2012: 'Consider Yourself Already Dead' "What is happening here? They seek to transform the whole world!" Definitely true!! A true quote, we need to change civilization by starting from square one.. This civilization is falling apart and governments are controlling people. we are just foolish to recognize this. The world is rotten, the new generation can't think for themselves. It's sad to see how human mind is not going forward but backwards instead. Poor of you that believe that because gay people are now allowed to marry themselves for example is an achievement for mankind, it is not. It's a proof that like spoiled child we now are allowed to do whatever we want to. Morality is dead.
In this discourse, Louix Dor Dempriey dispels the myth that another person can be your Twin Flame. Only God can be your Twin Flame and you must enter into a Divine Romance if you want to find true fulfillment. Make God your best friend, lover, confidante, mentor - your everything. If you invoke God into your life over and over, you'll become intoxicated with passion, adventure, and excitement. When God is your beloved, he may bless you with a blissful human relationship, but realize it doesn't belong to you. You must offer it back to God and use it to bring others to God. See yourselves as the Keepers of the Flame, never its owners. You can't own the flame of God's love any more that you can touch fire. See each other as portals to access and deepen your own romance with God.
"HEALTH CARE BILL" in "America" ..A mini-documentary on perceptions, what "America" is set up to be ..and it's relation to the "health care bill" ....with content directly from the "bill"..should affect your perception of what it really is .. LINK & SUB = http://www.youtube.com/user/freelovingamerican ..lives OFF-GRID ..makes great video's sharing his experiences and knowledge/skills that he obtains ..enjoy
Note: View in full screen in HDMufon report:Around 6pm on November 24, 2012 while driving south on Mabry Hood Rd in Knoxville near the intersection of Kingston Pike and Pellissippi Pkwy I saw approximately five orange lights in the sky in triangle formation. Four lights were in a line and one light that made the point of the triangle. These lights appeared to be hovering at a low altitude. There did not appear to be any mass between the lights. I pulled over at the Chilis parking lot to take a video with my iPod Touch, but I lost sight of the lights. Then I saw one of the lights again to the east, and then eventually two more which made another triangle. Two of the lights gradually disappeared, but the last one remained and appeared to glow more brightly. I did see other planes in the distance in the same direction as the lights, but those were obviously planes because they were moving at a constant rate and had blinking lights. I thought that the planes may have been dropping some sort of flares, or these were flares on balloons. I stopped my recording because the light was just stationary, but when I looked for the light again after it was gone.
An AWESOME, recent UFO sighting was recorded! Watch in FULL SCREEN! It's, what appears to be, 3 intelligent moving, ufo spheres or orbs of light that went across the sky of Buenos Aries, Argentina in November of 2012! In my opinion, way too fast to be chinese lanterns this time, and no, these are not balloons, planes or helicopters. Please share to help spread the TRUTH!!! Namaste friends
From: http://video.foxnews.com/v/2005266599001/president-to-bypass-congress-on... like PigMine's FaceBook page here: http://www.facebook.com/PigMineNewsSubscribe to http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=PigMine3December 02, 2012 - Gun rights activist John Snyder explainsFAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
Tribute to the heroes of the Benghazi attack on our embassy: Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Ambassador Chris Stevens...and a rebuke of the treason that let them die. All proceeds (that's ALL...except the Bandcamp 15%) will go to the SEAL NSW Family Foundation. Downloads at http://chriscassonetea.bandcamp.com. SEALS at http://www.seal-nswfamilyfoundation.org/High On A MountaintopI heard the man on the radio, said, "My son is gone and what's to show?"Defending who knows what for who knows why.Half a world away they watched for real, they saw the soul of a Navy Seal"Who gave the order for my son to die?"Evil men telling evil liesJust to win a vote you let them dieWhile that drone would only hover.Finger pointing. They're on the run.Investigations have all begun.How much more will they uncover?High on a mountaintop. That's the only place where I can stop this cryingHigh on a mountaintop. Closer to God and further from all this lying.You know it stands to reason, and it's shaping up like treason, we all know.He didn't even have to venture in, but when his brothers, they all needed him,He was on the spot...not flying to Vegas.Real leaders lead when they are called, Never thinking that they'll drop the ballBut drop to their knees for Him who has made us9-11, baby, you should have knownAl Queida coming and they're all aloneBut where is the outrage for THIS story?Laser target, in his sight60 to one, yea the odds looked right.You'll never understand their gloryHOAM. It's the only place I can go to stop this hurting.HOAM Justice will come one day, I know for certain.-I know I cannot runaway, but give us just another single day-These heroes live forever but a coward dies a thousand times.-You know it stands to reason but it's shaping up like treason, we all know.Half a world away they watched for real, they saw the soul of a Navy Seal"Who gave the order for my son to die?"2012 Cassongs Music
Dec 2nd, 2012 eastern Ontario, 3:10 pm. I tested the my drizzle coming out of our rear, side down spout this time. just for a change1pm test read 0.58 microsieverts per hour. 2pm read 0.45. This is the 3:10 pm test.Lets call it 10 X background.Japan has started burning radioactive rubble so on top of the blown nuclear reactors and melting spent fuel pools, the world gets a little something extra for the coming holliday season. Happy Nukemas from the GE/Tepco/NRC/IAEA gang, ya'll.
