does to increase the length of our divine love affair together.
When the journey of infinity has been taken and the path is well rounded out, the seal which He placed over my heart will be taken away.
I will lose myself in His daydreams and say, "If I from the beginning knew that You were the only one who was in me, then why would I want to begin to look for what is most innately obvious to my soul?"
The intellect can never make up for the journey out of the exile of the mind.
Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy
Posted by Alain Yaovi M. Dagba on 2 November, 2012
Hello my Friends,
I believe you are all doing well. It is been a little while i have shared with you. I believe this video that answers the questions: "What is the true meaning of enlightenment?" will bring you more awareness on the subject.
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.