Ventura presents a list of murdered scientists, shows the weapons used, microwave “heart attack generators” and weapons capable of destroying cities or even massive steel high-rise buildings. Ventura interviews an fascinating group of scientists who tell of a massive conspiracy, hiding the capabilities to hide murders at will, destroy cities, even continents. We now have to reassess shuttle disasters, several inexplicable airline crashes, certainly 9/11 and murders, not just of scientists who worked on directed ray projects but evidence from Iraq and Afghanistan that directed energy weapons have been used there. This may well be one of the biggest secrets of all. The key to it all is the Serbian inventor, Nicola Tesla, who claimed he invented a “death ray” over a hundred years ago. This would seem outrageous if he weren’t accepted as Einstein’s equal by most scientists and historians.
It had been a nervous six months since anti-war campaigner David Lawley-Wakelin found out he would stand trial for attempting to put former Prime Minister Tony Blair in the dock on charges of being a war criminal. In the end -- according to supporters who had come to witness proceedings - British justice sided with the establishment.
This is a video clip taken from the training sessions conducted by Guruji Krishnananda, where he explains the real meaning of abundance.
Watch *NEW* Forensic Evidence Here!: outer space or empty space , also simply called space , refers to the relatively empty regions of the universe outside the atmospheres of celestial bodies. Space is used outside to distinguish it from airspace (and terrestrial areas). The outer space is not completely empty of material (ie, not a perfect vacuum ) but containing a low particle density, gas predominantly hydrogen as well as electromagnetic radiation . Although it is assumed that outer space occupies almost the entire volume of the universe and has long been considered mostly empty, or filled with a substance called ether , now known to contain most of the matter in the universe. This matter is made of electromagnetic radiation, cosmic particles, neutrinos without mass and even forms of matter not well known as dark matter and dark energy . In fact in the universe each of these components contributes to the total area , according to estimates, in the following proportions: cold condensed matter (0.03%), stellar matter (0.5%), neutrinos (massless particles, 0.3%), dark matter (25%) and dark energy (75%). The physical nature of the latter is still little known. Only known by some of its properties that print gravitational effects in the period of revolution of the galaxies , on the one hand, and the accelerated expansion of the universe or cosmic inflation on the other.There is no clear boundary between Earth's atmosphere and space, as the density of the atmosphere gradually decreases as the altitude increases. However, the International Aeronautical Federation has established the Krmn line at an altitude of 100 kilometers as a working definition for the boundary between atmosphere and space. This is used because, as Theodore von Krmn calculated, above an altitude of about 100 km, a typical vehicle would have to travel faster than orbital velocity in order to get enough aerodynamic lift to steady himself. U.S. designates people traveling above an altitude of 80 km as astronauts . During atmospheric reentry , the altitude of 120 km marks the boundary where atmospheric drag becomes noticeable.Outer space within the Solar System is called interplanetary space , which turns into interstellar space at the heliopause . The vacuum of outer space is not really empty, is populated in part with several dozen types of molecules organic discovered by microwave spectroscopy . According to the Big Bang theory , the black body radiation of 2.7 K in temperature was the big bang and the origin of the universe fills the space, as well as cosmic rays , which include atomic nuclei ionized and various subatomic particles . There are also gas, plasma , dust, meteors and material left from previous releases and UAVs that are a potential hazard to spacecraft . Some of this space debris re-enters the atmosphere.The absence of air makes outer space ideal locations for astronomy at all wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum . The images and other data from unmanned spacecraft have provided information on the planets , asteroids and comets in our solar system. The categories usually discussed are "alternative history", "alternative medicine", health, "ancient world", artwork, comics, multimedia, creatures, myths, legends, "current events", economy, extraterrestrial, miscellaneous, mysteries, anomalies, nature, environment, "earth changes", "pop culture", 2012, prophecy, predictions, psychology, mind, science, space, technology, spirituality, occult, supernatural, paranormal, UFOs, "aerial phenomena", weird, bizarre and much more.