"HEALTH CARE BILL" in "America" ..A mini-documentary on perceptions, what "America" is set up to be ..and it's relation to the "health care bill" ....with content directly from the "bill"..should affect your perception of what it really is .. LINK & SUB = http://www.youtube.com/user/freelovingamerican ..lives OFF-GRID ..makes great video's sharing his experiences and knowledge/skills that he obtains ..enjoy
"Every War in past 50 Years a Result of Media Lies" - Julian Assangehttp://rt.com/news/wikileaks-revelations-assange-interview/FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law.
Rare Event!! - December 3rd, 2012 -- Planets Align With Giza Pyramids For The 1st Time in 2,737 Yearshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qwDoi8O6sEhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbuYDcZU9Gchttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voz0CFOVcYYhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VES6_1QCn4http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq4mgrrVUwYSo, were the pyramids built to reveal this alignment on Dec 3, 2012 which occurs 18 days (6+6+6) away from Dec 21, 2012?? Btw, the 25,920 yr. cycle is the Great Precession of the Equinox, which occurs on Dec.21,2012. Dec.3 is 18 days prior to the 21st, and if you add up the minutes in 18 days, (60 min.X 24 hrs.X 18 days) it adds up to 25,920 minutes. Strange coincidence? 18 is also 6+6+6.Source...http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2012/12/01/doomsday-hysteria-sweeps-across-russia/Are the Russians more privy to this ancient Mayan knowledge than the rest of the world?The Mayans believed that the world had been destroyed four times before. First by water, the second by wind and the third by fire and earth changes. They believed that at the end of each age there is a time of chaos, and then a period of rebuilding as a new age begins. However, if we are to believe the Mayans they believed that in 2012 , it would be the fifth and final age of man. In other words, our days are numbered.In this last millennium, a great civilization of scientists, artists and warriors, more than 12 million strong, abruptly abandoned their world. They were the Mayan , a people of great vision, whose cities and temples along the present day Yucatan Peninsula, were swallowed up by the jungle. They left behind great civic centers, temples of worship, houses and apartment buildings. They buried great works of art, pottery and plows. The crowning achievement of their entire civilization is the Mayan calendar. To this day it is a puzzle to modern scholars. It may also serve as a warning to us about the destruction of our own civilizationMayans counted the days according to two calendars, one a "vague" year of 365 days and the other a shorter cycle of 260 days. Every day had two names, one according to each calendar, so that the same combination of names would not recur for 52 years. When one of these 52 year time periods came to an end, they would leave their cities and go to the surrounding hills and anxiously watch the stars. The sign they were looking for was the Pleiades star-group." The appearance of these stars meant that the heavens had not stopped turning and the sun would rise again. They " celebrated the birth of this new 'century' with rejoicing and the lighting of fires, symbolizing the rebirth of the world.""According to anthropologist, Dr. Arlen Chase, " The Mayan calendar is one of the wonders of the world. It is so accurate in terms of its counting ability, that it puts our calendar to shame. To the Mayan, time was cyclical. So, you return and cycle back. They have one major cycle that started in 3113 B.C. that is going to come to an end on December 12, 2012." At this time they believed that there would be a sudden reversal in the earth's magnetic field. The Mayan feared that the sun, which they had nourished with their human sacrifices, would one day no longer send its life force. They believed this would end the last age of man."FAIR USE NOTICE: These pages/video may contain copyrighted ( ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, POLITICAL, HUMAN RIGHTS, economic, DEMOCRACY, scientific, MORAL, ETHICAL, and SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUES, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational.
