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Saturns Rings

Out in the atmosphere I float in silence

I am embraced by the stillness of the warm light

that surrounds me in the darkness

the speed of sound fills my soul like a symphony

all of time stands still and I continue to float on.

I burst into flame brighter than a thousand suns

I become a Star in the nights sky

Shining my love throughout the Universe

I am a super Nova I wake up a dying world

and I become the positive energy that fills the air once again



Srimad Bhagavatam - First Canto, Ch.1

May I offer my respectful obeisances
to the all-pervading Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna.
May I absorb myself in the primeval cause of all causes
and may I realize how Sri Krishna is supremely conscious
of everything that is a part of His Creation.

Giving the first created being, Brahma,
the essential truths of the Vedas,
the illusory nature of this cosmic manifestation
is seen for what it is.

Meditating on the transcendental abode of Sri Krishna,
which remains free of all traces of illusion,
the Absolute Truth is now close to my heart.

Disregarding religiosity and materially inspired devotion,
this song of God is for those who are absolutely pure at heart.

The Truth of Sri Krishna is when Reality
is separated from illusion for the upliftment of every living entity.

Written by Vyasadeva, the wisdom and love
contained herein completely uproots
the seeds of misery and makes any soul God-Conscious.

Simply by hearing this message
with a heart of devotion,
Sri Krishna is seen within.

Relishable by liberated and non-liberated souls alike,
Srimad Bhagavatam carries the scent of Sukadeva Gosvami,
who first narrated this most mature Vedic fruit.

In the holy forest of Naimisaranya,
a collective of great sages gather together
to engage in a sacrifice that will last for a thousand years.
All this they do to please the Lord.

Offering a seat of honor to Suta Gosvami,
the following inquiries are made.

O Suta Gosvami, being freed from degradation
and being an authority in Vedic literatures,
Vyasadeva, who is close to the Lord,
has imbued you with his understanding of transcendental knowledge.

Being blessed by many spiritual masters,
please explain to us what the ultimate nature of goodness is.

During this dark period of kali yuga,
the general public is fond of fighting
and is known for being lazy towards becoming self-realized souls.
They are always prone to being mentally and emotionally
distraught for greater and lesser reasons.

Given that there are literally thousands
upon thousands of different scriptures
which all have their choice method
in relation to the Lord,
kindly select for us the essence of the Lord's scriptures
so that our hearts may be put to rest.

Knowing why the Personality of Godhead
incarnated into Devaki's womb,
we wish of you to speak of Sri Krishna,
the Avatar of Love.

Every living entity who suffers from
the process of birth and death
is at once liberated by just chanting Sri Krishna's holiest of names.

Great sages who have touched the royal feet of the Lord
purify everyone who enters into their stream of awareness,
whereas the Ganges river purifies the heart
only after many years of serving it.

Like Narada Muni who sings of the infinity of the Lord's Love,
your voice is as sweet to hear as the flute playing
of Sri Krishna's pastimes and adventures in the realms of the Absolute.

O Sage of sages, make our ears blissful
by carefully reciting some of the Lord's incarnations
in this dull world of iron.

Being directed and controlled by His internal potencies,
the Lord's incarnations are wholly worthy
of being glorified for an eternity and more.

Enjoying the nectar of developing a relationship
with Him, our ecstasy knows no bounds.

Playing as a child with His Brother Balarama,
the Personality of Godhead masks His
glorious nature by joyfully pretending
to be the Son of Nanda Maharaja.

Desiring to cross over the dangerous ocean
that is kali yuga, you are the captain
of this Supreme Ship of Self-Realization.

Since Sri Krishna is no longer personally present
in this world and in this yuga or age,
shelter us from the storms of nescience.

Copyright - The Blue Cross And Shining Sunset Academy

Window of Divinity

We tend to "see" and focus upon, in this world and in other people, that which we ourselves are emanating outwardly - that which we are currently working to understand as within...this can be happening on the conscious levels of awareness or it it can be happening on the not so conscious levels.

This in itself is beautiful.

This remains true until we have taught ourselves, through practice, the higher truth of walking in ways that serve in moving us beyond the "you-me" focus in all of our interactions.

There is no you and me.

With practice...the illusion of the "mirror" shatters and in its wake is a window, a window that allows us to "see, act and focus" upon the Divine in ALL.

This then becomes a choice - a choice we must make in each moment, that is...until this truth is all that we CAN see...

As we move forward in such light, each choice that we make involves, "we" and not so much of "me."

