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The Invisible Group Member

Hello All ... Everywhere I visit ..  

The past few months of my existence  have been life altering to say the least. I have been out of where I work and am supposed to return .. but that remains to be seen as I am wandering in other directions and wander I must - it is self survival time !

My daughter was very ill, hovering in the - in-between and really has made a miraculous recovery. She had to make the realization that so much of her fate - her destiny - really was in her two small hands and in her heart. She has made an amazing transformation from someone on the very brink of leaving this plane , to a picture of health.

I was never once afraid. From the moment I stepped into the emergency room where she was in a coma I breathed in very deeply. I looked at her and tears did escape my eyes, I took her hand and spoke to her and I brushed her hair away from her face with my fingers. it is painful - yet important for me to remember this at this time, the way she looked that night.

The doctors told us that they really did not know if she would wake up. I could have gotten hysterical, I could have started sobbing uncontrollably. I chose Peace. I kissed her, I held her hand, I poured my being into hers. I walked away.

I walked down the corridor - encouraging her husband and her step-father to hold her and talk to her and love her . When I got to a quiet spot I called on everyone I knew. I called my my fellow Reiki, LaHo Chi, and AnRa healers, I called on my meditation buddies, my students. I called on all my ancestors and all of my daughters. I called on my friends in healing and cyberspace ( you know who you are ) I called on everyone I could bring into my space of awareness, every person I had come in contact with in a healing capacity. 

She needed to be on a respirator and restrained so she did not pull the tube out. She was in a coma for over three days, I sat with her, I held her hand, I talked to her, I sang to her, I told her stories, I read to her. I loved her so very much. 

She pulled through, not only did she pull through, she is  healthy, more than she had been for years. Everyone shared a bit of who they are with her, this is what we do when times are tough, when our lifeline is ebbing and we are mired in despair or desperate illness. This is Who we are, we are the Golden ones.

Do not ever under estimate the gifts we all contain within our hearts to share with those around us. My child is a living and walking  example of what we are able to do with the love we share with each other.

I have seen it on Long Island where I live, we took the storms much harder than you will ever see reported on the news. The places that are forever changed and are no more live on in our memories, our programming so to speak.

 I have seen people share in unbelievable ways. I have heard of people buying another gas when they did not have enough to  buy any. I have seen people taking their own time to post on facebook for donations they they would get to the areas that needed it when our own government as unable to.

I have witnessed people who are strapped for cash buying things for others that they are sacrificing of themselves because they have a roof over their heads still while others do not.  I have such faith in the human race, we are so much maligned and underrated  there are miracles all around me here on the Island !

As those events and morphs close and fade into memories, still  more events whirl around us. We have scandal, we have wars, we have anger and finger pointing and greed. The election was awful in that there was way to much ugliness surrounding it.  When you reel in, attract, manifest, whatever , you need - doesn't really matter who the boss might be, we are magnificant, we need no one but ourselves to attract all we need. 

We have each other, we have our backs, we share our love and knowledge and kindness and we CARE. We PRAY. We DO .. We are the ones who move the mountains We are the movers and shakers. 

And when it is done, it is done, and we shall simply do it somewhere else.  We are the light beings, we are the galatic nomads, we are the generators of change and attunement and sensibility. We are Angels,Light Beings, Aliens, Gods, Goddesses, we are the Bringers and the Carriers and the Enders. 

We are invisible but we are here ...until this simply all  fades away ...Love to Everyone, I do enjoy my visits here when I have time... today I had time to say Hello :) xooxoxxo carolyn xooxo

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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

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