First Object recorded South after 1am & second Object recorded N.E after 12am ,same night 8/11/2012Rotorua airport is very small, these are not planes !!, there is no planes in our skies after 9.30 pmThe Awesome music is composed and owned by youtube user eamonnkarranThanks Eamonn !!Here's another one for you troll !! ,i don't upload for the ratings, you have 4 accounts or more, i take your dislikes as a compliment
Hells Bells6.8 Mwp - KURIL ISLANDSPreliminary Earthquake Report Magnitude 6.8 MwpDate-Time 16 Nov 2012 18:12:37 UTC 17 Nov 2012 05:12:37 near epicenter 16 Nov 2012 13:12:37 standard time in your timezoneLocation 49.291N 155.445EDepth 4 kmDistances 162 km (101 miles) SSW (198 degrees) of Severo-Kuril'sk, Kuril Islands, Russia 471 km (292 miles) SSW (210 degrees) of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Russia 1980 km (1230 miles) NE (35 degrees) of TOKYO, Japan
PRODUCER: Media Office of the Eastern American Diocese On October 27-28, 2012, a pilgrimage was held to Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY in honor of the 15th anniversary of the martyrdom of Brother Jose Munoz-Cortes - the guardian of the myrrh-streaming Montreal Iveron Icon of the Mother of God. Click here for more information:
Satsang with Mooji, 31st May 2010 (session1), BrixtonWhatever you can perceive is not you.You cannot be even the speculation, whatever image the speculation can take.------If you are not Consciousness, then you are not the content of Consciousness either. The Universe can not appear without Consciousness and you are not that. Who can see this? Can this seer be seen?This is the Key to the Secret of this Universe.
Opening sequence from the original broadcast of The Outer Limits, 1961. This is being uploaded for an academic presentation I am giving on November 21, 2008, and will remain up on YouTube as long as there are no copyright issues.
A very good and true Documentary about Walmart!Enjoy!WAL-MART: THE HIGH COST OF LOW PRICE is a feature length documentary that uncovers a retail giant's assault on families and American values.The film dives into the deeply personal stories and everyday lives of families and communities struggling to fight a goliath. A working mother is forced to turn to public assistance to provide healthcare for her two small children. A Missouri family loses its business after Wal-Mart is given over $2 million to open its doors down the road. A mayor struggles to equip his first responders after Wal-Mart pulls out and relocates just outside the city limits. A community in California unites, takes on the giant, and wins!Producer/Director Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films take you on an extraordinary journey that will change the way you think, feel -- and shop.
Ovni qui sort du volcan Popocatpetl, 15 Novembre 2012, 3h matin-For More Exclusive Information on UFO-Note d'information sur les images d'un objet lumire sur Popocatpetl 25 Octobre 2012. objet photographi depuis la Station spatiale internationale, Novembre 2012 trange, objet pris sur l'ISS, La Passerelle de la photographie astronaute de la Terre 2012. objet non identifi sur cratre de Popocatpetl. Louisiane: objet mystrieux photographi sur la Nouvelle-Orlans, 3 novembre 2012. : Ovni tige avec lumires, 19 octobre 2012. Soucoupe descend du nuage Courcelles : Ovni Gant, Corps tranger pntre dans le volcan Popocatpetl, 26 octobre 2012. Messe observation d'OVNI. Au cours du Kentucky surcharges d'appels tlphoniques de la police, le 16 octobre 2012. OVNI? Lancer sphres explosives? Le 19 Octobre 2012. : OVNI captur sur le volcan mexicain sur la tlvision nationale, le 11 Octobre 2012. : Observatoire d'Ovnis, Val Pescara. va vite vite! +2000 km/h, le 13 juillet 2012, 19h45!/pages/EriGIA007-UFO-2012-MAYA/306418886046269-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED COPYING OR REPRODUCTION IN ANY MEDIA ARE PROHIBITED.Thanks For Watching My Friends--- B -- ---- PC ---
This document is the original translation from a hundred years ago. One of our listeners has translated the Protocols into modern English, which makes it easier to understand. . The Protocols is also available in Spanish at The picture below is the cover from a Spanish book. It illustrates that Zionists control the Banks, the Christians, the Nazis, the Communists, and the Masons. . SOURCE:
Author Frank DiMora gives a host of facts pointing to the soon return of Jesus Christ. You need to see this evidence for yourself.
Probably my best capture yet! Notice how fast these demonic orb spirits break apart when hit by the laser. Unbelievable! Info: CR, IA USA - about 33 degrees F, 11.15.12, around 10:30PM. Visit my new webpage at: My YouTuber channel: Peace. -Suspended Belief
Nibiru is Visible ! NASA reject the idea of Nibiru, and have made efforts to inform the public that there is no threat to Earth in 2012, Now The Planet-X is closer than ever.The latest Nibiru Sightings in Tasmania, Patagonia and FalkLands Islands.NASA have known about this planet X since 1983, Today Nibiru is visible ! The Truth Is Out There.
