November 18, 2012 an easy 46 mile meditative runs,” It is only when one stops seeking, and faces the fact of what actually is and goes beyond, that one will discover it for oneself.”
As all of you know I take a great deal of pride in my friends here. all of you even if we havent really talked much but I have reached a dark spot in my life which has nothing and I mean nothing to do with anyone here. These are negative demons that still try to grasp my very existance but I will not let happen. Ive had a pretty rough 2012 but in it all I have met the man I am madly in love with but turned the road to letting go of a very very mentally draining marriage. Sadly it has taken me almost two decades to see that I matter too but hey some of us just care about others more than ourselves and thats just how we were made. Im the first to take a punch in the face and wipe away the blood and say im sorry why did you want to hurt me. let me make it better. well no more. ENOUGH. This darkness goes further than just a exhusband it goes as far as my own blood. Many of us experience this. Not a uncommon situation by far. I suppose really its just how we handle our grief and when we can try to walk away from it with a clear conscience. I have the greatest little girls in my life and if there is anything in this crappy world worth fighting for its them. ( yeah yeah and me) Im feeling a wing hitting me softly inside joke Ive been having alot of medical concerns that I think are self inflicted. well I dont think I kmow. I have back issues due to a past weight problem and now I have to take pain medication and I hate stuff like that but its necessary. My family and I mean my whole family has suffered addictions in some way or another. well me I chose not to go that road. Cant say I sure didnt have my days in the sun with jack jim and jose but always knew when it was quitting time. I had fun and when you have fun and only do that when you feel like it thats not addiction. so naturally I didnt like how these pain meds made me feel. but used for the right reasons and knowing im just helping myself till my next surgerys I can accept that. Next I just need to shed stuff. I need to just throw it away and I has an idea. im going to write down everything that has ever happened and im going to burn it. then im making a smore!! ok my own therapy. Im also burning those awful black stretchy pants i hate. no offence to anyone who loves them but They are having a decent buriel with me. My neighbors will think ive lost it and all will be well. Keep me in your prayers and as I will do for everyone of you. Love and light forever! Pamela aka Pammy to my friends
This from Norah! Now that a few days have passed, I am beginning to notice that the strength of your coming Transit Period is even greater than I had originally thought.
Is it possible to be too much of a being of light? Does one need both the darkness and light in our souls to function? Shouldn't it be a journey to balance the dark and light and not simply be a being of pure light? If being pure a pure dark soul is 'bad', isn't it just as 'bad' to be a pure light soul?
I stood outside the original entrance. Did you know it looked like a key hole?
I placed my hands next to it and before I knew what was happening, I sunk into the sand up to my shoulders. I then received a transmission of an energetic pulse that I felt to the core of my bone marrow.
I understood it to be the vibration to introduce to peoples bodies during this time to help the human body to support the new energies without blowing out the endocrine system.
This past Friday night I went to one of my favorite shops for gemstones and crystals. Nature’s Art, aka The Dinosaur Place in CT, was having their annual VIP Friends and Family Sale.
I went alone. I don’t mind doing things by myself for I feel that it is important for you to like yourself enough to enjoy time with yourself. Personally, I have experienced wonderful insight and “ah ha” moments when I am alone with with my Guides and Angels… even in public.
Once I stepped into the wonderful shop, I was embraced by the beautiful energetic hug from all the crystals and gemstones there. An employee greeted me and I handed her my VIP Invite to participate in the festivities. The shop is decorated for the Holidays with Christmas music is playing through the store’s speakers.
As I looked around… I suddenly felt an all to familiar feeling returning. Oh no! For years I have suffered from Christmas “depression”. Last year was the first year I didn’t experience it and had thought that I worked through all this. The more I walked around looking at items… the worse the feeling got.
