Make sure to check out http://www.luckyscoot.comIf you use the promo code, "devinsupertramp", you will get free shipping on everything on their website, including pro scooters! :) You can't say I never gave you anything now ;)Promo Code: devinsupertrampWatch the behind the scenes in this link below! by Devin Graham Music was done by my awesome friends, "Scott and Brendo"!Download the song on iTunes NOW :) It's call "Northwest", here's a link for that!,Caleb Blood sings on the chorus. Check out his channel: had the chance to hang out with the "Lucky" team in San Diego and LA for a couple days to shoot this project! It was a blast, I had no idea riding scooters could be so cool, haha :) I have so much respect for the athletes that I met, some of the hardest workers and most talented people I have ever worked with!Lucky, the pro scooter company that made this video happen, are awesome!!! And if you have any interest at all in the world of pro scooters, they would be the first ones I would suggest checking out!The Pro riders featured in this video were....Lucky Pro Riders:Kota Schuetz (@dakotaschuetz)Lil Jon (@Jonjeffrey92)Mike Montgomery (@Mikeshyphy)And special guests Jake Clark (@jakeclarkk1) and Vincent Kudrna.Check out Lucky's Youtube channel in the link below! Design Mix by Daren Smith a technical standpoint....This was shot on a Canon 5D Mark III, with a Canon 16-35mm F/2.8 L series lens.And last but not least, make sure to follow me on twitter and facebook, it's the cool thing to do these days :) business enquires ONLY, contact me here:
Dr. Judy Wood's Textbook reveals that free-energy technology exists. Order your copy of "Where Did The Towers Go?" today with a 100% money back guarantee Visit Our Primary Sponsors: Law Offices of Craig Zimmerman Elixir Flavored Liquid Nicotine & Electronic Cigarettes your hard-earned money! Buy 1oz Silver Medallions
Television show host, broadcaster, and film-maker Max Keiser also joins us today to break down a host of financial issues and the continued destruction of our economy. Foo Fighters - The First UFOs In World War 2 the first documented UFOs were seen. They were called the Foo Fighters because of a comic book of Smokey Stover - The Foo Fighter. They were never a threat, but were thought to be a new German weapon, but it turned out both the Germans and Japanese were reporting these same UFOs. Only one of which was ever shot down, and it started a fire on the village it hit. Offically they were reported in 1942, but have been photographed in 1883, which is briefly in this video. They are still seen to this day, but only rarely now.
at 2hrs 22 min we got to film this in valdor abitibi quebec canada after the day we mention that its impossible, and we needed daylight mentioning that outer dimension beings dont exist , and if they wanted us to believe they needed to give us some hard proof on video and in daylight... well there is a plane that is like being blocked by this so it seems like a object very large in the sky cloaking itself and emitting static as we see the clouds are different also here , so im a contactee i supposed , but who cares its a nice footage and the rest is history or part of a old world....
Monday’s post-inaugural luncheon was a case study in body language--and nearly all of the physical evidence centered on House Speaker John Boehner. One interaction in particular has already become an Internet meme today: Michelle Obama rolling her eyes after listening to a comment from the Ohio congressman. Tumblr blogger “Mattyrab” was the first to capture the eye roll in action, sharing video of the exchange with the world in a display described as a “historical moment in shade throwing.” The video has already been shared thousands of times across social media sites with viewers speculating on what sparked the First Lady’s facial expression. We don’t have audio of their exchange, so for now it’s impossible to know exactly what Boehner said to Obama. In fact, it’s entirely possible that her eye roll was simply a reaction to an innocuous joke from Boehner.