Total Solar Eclipse Australia 2012 UFO sighting? the planet Nibiru? A strange phenomenon?During the last total solar eclipse in 2012a massive object appears between the moon and the sunthe object is four times the size of Earth.As seen from the Earth, a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, and the Moon fully or partially blocks the Sun. This can happen only atnew moon, when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction as seen from Earth.On 2012 November 13/14, a total eclipse of the Sun is visible from within a narrow corridor that traverses Earth's southern Hemisphere.Over the course of 3.1 hours, the Moon's umbra travels along a path approximately 14,500 kilometres long covering 0.46% of Earth's surface area. Please comment on this video, we will find out the truth among allthe truth is out theresubscribe to our channel
Various experts shared their experiences with the intriguing world of Crystal Skulls. First up, historian Raymond Tarpey, who has specialized in the study of ancient Chinese and Mayan cultures, related the Mayan creation story, which he said described the "Adam & Eve of Atlantis." In the story, Eve is impregnated by a skull, and gives birth to twins. According to Edgar Cayce, a crystal known as Tuaoi, was used to provide energy for communications in Atlantis, he continued.Appearing in a half-hour segment, Jaap van Etten, Ph.D., talked about how crystal skulls convey and store various types of information. Crystal skulls have been used by people in many different ways, he noted. There is a legend of bringing the original 13 crystal skulls together, which he believes refers to mastering "sufficient information and energy to be able to make a shift in consciousness, and every crystal skull whether contemporary or ancient has the potential to tap into that information system." Carolyn Ford, the guardian of the crystal skull Einstein , described her communications. Einstein gave her formulas for her plant medicines, as well as made predictions about the future. Einstein sees people becoming more in harmony with themselves and the planet in the year 2013.In regards to how some of the ancient crystal skulls were made, he suggested some were carved by hand by a master shaman using a kick wheel. Citing the research of Nick Nocerino, and Marcel Vogel, Mehler described the skulls as being like ancient computers that have the ability to both store and transfer energy, as well as raise consciousness. There are a variety of methods to communicate with a skull, including breath, sound, and light, as well as meditation, where you propose questions or see images, he detailed. Mehler also spoke about his interest in Egypt, and said that since Zahi Hawass has left his position, there has been more access to ancient sites. Biography:Stephen Mehler's fascination with ancient Egypt, which began at the age of eight, has guided his education and spiritual work all his life. Mehler holds three degrees in the sciences and is a trained field archaeologist and prehistorian. For almost 16 years, 1992-2008 , Mehler was a student, disciple, and close friend of Egyptian-born Egyptologist and indigenous wisdom keeper, Abd'El Hakim Awyan (1926-2008), popularly known as Hakim. Stephen has written two books, The Land of Osiris and From Light Into Darkness: The Evolution Of Religion In Ancient Egypt , based on his work and collaboration with Hakim and Stephen's over 40 years of research in the area. Stephen is currently Director of Research of both the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association and his own Land Of Osiris Research Project . Mehler has experienced and tested four skulls that he has labeled ancient artifacts, has seen as many as nine that could fit that category, and was able to work with Dr. Marcel Vogel and F.R. 'Nick' Nocerino. Stephen has written a book on the subject with David Hatcher Childress, The Crystal Skulls: Astonishing Portals To Man's Past Biography:Raymond Tarpey is a trained historian. His main area of research is Mayan/Aztec history and spirituality. He also does extensive research on the spiritual legacies of the ancient cultures of China, Japan, the Anasazi, Maya and the Inca. This path, along with information from the Edgar Cayce readings has led him also to do major research on the 'lost continents' of Atlantis & Mu/Lemuria. Raymond also does Tzolk'in Calendar Readings in the Maya tradition.Raymond holds an MA degree in Chinese History and Language. He is an accomplished linguist, fluent in both Mandarin Chinese and Japanese, and is a student of Mayan languages and classical Aztec Nahuatl. He has given presentations on the Mayan Calendar, the Spiritual Legacies of Mu/Lemuria & Atlantis, and the 2012 Prophecies in many cities across the U.S. and Canada, including at A.R.E. HQ in Virginia Beach. Raymond has served on the A.R.E. Board of Trustees and several of his articles have appeared in the A.R.E. "Ancient Mysteries" newsletters. Biography:Jaap van Etten holds a Ph.D. in Biology with a specialty in Ecology. About 20 years ago his life changed dramatically, shifting the focus in his life more towards spirituality. He believes that science and spirituality need to be integrated again. This led him to the study of metaphysical ecology: the study of the interaction between the human (subtle) energy system and the (subtle) energy systems in its environment. He realized that crystal skulls form a link between the Earth and human consciousness. Since then he included crystal skulls in his studies, summarizing his ideas in a book "Crystal Skulls; Interacting with a Phenomenon," published in 2007. Currently his studies focus on the role of crystal skulls in the creation of energy fields, their role in the activation of Earth energies and their role in human spiritual evolution.
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.