Free snacks and drinks were being served in the cafe area of the shop. The smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies pulled me right over to the cafe area. I was impressed with the layout of food! Fruit, veggie, cheese and cracker trays, fresh baked cookies, coffee and hot apple cider were being served. Oh my! I grabbed my plate of goodies and a cup of hot apple cider and went to sit down at an available table.
Time to ponder and explore what is going on within me. Well, First, I knew immediately what the main reason is…. I miss my mom more at this time of the year. My mother had Crossed Over in 1990. Christmas and our December birthdays were part of her favorite Celebrations. She would go overboard and really get into the festive season! As I looked around the shop, I did see many mothers and daughters shopping. Ok, now let’s stop being narrow sighted…what else do I see? I see couples, sisters, and friends shopping too. That didn’t bother me. Funny how we zero in on the one thing, the one issue that we need healing on. I know the real reason for my “blah” moods at Christmas was because I miss my mom.
Second reason for my feelings tonight; I miss looking at and buying toys for my boys….who are young men now. The shop sells Playmobile and Legos… two of my sons’ favorite toys they played with in their youth.
Third reason; The materialism of the Season. The True meaning of the Holy Days are not material gifts, but time with your Family, Friends and those you Love. This includes YOU! Remember to pamper yourself too.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy buying gifts for others, but I don’t go overboard with it. (anymore) There was a time…years ago when I was a Shop-o-holic. This was a temporary and “empty” relief from any depression I had. I realized that shopping did not fill the void in my life. I learned, and yes, I chose the hard way… I learned to fill that void with non-materialistic and drama free energies. Once I turned to the God “Within” and listened to my Sacred Heart Center (Heart chakra) a whole new world opened up for me! My intuitive gifts and abilities that I had put aside finally started to blossom, like a flower in the sun’s warmth. I am Balanced and Healed now from any addictions.
Sitting at the table in the cafe, sipping my cider, I quickly “fixed” myself…. I will continue to Honor my mother by being happy for those memories we shared, and continue to make happy memories for my family. I also am so happy and grateful for the memories from my sons’ youth. They have grown into fine young men and I am very proud of them. I took a deep breath and felt better. Gratitude makes everything so much better and quickly assists in the Balancing of ourselves. Forget the salt and pepper shakers on the cafe table…how about “Gratitude” shakers? hahahaha
Feeling much better, I got up to explore the rest of the shop. As I walked around, I felt the energy start to wind up….like a tornado. Ok, hold on, here we go….. suddenly, all through the store, there was the sound of a child screaming, crying and having a fit! He picked up a toy off of a shelf and when his mother tried to take it away from him… a full temper tantrum went into effect. You could feel the shoppers tense up immediately, which added to the vortex of this energetic tornado.
I found a quiet spot in the shop and grounded myself. I closed my eyes and opened up my Channel, allowing a full blast of Divine Love and Light to shine out of my Heart Chakra area; shining out for miles in all directions. There are many crystals and gemstones in this shop and all the beautiful energy from theses products of Nature helped me to maintain Balance and Grounding. Once I felt that the space was “cleansed”, I shrunk back my Heart Chakra to normal “in public” size. It is not good for us to walk around all the time with our Channel open at full blast.
Within seconds, the energy of the shop felt better and calmer. The child stopped crying and shoppers returned to their festive and relaxed selves.
At that moment, I realized why I was truly guided to be here, at the shop. I was guided to help the energies present, to send Healing, Love and Light to this area. That was the real mission, not the festive celebration and sale. I am so grateful that I didn’t miss this opportunity. If I had not rebalanced myself what would I have done? Leave the store immediately because I was upset and wanted to run away from the feelings I was having? Yes, it is important to take care of ourselves before continuing on to help others. However, by running away from or avoiding ourselves, we miss opportunities to assist others in a more powerful state of BE-ing, because we are “stuck” in our turmoil.
Experiences are teachers for us. What a wonderful Gift from God/Creator/Universe!
May you share your Gift with the world and continue to Shine Brightly. Many Blessings,
Question : When I have my period, I always go mad. Last time, I Smashed somethings in the house. Why do i always feel So Desructive during my period?