Date: 01-21-13Host: George NooryGuests: Paul Kimball, Rosemary Ellen GuileyCalled the Jack Kerouac of the paranormal, Paul Kimball, has been experiencing various paranormal phenomena in his travels along the weird highway of life. He shared his realizations that many strange experiences are actually interactions with advanced non-human intelligence including ghosts, time travelers, and aliens, who may be pulling things out of our own minds, and presenting it back to us in ways that we'll understand. This accounts for why tales of the paranormal have changed over various eras, from dragons to spaceships. Whoever is presenting these images is trying to appeal to a particular audience in a specific time frame, he said."The real question isn't 'who are they?' or 'where are they from?' but what are they trying to say to us, what's being imparted?," Kimball mused. He's concluded that most paranormal phenomena is a kind of artistic creation by this non-human intelligence. It may be part of a teaching or preparation process, whereby humans are encouraged to move up to the next level of development or think about things in a broader way, he continued. As part of the 'Observer Effect,' the non-human intelligence is making us aware that we're being watched or that there's something out there, which changes our behavior, he added.The puzzle of the paranormal is to remind us that we're on a common journey and linked together-- "as individuals, you and I are notes, but together we're the melody," he commented. Kimball also discussed some of his investigations into the paranormal including ghosts (view excerpts from his Canadian TV series, Ghost Cases), the work of his uncle, the renowned ufologist Stanton Friedman, and the concept of synchronicity.Nature of MiraclesFirst hour guest, author and paranormal expert Rosemary Ellen Guiley talked about the nature of miracles. In the West, we generally look at miracles as big events directed by God, but the eastern view perceives them as part of the natural order of life. When in a crisis situation, people sometimes tap into the divine for assistance, but the more a person has built a solid spiritual underpinning or practice in their life, the more likely they are to manifest a miracle, she said. Guiley referred to "Miracle Mind Consciousness," as a kind of timeless moment when one focuses their intentions or thoughts, and aligns then with higher forces.
Brien Foerster was raised on the west coast of Canada, where he developed a fascination for the Native people, their art, and oral traditions. This led to his becoming a professional sculptor, after graduating with an honours BSc degree from the University Of Victoria. In 1995, he moved to Maui, Hawaii, and was hired as assistant project manager for the building of the 62 foot double hull sailing canoe (ancestor of the modern day catamaran) and the restoration of the famous Mo'olele sailing canoe. He started an online outrigger paddle business, which flourished internationally. Peru became his next major area of interest. The study of the Inca culture led to his writing a book, A Brief History of the Incas, and he is now the assistant director of the Paracas History Museum in Paracas, south of Lima.
-For More Exclusive Information on UFO!/pages/EriGIA007-UFO-2012-MAYA/306418886046269Thanks For Watching My Friends--- B -- ---- PC ---
UFO Sighting Live on TV during President Obama inaugural Speech 2013 News broadcast Caught On Tape this weekThanks to: who captured this amazing sighting visit his video page for more details Obama give Inaugural Speech
FUKUSHIMA black snow subscribe to this YouTube channel. They provided the info on the "hot snow readings" of Fukushima snow. see this video: Tokyo Japan Radiation Test by Dr. Chris Busby (Fukushima Fallout) Chris Busby: radioactivity in apartment in central Tokyo Part 1 this and Part 2 Busby describes measurements made on an air conditing unit filter from inside an apartment in central Tokyo. This was sent by a lady in Tokyo who wanted to know if it was safe to live there. The filter only collected air from inside the apartment. It shows the presence of 130000Bq/kg radio Caesium in the dust plus enriched Uranium and for the first time Lead-210/Polonium-210. The apartment was evacuated from the Tuesday after the catastrophe and the machine switched off; and the family returned 5 months later. This and