We Are One...


All knowledge is belief. Knowing is not belief, it is KNOWING. It is your perception it is your vision it is your growth. It is just like the mother – the child grows in her womb, she knows, the child is HER PART, her own extension, her own being, blood and bone. A father is extrinsic, he is not intrinsic. He simply believes that the child is his.

A man of knowledge believes that he knows. A man of knowing knows. Knowing is a transformation in your being, it is like a pregnancy, you have to carry it, you have to give birth to yourself, a resurrection into eternity, a turning away from time and a moving in no time, a conversion from mind to no mind, but something so tremendous that you know it is happening in you. A man of knowledge goes on collecting dust from Buddhas. Those who have known, he believes in them. Whatsoever he believes in is dead. He has not given birth to himself.

He has collected knowledge from others, everything is borrowed, and how can knowledge be borrowed? How can being be borrowed? If knowledge is going to be true it is going to be of the nature of being. George Gurdjieff used to ask people – seekers who would come to him – the first thing he used to ask is: Are you interested in knowledge or being?

Because here we give being and we are not concerned about knowledge, so you decide well. If you are concerned with knowledge, go somewhere else. If you are concerned with being, remain here. But make a very very clear decision. What is the difference between being and knowledge? The same as the difference between knowledge and knowing. Knowing IS being.

It is not something that is being added to you, it is something you grow into. Knowledge is something which is added to you. You don’t grow through it, rather, you carry it as a burden. So you will always find a man of knowledge burdened, heavily burdened, mountains of knowledge he is carrying on his shoulders. You will see his face very serious, deadly serious, and his heart completely crushed under the burden.

A man of knowing is weightless. He has nothing to carry. He can fly into the sky. The gravitation of the earth does not affect him. He is not pulled towards the earth because the earth can pull only that which is heavy. He remains on the earth but he is not of the earth. That is the meaning of Jesus’ saying – he says again and again: My kingdom is not of this world…. It is of some other world, the world of being, of eternity.

If you understand the distinction well, then remember never to move on the path of knowledge. Move on the path of knowing, being, because only then you gain something: not that you have more information, but you become more, and that is the crucial point to be understood – you have to become more.

Your poverty is not of information, your poverty is of being. You are poor and you go on hiding that poverty through accumulating things. And knowledge is also a thing: words, theories, philosophies, systems, theologies – all things; subtle, abstract, but still things. You are not growing, you remain the same, and you create a delusion around you that you have come to know.

Your Daily Reading: “Living Wide Awake™” The Laws of Destiny and Karma Are In the Works Today 11-17-12

While some confusion and vacillation might occur, the greater part of today is intended for writing, or being artistic from your Creative Source.
Opposing Energies: instability, arguments, fear, doubt
If you’re over-focused on stressors, the spiritual beauty of today’s artistry can dissipate.
Wide Awake Words™ for today: tenacity, opportunity, helpful, expansion
The internal dialogues you may have could propel you spiritually to a more intense awareness for your future, and to the personal growth you want to achieve.
This could be a wake-up call to begin ascending on your path of Self Actualization.
Channeling the energy used in worry, stress and confusion to a Higher Place in your Heart-Mind, while adjusting to this new vibrational passage, is key.
But, wait...There’s more...
A chance meeting while travelling might be full of wonderful conversation and intellectualizing.
If you’re afraid, and not inclined to strike up a conversation…rather than obsess on any negative or self-imposed restrictions, open up communications when the opportunity is there.
While meeting someone new is great, be wise, this is a beginning.
Refrain from pouring your ideals out. Take it slowly.
The laws of Destiny and Karma are in the works today; be aware of yourself, and your life by design.
The activities of the day may benchmark decisions and messages that could be trends for your future.
Today’s negatives will provide the lessons that build the firm foundations of powerful intent for your true purpose. (Not all negatives have to be devastating)
A day for truly “Living Wide Awake™”!
“Uniting Spiritual Growth with Conscious Living”™
© 2012 The Sage Lady All Rights Reserved.