To feel wild is not bad, but to break anything is not good, mm? Whenever you feel wild, dance a wild dance -- but never destroy anything. It may not be a problem -- you can destroy a pot -- but the very idea of destruction is bad. It gives you a destructive attitude towards life. And the pot is just an excuse. You would really like to destroy more valuable things -- even valuable relationships, people, mm? But you cannot destroy that much, you cannot bear it, so you break a poor pot -- and he has not done anything!
For many women the days of the period are a little destructive, and the reason is very biological. You have to understand and become a little alert and aware so that you can rise a little higher than your biology; otherwise you are in the grip of it. If you are pregnant, the period stops because the same energy that has been released in the period starts being creative: it creates the child. When you are not pregnant, every month the energy accumulates and if it cannot be creative then it becomes destructive.
So when a woman is having her period, for those four or five days she has a very destructive attitude, because she does not know what to do with the energy. And the energy vibrates, it haunts the innermost core of your being, and you cannot give any creativity to it. All creative energy can become destructive and all destructive energy could have become creative. For example, Hitler. He wanted to be a painter in the very beginning, but he was not allowed. He could not manage to pass the examination and enter into the art school.
The man who could have been a painter became one of the most destructive men in the world. With the same energy he may have become a Picasso. And one thing is certain -- he had energy. The same energy could have been infinitely creative. Ordinarily, women are not destructive. In the past they were never destructive because they were continuously pregnant. one child is born, then they are again pregnant; again another child is born and then again they are pregnant. For their whole life they used their energy.
Now, for the first time in the world a new danger is arising, and that is the destructiveness of women. Because now there is no need for them to be pregnant continuously. In fact pregnancy is almost out of date. But the energy is there. I see a deep connection between birth control methods and the Women's Liberation Movement. Women are becoming destructive and they are destroying family life, their relationships. They may be trying to rationalise it in many ways, but they are trying to be liberated from the slavery In fact it is a destructive phase.
They have the energy and they don't know what to do with it. The birth control methods have stopped their creative channelization. Now if some channels are not opened to them they will become very destructive. In the West the family life is almost gone. There is continual conflict, continual fighting, quarreling and being nasty to each other. And the reason is -- and nobody understands what the reason is -- a biological problem. So whenever you feel that the period is coming, be more alert, and before it starts, do wild dancing.
The Ethiopian dance [group] will be helpful. You can go beyond nature because you have a higher nature also. One can go beyond biology, and one has to otherwise one is a slave to hormones! So whenever you feel destructive, start dancing. What I am saying is that dancing will absorb your energy. You are doing the opposite.
You say you like to rest and not do anything during these days, but do something -- anything, go for a long walk -- because the energy needs release. Once you catch the point, once you know that the dance relaxes you completely, those four days of your period will become the most beautiful because you will never have so much energy as then.
Last week was quite busy for me. Lots of unexpected things came up; some other things got pushed to a different date. I have to say, I'm glad I was not attached to anything happening or not happening
This week's headline items are: The First Quarter Moon on Tuesday morning; the Sun changing signs from Scorpio to Sagittarius on Wednesday afternoon; Venus changing signs from Libra to Scorpio on Wed. evening; a 35-hour Moon void of course (VoC) starting Friday evening; finally, Mercury will start its station on Sunday (going direct again next week Monday).
We start this week with the Moon in freedom-loving, forward-thinking Aquarius, where it will remain until Tuesday around noon. This begins the buildup towards the first Quarter Moon (more on that later…)
The energy of the Aquarian Moon relates to the instinctive need for our future improvement. Reactions are more intellectual than emotional, interactions more impersonal than personal. We are more likely to have a fascination with the new and unusual. Promoted at this time: social gatherings; anything touching on group ideals and goals for the future. We have our eyes firmly on the future and we love brainstorming. It's all about the "new" -- new ideas, progressive changes, new methods. Most important of all for us right now: personal freedom.