much other information about the health effects and cover ups, including leaked data are to be found in Dr Busby's new book in Japanese: the Horror of Fukushima, published on 25th July by Kodansha in Tokyo COPY AND REPOST ANYWHERE YOU CAN. MIRROR, PASTE, LINK or whatever you can to spread Professor Chris Busby's message about Japan and the nuclear industry's intentional coverup of Fukushima radioactive problem... how Japan is trucking tons of radioactive waste to south Japan, etc. He's working on making supplements that block some of the radioactive nucleotides from attaching themselves to the DNA, etc. Vital essential information on Fukushima and Japan!Synonyms: basic, bottom-line, cardinal, coal-and-ice, constitutive, critical, crucial, decisive, fundamental, heavy*, imperative, important, indispensable, integral, key, life-or-death, meaningful, meat-and-potatoes, name, name-of-the-game, necessary, needed, nitty-gritty, prerequisite, required, requisite, significant, underlined, urgent Original upload here:Chris Busby on radioactivity displacing supplements by radioactivebsr on Sep 19, 2011*Note: Single radiation dose of 2,000 millisieverts (200,000 millirems) and above causes serious illness. See also exposure list below.Half-life of some radioactive elements[NOTE: Half-life is the time taken for a radioactive substance to decay by half.] * Cesium-134 2 years * Cesium-137 30 years * Iodine-131 8 days * Plutonium-239 24,200 years * Ruthenium-103 39 days [Ruthenium is a fission product of uranium-235.] * Ruthenium-106 374 days * Strontium-90 28.85 years [Strontium-90 is a product of nuclear fission and is found in large amounts in spent nuclear fuel and in radioactive waste from nuclear reactors.] * Uranium-234 246,000 years * Uranium-235 703.8 million years * Uranium-238 4.468 billion yearsgamma rays, alpha particles, beta particles, neutrons, uranium, plutonium, mox fuel, spent fuel rods, cooling pools, nuclear meltdown,, kyodo news, chain reaction, chlorine-38, chlorine-37, seawater, fukushima daiichi, today, update, newest information, splitting atoms, water into pacific ocean, TEPCO, Tokyo Electric power company, GE, Earthquake, tsunami, aftershocks, fault line, fission, isotype Te-129, half life, halflife, reactor core, inadvertent criticality, chernobyl on steroids, dosimeters, roentgens, boron, daughter products, satellite image, crane camera view, update on crisis in Japan, The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, rescue, Arnie Gunderson, Fairewinds Associates,, nutron bursts, neutron bursts, strange isotope, nuclear reactors, chain reaction, table of elements, decay, iodine 131, high levels, units 1 2 3 4 5 6, telerium, part of core undergoing periodic nuclear fission, extra heat, extra radiation, neutrons, difficult to measure, doses of radiation difficult to measure, portion of core periodically turning itself on, boiled seawater, aerial view of fukushima daiichi after explosion, water, crane cam, hydrogen explosion, polymer, compound, filter curtains, containment plan, high levels of radiation, remote control robot, rising water levels, radioactive substances, suppession pool, containment vessel, storage pool, nitrogen injection, salt removal, water purification, environmental monitoring, evacuation zone, decontamination, residents, cooling system
"Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) sent a sharply worded letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder on Friday questioning the Department of Justice's prosecution of Internet activist Aaron Swartz, who was found dead of a suspected suicide last week after fighting federal hacking charges for two years...".* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down, including the link to Wikileaks.*Read more here from Zach Carther / The Huffington Post:
There is a question: Where do my images come from? Answer: NASA ARCHIVES. NASA archives are constantly EDITED. It can't just be me, but..... Any photo I have EVER raised a question about gets ALTERED or DELETED, so someone from NASA must keep an EYE out for DISCLOSETV and other sites where NASA anomalies and mistakes are pointed out.... There are BETTER versions of this photo still at the site....Far LARGER photos. It's funny, but most people assume that I ENLARGE the hell out of these pictures. NO! Mostly I shrink them DOWN, so that you can see them more clearly...