The Gnostic-Sant Mat Connection: "Sophia's Passion: Sant Mat and the Gnostic Myth of Creation"

The Gnostic-Sant Mat Connection: "Sophia's Passion: Sant Mat and the Gnostic Myth of Creation", by Dr. Neil Tessler -- Online Booklet:

The creation story of the Gnostics, as with all creation myths, is meant to define the existential position of humanity -- where did we come from, where are we, who are we. In this article we will discover how closely this unique story from the Middle East dating almost two thousand years, is paralleled by the creation stories of Kabir (d. mid-1500's) and Soami Ji (Swami Shiv Dayal Singh Ji Maharaj (d. 1878) and his spiritual Master, Tulsi Saheb of Hathras (d.1843). These related creation stories are of great antiquity, having survived through long ages and various cultures and still resting near the center of a living spiritual tradition known as Sant Mat.

Online Book at Scribd: Harmony of all Religions

Online Book at Scribd: Harmony of all Religions: http://www.scribd.com/doc/106514513/Harmony-Of-All-Religions
"Harmony Of All Religions" (Sarvadharma Samanvy) -- Exploring Inner Light and Sound Meditation in the Great World Religions: Vedic Tradition -- Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, and the Sant Mat tradition -- by Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj


November 16, 2012 an easy 18 mile meditative run, "Don't move the way fear makes you move. Move the way love makes you move. Move the way joy makes you move."

Enjoy Attracting and Receiving

Are you waiting for your ‘ship to come in,’ waiting for ‘your turn,’ or for God to bless you with riches?

Instead of waiting, you need to prepare and put forth the sweat equity. In preparing and putting forth sweat equity, it enlarges your view, stimulates your interest, disperses your doubt and fear, and last, but not least, energizes your power of reception.

You continuously draw into your life what you give, receive and expect. Whether you attract what you desire or not, it is governed by the same principle. Failure in demonstrating to attract what you desire is because you fail to energize your expectations to keep pace with the attraction flow.

Create a vivid picture of what you desire, have an emotional match that is in harmony and activate the Law of Receiving.

Your preparation and sweat equity shows your active faith in the process of the Law of Attraction and Law of Receiving.

Enjoy the journey of Attracting and Receiving. ###

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician - Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She facilitates Past Life Regression and Future Life Progression. She was a World Regression Congress faculty member in the Netherlands, India, Brazil and Turkey. http://www.drdorothy.net http://facebook.com/DrDorothyNed http://teamasea.com/drdorothy

I AM Love and I AM Light

I AM Love and I AM Light
Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ November 16 – 23, 2012
Channeled by: Julie Miller
November 16, 2012

Energy particles are present in every space. If you really quiet the mind, you can feel this energy within the silence of a room, feel a spike in energy after a experiencing a live performance; and often while witnessing a wedding an abundance of love and joy can be experienced. No matter the cause these are energy particles that vibrate with the energies that are most definitely within each of you. Yes you are filled with spiritual energy and this precious energy is affected by what you choose to consume, the kind of thoughts you choose to keep and the many emotions you feel. The truth is dear ones, the higher your dear bodies vibrate, the healthier you will be overall. Having uplifting thoughts and emotions will support not only your mood but your health as well.

Take a moment to consider the amount of concentrated effort you employed on certain problems that entered your life or any ill judgements of other people or of a situation. Reflect on all the things you are grateful for in your beautiful life. During this reflection, think of equal amount of feelings you have for each of the things you are grateful for. Your thoughts do have their own vibrations which do contribute to your own precious body’s emotions which influence your complete flow of energy. Notice dear ones when your spiritual energy is graceful and smooth, flowing with incredible ease and weightlessness all else within your precious being matches this. Just think dear ones, how much healthier you would be if you could always live from this place of weightlessness. Imagine as well how many ‘like’ and wonderful things you will attract from this highly evolved energized state of being.

Your true essence as Beings of Light, you are naturally in a state of ease, feeling of light and joy fills your entire being to the point that laughter and contentment is often expressed. When you go through any dark moment in your journey this often clouds over because you fall into a pothole of your analytical mind when filled with heavy emotions that can derail your enlightened success for a temporary moment of time. At the moment dear ones when you forget the joy and contentment of living in the Light you allow your critical Egoic mind to be in control of your reactions and actions. Indeed this often puts you on the path to problematical thoughts, criticisms and heavy emotions. It is important dear ones to not turn your back on these experiences because through them there is so much growth potential since each one has much to teach you. Out of your darkest of moments when you begin to reconnect with your true self once again, you do climb back up to the higher place of spiritual achievement before you allowed the heavy emotions to bring you into a state of deep contemplation. You find yourself filled with renewed wisdom and often neutral towards the cause of the downward spiral that caused temporary disharmony. Your thoughts dear ones hold so much power. The length of time for you to remain in a place of ill thoughts is depends on how quickly you can redirect those heaving feelings and clear your thoughts and emotions by shifting your energy that is love-filled. When you find your central ground within yourself and the world on a global scale, you will discover your true self is wondrous and amazing.