Tuesday morning starts with a powerful first Quarter Moon, exact at 9:31am EST. The Moon in freedom-oriented Aquarius will make a challenging aspect to the Sun (in intimacy-seeking Scorpio). Around the first Quarter Moon, we feel compelled to take action. Because last week's New Moon was also a Solar Eclipse, we are better off waiting until early December to take action on any brand-new projects -- instead, move on things that have been in the works for a while. This is a time to grow and stretch ourselves, creating more forward momentum for anything that needs a push.
Check to see if there is anything that needs to be faced or readjusted in your life, especially anything related to the following: intimate relationships, fears or disempowering habits, future visions, anything related to the internet or group/community issues.
Do you have your Ascendant or personal planets in 25-29 degrees of Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio or Taurus? Or perhaps in 0-2 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Gemini? If so, you will feel the effects of this first Quarter Moon more strongly than otherwise.
At the same time that the first Quarter Moon becomes exact, Mercury -- still in its retrograde phase -- moves over the Eclipse point from last week's New Moon (Nov.13th). This gives us a chance to take a second look at what was born in us at that time. Where are we seeking to connect on a deeper level? What are we yearning to talk about? How can we empower ourselves and others? What issues need to be re-addressed and with whom?
Also on Tuesday, right after the first Quarter Moon is exact, we enter a two-and-a-half hour Moon void of course (VoC) from 9:31am until 11:55am EST. Use this time to tap into your intuition and go with the flow. As best as you can, stay flexible and open to making readjustments.
At 11:55am EST on Tuesday, the Moon moves into creative, sensitive Pisces where it will journey until Thursday evening. The energy of the Pisces Moon is about our need to connect to our higher selves. It can be a wistful, sensitive, intuitive and compassionate time. We are especially imaginative, and our intuition reigns under this influence. Boundaries and walls come down; we feel energetically connected to everything around us, so as best as you can, be kind to yourself and others -- and surround yourself with loving energy. It's a time best used for spiritual or creative endeavors; it's also a great time to dissolve our fears and doubts. Feelings tend to flow more freely. As best as you can, let them ;-)
On Wednesday the Moon remains in creative, sensitive Pisces all day (see Tuesday for details).
On Wednesday at 4:50pm EST, the Sun switches signs from passionate, intense, all-or-nothing Scorpio to adventurous, optimistic, truth-seeking Sagittarius. The Sun will journey here until December 21st. For the next four weeks,...
Check out the rest of the week's details:
Have a fantastic week! Many blessings, Sonja
Please note that all times given above are Eastern Standard Time -- to change the listed times to your own timezone, I recommend clicking here for the time and date converter:
When listening to Spirit the first rule for me is that Spirit is emotionless and doesn’t mince words. I must remember then to translate with emotions for anybody I am channelling for. This is why many psychics will imply that their information is their interpretation, and any seeker may find another.
Time is another aspect that needs to be taken into consideration when listening to Spirit. Time is very different in the spiritual world as opposed to our Earthly world. Time to Spirit is irrelevant, and I suppose the words that I have read in spiritual texts which say “1,000 of your years is but one of mine”, pertain to Spirit’s lack of earthly concern about accuracy in our linear time. While I may be given a month, I can only claim it to be the next month or the one after, but that took time to learn.
Our Higher Selves (Spirit) have our best interests at hand at all times. When we combine this with the perceived concept that a contract (being spiritual and karmic for its first half, and spiritual for its second) is entered into before we arrive on the Earth plane, all of Spirit’s focus then becomes aligned with this contract. You will complete your contract or be removed. There are many modalities that Spirit uses to assist you in completing this contract. In that regard no sentiment is offered and Spirit will not provide emotional alternatives when the time is needed to be on track. This explains why many people are knocked down in their stride and miraculously found as they arise.