Even the professional understanding of quantum mechanics is "embarrassing", says cosmologist Sean Carroll. Read Sean's blog on this subject at and the full paper at We filmed with Sean during his visit to the University of Nottingham and will have more videos with him coming soon. Check out Sean's website (and his excellent books) at: Visit the SIxty Symbols website at We're on Facebook at And Twitter at!/periodicvideos This project features scientists from The University of Nottingham Sixty Symbols videos by Brady Haran A run-down of Brady's channels:
More answers to questions from Sixty Symbols viewers, covering the LHC, exploding stars and galaxies made of anti-matter. Part One is at What are you waiting for? Now is the time to STAND UP for yourself, to be BOLD, be CREATIVE, be RADICAL To Dream BIG, IMAGINE, Feel the fear but DO IT! Anyway its time to Question Expert Authority, ASK hard questions, PROPOSE and DEMAND solutions. To Participate and AGITATE. DISOBEY if you must. To VISUALISE and Organise. To KILL the fear spreading Media - EDUCATE and INFORM yourself and Others. NOW is the time to invest in HOPE. To cultivate LOVE To Give Thanks for what we have and to help those that Haven't. We Must DANCE, PLAY, ENJOY ourselves. TRANSFORM your situation no matter how bad it is. It can be done, EAT WELL, REST, MEDITATE. PROTECT yourself. BECOME a SOUL WARRIOR. Don't Apoligise for being a DREAMER - we need MORE DREAMERS. PERSIST Resist and ignore the begrudgers, hold firm to your vision. Don't make up excuses or get caught up in Blame. In the Game of them and Us RESPECT Everyone, even if you dont like them. Enemies are Great Teachers. TRANSCEND, RISE, Reach for the STARS. Don't take yourself too seriously. LAUGH at yourself. LOVE YOURSELF. You are WONDERFUL if you let yourself BE. ABANDON JUDGEMENT, Age, Roles, Stereotypes. Take RISKS. Drop LEFT RIGHT and RELIGIOUS Dogma. THINK FOR YOURSELF. Take control of your Diet, Money, Home, Family, Work Spend Time in NATURE. Listen to your Gut, Instinct, Intuition, Heart. Go offline to get ONLINE. Take QUIET TIME for you, to WRITE, DRAW. EXPERIMENT. Learn a SONG, Call a Meeting, Start a Petition. BUILD COMMUNITY. See what happens. SHARE. Take your time. Slow Down - Small and Slow are POWERFUL and BEAUTIFUL. Wake up to REALITY. It's not that bad. If it is THEN CHANGE IT. Don't wait for others to do it. TELL OTHERS, JOIN them, ASK for HELP. SING IT LOUD. BE Proud you're not a Zombie caught up on the harsh production line of Commuting, Work, Shopping, Consumption and SLEEP. You're MUCH MORE ALIVE This is not a PRACTICE RUN, THIS IS YOUR REVOLUTION TO MAKE IT HAPPEN THERE ARE ALWAYS MORE POSSIBLITIES THAT YOU THINK! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
----------------------------------------- UPDATE MORE PROOF!! REAL CLOUDS BREAKING THROUGH THE HOLOGRAM: ---------------------------------------- MORE: LIGHTNING WITH NO SOUND OF THUNDER!! THE SUN IS SETTING IN THE WRONG SPOT! HOW MUCH MORE PROOF DO WE NEED?! ----------------------------------------- Update: Possible date they switched on the hologram? THE SUN GOES DARK! 06/19/11 Dutchsinse: ----------------------------------------- I just filmed the sun in Infrared HD.... It came out like Lines from an LCD screen. I think they are projecting images onto the gasses they have figured out how to keep in the atmosphere from Fukushima radiation decay. The isotopes from Iodine 133 and Uranium Decay into Barium and Strontium. These isotopes the military has a brand new application for. They can project 3d images into the gasses. Our sky is being blocked but they still cant keep the heat out. I think we are seeing heat signatures from Soho to be honest. The only reason I say this is because months a ago I always used to film the sun/moon in infrared. What changed? I've used multiple cameras, they all do this. Try and tell me for yourself. This is really weird. Is Nibiru / Elenin visible on the other side? NGO NEWS: Links: //////////////////////////////////////////// Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. ////////////////////////////////////////////
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.