When you are centered well you will be more aware of your emotions and be in control of any and/or all of negativity. The more centered you are the better you will be at communicating with your body from an inner knowing perspective. You will recognize how you see yourself and learn how you view other people. To be centered you must focus your awareness towards the central part of your head in an area that is not too far from your forehead. Where your concentrated planning stems from is where you put your compassionate self-healing to work. As you center you will discover yourself living in the truth of your true Self.

Grounding is essential dear ones as it supports you to be conscious of your body representing you in the present moment. You connect to your Earth Mother when you allow roots to grow from the base of your spine, or root chakra. Your Earth Mother helps to dissolve any discord or ill emotions as you allow this energy to flow out of your spirit body. Her coolness revitalizes you back to the appropriate levels of energy. It is important dear ones to practice grounding each time you begin any meditation in order to let go of any toxic energy that may linger or any other issues you may be dealing with. Become one with your Earth Mother, she will nurture you, love you and care for you if you open that precious heart and let her in,

Understand dear ones that your spiritual energy isn’t only with what is beneath your skin. It surrounds your physical body as an electromagnetic field of energy that is viewed by colour. This space that surrounds your body, you own it. And by owning this particular field of space you are acknowledging your awareness of your own aura and through this awareness you will set up appropriate boundaries that will protect your precious heart. Your aura dear ones offers you support to live within your space instead of spreading it out and weakening it. At the same time, your aura protects you from other dear souls from moving their energy and emotions into your space. It is always best to have your aura at arm’s length from your physical body - in front, behind, next to, above and below.

Many times dear ones your energy remains with other dear souls you recently interacted with, tasks you’ve been working on, and situations that dominated your focus during the day. To bring back your energy simply call out to it and draw it back by envisioning golden sun or disk that works like a magnet. Call to your energy, telling your energy how much you appreciate it and love it. Bring your wandering aura in through the crown of your head and ensure you have released all your energy back into your space. As you complete doing this dear ones you will discover yourself feeling more refreshed as your own spiritual energy begins to move through you once again.

We encourage each of you to be more aware of yourself as a spirit in the middle of your mind and play with moving your energy from one place to another from within your body. You only need to tune into your state of weightlessness and comfort and say hello to your body. Be aware of how your body is feeling; make a mental note if you feel heaviness from your body that doesn’t match the weightlessness of your mental state. Find the root cause to this heaviness and allow it to be released in order to bring your whole self into complete balance once again. Within each of you is an inner power to control the level of delight and joy you wish to experience. It is within your control to raise the vibration of any amusement and to allow this joy to fill each component of your body. You could even create an inner map beginning at the center of your head and follow the vibration by the use of a golden thread that will connect you to your whole body – allowing you to become aware of the vibration of pure love and permitting this divine energy to move throughout your entire body.

As you learn to operate through your deepening spiritual awareness, the easier it will be for you to shift your energy thus creating a healthier lifestyle. Remember dear ones you are to live in the here-and-now-moment. Learn what can from each past moment, releasing all pain that will allow you to move forward positively and with confidence. Many can advise you dear ones, but it is you that much choose which way your journey will take you.

Never forget, not even for a second that you are love. Remind yourself throughout the day through I AM affirmations: I AM Love, and I AM Light. Tell yourself often that you appreciate your inner being, speak love to your own Self and forgive yourself. Focus with pure intent and attention on the knowing that you can always choose to experience love in every single moment of your life. We ask you to believe this wholeheartedly because it is a truth that is shared with each of you. It is through this truth that your own divine purpose is discovered. When you choose to have faith in your Self and bring yourself into heavenly alignment with God and allowing God to direct you and guide you through your absolute surrender, knowing and trusting in God’s endless love and protection. Believe dear ones that God will always guide you to peaceful solutions through the deepest love He has for all His sons and daughters. Through His never-ending light dear ones you will find yourself out of fear-filled moments and into His beacon of light and through your walk from each darkened moment that brings you along your destined journey, your love and knowledge will help waken others to begin discovering and fulfilling their purpose. Embrace God with your whole heart; do not fear…simply Love.