Finally, there is only yin and yang to Spirit; it does not have a concept of good and bad like we do, for in its world all is necessary. It is enough to say that universally it is the darkness of the background that illuminates the stars.
Many of us, from the baby boomer age, grew up going to whatever church our parents attended. We had the Lord's prayer in school. Most of us had a bible at some point in our life. We were taught God and Jesus and Heaven and Hell.
Fast forward to 2012 and what have you learned? Well I have learned that there is an almighty Father God and Mother Gaia in my reality. There is Source, Universe, Light, Creator, Master and they are all one in the same to me. I have learned that when I need to vent, I can vent to my Source, when I need to be grateful, I can thank my Source. It doesn't matter what comes out of my mouth, my God listens and my God does not judge me. I am loved unconditionally and I am not going to hell if I screw up.
My parents have both gone back home to be with the Lord. They served their physical body time here and returned to their soul spirit state. It saddens me when I think of what I needed to ask them and didn't, however, it brings me joy to know that they are still here with me, deep in my heart centre and they often come to me in my dreams.
Yes I miss having a physical body to hug however I know it is not forever. I know my life is going to be filled with blessings and joy from my heavenly Father and I will ascend to be with them again some day.
The funny thing is, I also believe that we are spiritual beings that return to earth time and time again learning different lessons and how to handle them and use them to the best of our ability. My parents may have been my friends in a former life, they may have been my brother and sister in a former life. That is just the reality of it. I know they were here for a purpose and I know that I chose them as my parents for a purpose in this lifetime.
This is such an amazing time for us. We are coming through the shift towards the end of 2012. We are growing in spirit and knowledge. We are connecting on such a deep level. My God and whoever you feel is your God, is smiling down at the progress we're making here. My God is pleased that all of us on this spiritual journey are helping others - even if it is just one person at a time. We are doing the right thing. We are growing and we are moving faster than ever in this lifetime. Our ascention is getting closer all the time and I for one am so excited for what the next few years are going to present to me.
My vision board that I made at the beginning of the year had a big caption at the top 'BEST YEAR EVER' and boy it has definitely come to fruition. Down around the middle I had 'SUCCESS' and yes that has happened too. Strength, Dare to Dream, You Are So Here... so many statements along with my pictures of where I held my vision for this year. I have felt the strength of God feed my soul and body and the more gratitude I gave, the more strength I received.
The end of our year is coming and I believe that I am a victor and not a victim in this world. God has made me whole and proud and strong. God has blessed me so many times and my heart is filled with love.
Posted by Dorothy M Neddermeyer on 18 November, 2012
Through all history and all traditions the power of praise has been a common method to employ all sorts of good. The power of praise is more exquisitely powerful than the majority of people believe.
In early history people offered praise through taking sacrifices to the Alter. Their prayers were answered, not because of the particular sacrifice, but because of the belief associated with the sacrifice offering. When you praise you move into an amplified feeling of gratitude and appreciation.
The act of praise has the energy of attraction associated with it and gets bigger as the gratitude is sent forth. Native American cultures are highly spiritual. They place a great emphasis on respect and praise for the Great Spirit, Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun for their bounty for crops, food, shelter and clothing, as well as living and non-living things.
Remember the Power of Praise brings you closer to your desires. ###
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician - Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She facilitates Past Life Regression and Future Life Progression. She was a World Regression Congress faculty member in the Netherlands, India, Brazil and Turkey.
Posted by Michka ~White Raven~ on 18 November, 2012
Good afternoon everyone. Today, we have a treat. I will not be doing the card of the day. We are going to hear from my sister, Dani who asked if she could do one in my absence. It has been a very draining week and your reader needed a break. Hope you enjoy it.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
The cards that were chosen today were the Sacred Path Cards by Jamie Sams, which are cards that are for the discovery of self through Native American teachings. The card that was drawn was Counting Coup - Victory.
