Spirit House Healing

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my farewell

Dear friends

as i have said to a few of you already i am considering leaving all ning sites for a while. There are answers that i hope will come to me once i have more time to focus and time by myself and i am getting quite busy lately. Another thing is i am considering going away for 6 months at least (if not a whole year) to do voluntary charity work in the East or south america. Working with children or with animals, i dont mind which, i just feel this overwhelming urge to hold them in love and peace and i know i will get the same back from them and more as our hearts connect. 

we have been through such a healing journey together, what it has taught me also on a personal level is as one digs deeper, one understands there isnt such a thing as knowing the whole truth about anything. I have said this over and over again in other posts and i see how it applies as the layers shed LOL we hold pieces of truth, all of us and the best we can do with these pieces is to add them to each others truths and have an opened mind about everything. If another beeing ever claims he/she knows and decides what is the truth and what isnt without beeing opened to other's views, then he/she is either deceiving themselves, others or both. Arrogance is a red flag, when there is no co creation, there is no evolution for anyone. One who is perfectly aligned with their heart matrix doesnt act from their ego anymore, he or she will not claim anything anymore because when we live in the heart there is nothing one needs to claim anymore. And this is why when friends have come to me claiming they knew this and that and werent opened to perhaps not holding the whole truth about what they claimed to know, i let it be and i let them live their view in peace. 

this takes me back to what i have in mind: a few days ago, i was browsing through friend's private blogs (not from any ning sites) and i came across so much dissonance, so many contrasting opinions, so many "i know this is true or untrue, I KNOW" bla bla bla.  i was shocked. So much spiritual drama as i call it which ironically is no different than any other drama so many lightworkers point the finger at. oh, the mirrors reflecting back, i thought with a little sadness. The title (lightworker) changes, the pattern (drama) remains. I have observed a lot of this recently and i have asked others: does it really matter to you who or what you are? Starseeds, humans, etc who cares! The only thing that has ever mattered to me is what i do in the now and what i do with what i have learned. You can only do your best and your best may be to be completely open to change every moment. To adjust, to be in the now.  i wonder how joyful such souls are. I wonder if peace fills their hearts in every way. i wish it did. i know for myself peace reigns in the heart when i have transfered my consciousness from my judging mind to it. And i know every time i am switched back at viewing everything from a dualistic perspective and therefore judging, i am back in my mind energy and i dont feel that peace and neutrality in my heart anymore, because Source is in the heart, of course.

i wish you all LOVE and peace...

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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

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