I AM Ascended Master, Serapis Bey through Julie Miller



from slumber


Living Now

Think of yourself as a "Now" person, not a past collection or a future fantasy. Allow the moments of happiness to seep into your bones now. Grab hold of contentment now. See yourself successful now and enjoy people, places and things now.

"I stand in the middle of my greatness now for I am blessed with the lightness of day and the darkness of night there are no storms in my way under grace and perfect ways"

From "A Little Book of God"

The Principle Of Debt

We are living in a world where
when all else fails debts always remain
Debts of money and debts of emotions

If we take away all the monetary debts
the structures of our world will crumble
If we take away all the emotional debts
the structures of our personality will
fall down

What remains is a freedom from the
clutches of our past
the freedom we have yearned for
the freedom we have been afraid of
the freedom that
has always been ours

More of the same in my new book "A Little Book of God" that can be ordered from my website:


Holiday Depression

By Rick McBride

As much as I don't relate to, or participate in the High Season of Holy Materialism, there is one aspect of it I'd like to look at, and that is The Steadily Depressin', Lowdown Mind-Bendin', Here Come the Holiday Blues. Yes, we're speeding toward that time of year when a large percentage of the mainstream population will be made to feel less than adequate in the eyes of Jesus and the kids. Why is it that such a happy time for many is such a sad struggle for so many more? It's been a topic of concern every year since Forever, just ask any mental health professional. Or bartender.

The Wonderful World of Psychiatry told us for many years depression was the result of internalized anger. In these last three decades a great deal of research has been done on the subject and it appears the biggest driver of chronic depression is actually the feeling of futility. No matter what one does, the outcome is always the same; bad. Defeat, failure, and loss occurring in or resulting from uncontrollable situations create a sense of helplessness, which produces depression. This all sounds very clinical, very doctorly. But how does this relate to the Holiday Blues?

I think it would be beyond pretentious for me to claim I have an answer to that one. After all, how many truly smart, educated people have been trying for how many years to figure it out? Truth be known, there are probably as many reasons for depression as there are depressed people. We assume that if we know the why of it we can figure out the fix of it. Maybe not. Alcoholics are alcoholics because they drink alcohol. But taking away the bottle doesn't fix the why of the alcoholic. There's something else that needs fixing. What changes trigger the Holiday Blues? Well, not to sound too obvious, maybe it's the holidays. Not so much the idea of families and friends coming together, of German and English soldiers taking a break to play soccer (see: WWI), or of just slowing down to take a break from work. If this is the case, then it may be the true culprit of the Holiday Blues is materialism itself.

One of the sadder failings of materialism is this idea that if we can just have enough stuff, we'll be happy. But that doesn't really work, so if we can just get enough of the right stuff, we'll be happy. Well, maybe that's not it either, since they're always changing what the right stuff is, sort of negating the once-right stuff, making us feel even more inadequate; we can't even figure out what the real right stuff is. As soon as the sales curve peaks for the latest iThing, the next latest iThing is released and what we just bought a few weeks ago is now obsolete. And my gawd, we can't not have the latest iThing. This is true with literally every product manufactured in the Free World.*

[* I used to think the Free World was way back when one didn't have to buy food, land, or decent drinking water. My bad.]

I marvel at the combined attempt of the media and its financial handlers, corporate owners and advertisers, to make me feel personally responsible for the bottom line of some giant corporation. Like so many mad lemmings flying off a cliff, I'm supposed to wake up at 4 a.m. on this day called Black Friday, the real reason for Thanksgiving, gather up all my cash and credit cards and dash off to the nearest long line I can find so I can wait until 9 a.m. for the privilege of inflating some international conglomerate's annual profits and stock value. Cash?

Anyway, our collective motivation to participate in this annual ritual has been crafted all year long by ruthless corporate executives, advertising agencies, and the psychologists who work for both. They run nostalgic "human interest" ads, showing grandma passing her favorite recipe to the newest young bride in the family to make sure we know what true happiness looks like. And to make sure we understand how really important all this is my next favorite ad is the one with a ribbon wrapped around a new $40,000 car, like it was just another sweater. My god, I didn't know I was supposed to pick up a new car on the way home along with the groceries and dry cleaning. There is obviously something wrong in my life. And the over-the-top materialism of the holidays makes sure I know what it is.

What's the answer, then? You must decide for yourself. But mainstream people are manipulated to form strong attachments to things; if you've bought (literally) into the illusion that things will make you happy, it should be obvious that not having things will make you not happy. Feeling helpless because you cannot buy on demand the glitter, the fancy, the latest cutting edge, the biggest, all of which are really for the benefit of some faceless corporation, will work on your emotions subliminally. This is no accident. Maybe knowing part of the why will help you navigate the coming weeks.