"To know that I have honored My words with my deeds, Sweet victory is shared by all, In filling other's needs. Humankind rejoices! The prize of Counting Coup, Harmony and balance, A peaceful world anew.
The war cry has been shouted and victory is assured if you have received the Counting Coup card. You are being put on notice that a personal victory is in the works. You may have overcome a long-time challenge or conquered an opponent, so now it is time to share your victory with others. Whether the victory is one of a spiritual nature or of winning a lottery ticket makes no difference. You are to honor yourself at this time and be grateful for this blessing.
Counting Coup represents the success of forward movement and the acknowledgement of right action. You have been true to yourself and are being rewarded for staying on The Sacred Path. Congratulations! Victory is sweet but sweeter still when the spoils are shared with those you care for. Share the joy of your Coup with those who want to see you winning. Remember: Warriors who had Counted Coup always took care of the widowed, aged and feeble. The material victories shared bring further honor, providing another Coup Feather for those willing to Give-Away."
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, the act of Counting Coup represents a victory over an enemy or an accepted challenge. It was traditionally an item taken by the victor that showed how his medicine was stronger than his opponent's. It could have been horses, eagle feathers, Medicine bundles, tomahawks or other weapons. Today this card is representing the victory over our own inner enemies; ignorance, inner conflict, envy, jealousy, willful pride, laziness, fear, bitterness, hatred, greed, bigotry, gossip, resentment and broken promises as well as our personal outward victories in overcoming adversity.
This card comes to us in a very timely week. This week is Thanksgiving, a time where all of us take a day out of our lives and give thanks for what we have. It is traditionally a time spent with family and loved ones, stories are shared and a moment is taken to express what we are thankful in our lives. As we all go about celebrating this holiday, we are asked to celebrate our accomplishments, inwardly and sharing with others. We all have our struggles in life, some more than others. We have had some incredible triumphs and some failures. This week is the time to take the time and share your victories with others to inspire them with hope. Recently, we have read about sharing and giving without expectations, the passions in our lives and our pure inner strength and interconnectedness. This holiday encompasses them all by honoring the victories and joys in our lives, giving us a day to pause and say THANK YOU for all that I have been given and all I have accomplished. Share the stories of your personal triumphs with those gathered with you. You never know who will benefit from even a little detail that you say or do. That one moment of resonance for them may be the seed to their personal victory on their life journey.
In honor of this, I would like to start and would invite any who would like to share their victories to post them here as well...
For those of you who do not know me, I have always been a very driven, passionate person who took on challenges and did not stop until I saw them to fruition. This was especially in my career. I was blessed to work for some companies that I LOVED and believed in. While I was working for them, I was unstoppable. I achieved results and promotions to career goals. Once I reached a certain level in the corporate bureaucracy, I was met with the realization that it was not what I wanted to do and lost my passion for the job. That was September 2010. Since then I have been bouncing from one job to the next looking for a good fit and have realized that I am very sensitive to negativity in a job. As of October this year, I made a decision that I just could not do it anymore and quit my job. My family and friends kinda freaked out on me for acting rashly or not just sucking it up. "The rest of America is doing it....." Well, I made up my mind and stuck to it that I am going to find my passion again and not settle for a job that I will stay in for the time being and be miserable. What purpose does that solve? My husband has been great through this even though at first he had a REALLY hard time with all the financial risk. We are still not out of the woods in regards to that but on this Thanksgiving week, I am most thankful to have the most amazing family that supports my decision to be ME and really find out who that person is. To have friends that hold no judgment over me and offer outlets to speak freely without criticism over ideals held. I have been given an opportunity on my life's path to find my true self and I am thankful to the universe, all the powers that be, my guides and everything for supporting me through a time that could be easily wasted and spiral into a negative vortex of hell but has given me the strength to forage ahead with my head held high. THANK YOU for all the readers on this site as well for all listening to each other and having positive effects on the rest that are here. Share that love and your victory to others - you never know who you can help and how significant you all are.
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.