My answer, for me, is a complete disconnect. But that's easy for me as I've disciplined myself to avoid giving control of my emotional life to others, and I'm not into Christian mythology. Not at all. Reindeer in Jerusalem? Evergreens in your living room, covered in fake snow? The commercial icons of the federally recognized religious holiday in the US known as Christmas, can be traced back to pre-Christian Pagan traditions of northern Europe. What an interesting muddle. A studied disconnect from the culture of aggressive materialism will set you free. Not to mention, it will do wonders for restoring the Earth.

Live simply so that others can simply live. That's more in the true spirit of the season, anyway.

Rick McBride is mixedblood Tsalagi (Cherokee) and wishes you all a happy holiday season. Please check out his website at: http://mixedblood.info


In 1883, a creative engineer named John Roebling was inspired by an idea to build a spectacular bridge connecting New York with the Long Island. However bridge building experts throughout the world thought that this was an impossible feat and told Roebling to forget the idea. It just could not be done. It was not practical. It had never been done before.
Roebling could not ignore the vision he had in his mind of this bridge. He thought about it all the time and he knew deep in his heart that it could be done. He just had to share the dream with someone else. After much discussion and persuasion he managed to convince his son Washington, an up and coming engineer, that the bridge in fact could be built.
Working together for the first time, the father and son developed concepts of how it could be accomplished and how the obstacles could be overcome. With great excitement and inspiration, and the headiness of a wild challenge before them, they hired their crew and began to build their dream bridge.
The project started well, but when it was only a few months underway a tragic accident on the site took the life of John Roebling. Washington was injured and left with a certain amount of brain damage, which resulted in him not being able to walk or talk or even move.
"We told them so."
"Crazy men and their crazy dreams."
"It`s foolish to chase wild visions."
Everyone had a negative comment to make and felt that the project should be scrapped since the Roeblings were the only ones who knew how the bridge could be built. In spite of his handicap Washington was never discouraged and still had a burning desire to complete the bridge and his mind was still as sharp as ever.
He tried to inspire and pass on his enthusiasm to some of his friends, but they were too daunted by the task. As he lay on his bed in his hospital room, with the sunlight streaming through the windows, a gentle breeze blew the flimsy white curtains apart and he was able to see the sky and the tops of the trees outside for just a moment.
It seemed that there was a message for him not to give up. Suddenly an idea hit him. All he could do was move one finger and he decided to make the best use of it. By moving this, he slowly developed a code of communication with his wife.
He touched his wife's arm with that finger, indicating to her that he wanted her to call the engineers again. Then he used the same method of tapping her arm to tell the engineers what to do. It seemed foolish but the project was under way again.
For 13 years Washington tapped out his instructions with his finger on his wife's arm, until the bridge was finally completed. Today the spectacular Brooklyn Bridge stands in all its glory as a tribute to the triumph of one man's indomitable spirit and his determination not to be defeated by circumstances. It is also a tribute to the engineers and their team work, and to their faith in a man who was considered mad by half the world. It stands too as a tangible monument to the love and devotion of his wife who for 13 long years patiently decoded the messages of her husband and told the engineers what to do.

Perhaps this is one of the best examples of a never-say-die attitude that overcomes a terrible physical handicap and achieves an impossible goal.
Often when we face obstacles in our day-to-day life, our hurdles seem very small in comparison to what many others have to face. The Brooklyn Bridge shows us that dreams that seem impossible can be realised with determination and persistence, no matter what the odds are.
Even the most distant dream can be realized with determination and persistence.
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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales. Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas. RELAJACIÓN MÚSICA, MÚSICA RELAX, MÚSICA MEDITACIÓN, MEDITATION MUSIC, FRECUENCIAS SANADORAS, MUSICA ALTERNATIVA, MUSICA SANADORA, MUSICA PARA SANAR EL ALMA, HEALING MUSIC, MUSIC FOR HEALING,healing frequency, FREQUENCY TO HEAL, MUSICA ESPIRITUAL, SPIRITUAL MUSIC, MUSICA DELFINES, DOLPHIN MUSIC, MUSICA NEW AGE, MUSICA REIKI, MUSICA YOGA, MUSICA DE BALLENAS, RELAX MUSIC FRECUENCIAS SAGRADAS SOLFEGGIO