"Did you ever notice how in the bible,that whenever God needed to punish someone,or make an example,or whenever God needed a killing,he sent an angel?Do you ever wonder what a creature like that must be like?Your whole existence spent praising your God,but allways with one wing dipped in Blood.Would you ever really want to see an Angel?"Scenes from 'The Prophecy' , music Bauhaus "Stigmata Martyr"
Lecture about the purpose behind the crop formations, the influence from our space friends/extraterrestrials, and events taking place at the 21st -23rd of December 2012. Website: http://ufofacts.orgVideo made by Harald Sand. www.sandofilm.com
'A World of Love is Coming!' This is the OFFICIAL RELEASE of the Full Length Documentary film '2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning' Now available for free to view! Please share the message and support the film by making a small donation. It is the key to being able to make films like these possible! This film has been completely independently funded and produced! We appreciate your support. To donate visit Paypal below! (You don't need to have a PayPal account to make the donation, simply click on 'don't have an account' and fill out the form) https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=HB8... can also get a Downloadable Digital HD copy RIGHT NOW for a small fee of $15! To get your copy of the Film, visit PayPal by clicking on the link below: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4HR... Dec 21, 2012 is on everyone's mind. What will it bring? Is it the end of the world? A new beginning for mankind? Or just another year on the calendar? Brave Archer Films presents '2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning.' The feature doco explores a positive spiritual perspective on the events of Dec 21, 2012. The film investigates the galactic alignment, consciousness awakening, cycles of evolution, our binary star system with Sirius, the fear agenda in the media, who's behind it, love vs fear and much more.The film is loaded with amazing revelations of the current times we live in, from exceptional astrologer and teacher Santos Bonacci, spiritual leaders Bud Barber, George Neo and much more. The doco is shot entirely in Full HD, illustrated with high end animations and includes original music by Jonathan Kent. (Note: The track used in the trailer is by SimilarD)Film Credits:Written, Directed, Edited & Produced by: Amel TresnjicCinematography & Visual Effects: Amel TresnjicIncluding Original Music by: Jonathan KentProduced by Brave Archer Filmshttp://www.bravearcherfilms.com
'A World of Love is Coming!' This is the OFFICIAL RELEASE of the Full Length Documentary film '2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning' Now available for free to view! Please share the message and support the film by making a small donation. It is the key to being able to make films like these possible! This film has been completely independently funded and produced! We appreciate your support. To donate visit Paypal below! (You don't need to have a PayPal account to make the donation, simply click on 'don't have an account' and fill out the form) https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=HB8... You can also get a Downloadable Digital HD copy RIGHT NOW for a small fee of $15! To get your copy of the Film, visit PayPal by clicking on the link below: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4HR... Plot: Dec 21, 2012 is on everyone's mind. What will it bring? Is it the end of the world? A new beginning for mankind? Or just another year on the calendar? Brave Archer Films presents '2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning.' The feature doco explores a positive spiritual perspective on the events of Dec 21, 2012. The film investigates the galactic alignment, consciousness awakening, cycles of evolution, our binary star system with Sirius, the fear agenda in the media, who's behind it, love vs fear and much more. The film is loaded with amazing revelations of the current times we live in, from exceptional astrologer and teacher Santos Bonacci, spiritual leaders Bud Barber, George Neo and much more. The doco is shot entirely in Full HD, illustrated with high end animations and includes original music by Jonathan Kent. (Note: The track used in the trailer is by SimilarD) Film Credits: Written, Directed, Edited & Produced by: Amel Tresnjic Cinematography & Visual Effects: Amel Tresnjic Including Original Music by: Jonathan Kent Produced by Brave Archer Films® http://www.bravearcherfilms.com
This is some of what I like to watch. I learned a lot from watching Dutchsinse, and now there are many others who are also watching and sharing what they see. We are here now, weather modification is known, it is real, most of us just do not know all the details. Important to get centered, focus on what you are grateful for, make plans something happens to keep yourself as safe as possible. Remember most, we as spiritual beings are much more powerful than any technology, we do not actually die, but while here, the game is done so well we can forget who we are. I am grateful for all. ge.ssec.wisc.edu radar.weather.gov
A moderate earthquake was reported in Tonga early Sunday by the US Geological Survey. In an email alert, the USGS said the earthquake occurred at 5:32 am PST about 27 miles beneath the surface at 20.729S 174.288W. The location was described as 109 68 miles east-northeast of Nuku'Alofa, Tonga; 145 miles south of Neiafu, Tonga; 307 miles west-southwest of Niue Island and 1627 miles west-southwest of Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia. The preliminary magnitude of the quake is 5.0. "Tonga is an archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean, comprises 170 islands, 36 of them inhabited," according to its government's website. "Tonga also became known as the Friendly Islands because of the friendly reception accorded to Captain James Cook on his first visit there in 1773," the website states. "The only sovereign monarchy among the island nations of the Pacific Ocean, Tonga - uniquely among island nations in the South Pacific region - avoided formal colonisation. Tonga plans to become a fully functioning constitutional monarchy after legislative reform and a more fully representative election take place in 2010." exhibitionist, boob, flashing, steve quayle, , mud wrestling, economic collapse, nipple slips, martial law, hurricane, nip slips, frankenstorm, sandy, eclpse, mars, solar, eruptions, storm, flare, dutchsinse, alex jones, david icke, doomsday, catfight, jackpot, powerball, winner, fema, , pole shift,
During the 1990's, Martyn Stubbs recorded over 2.500 hours of live video transmissions from STS-48 to STS-80 NASA missions. In this footage that was captured, there are many phenomena observed. In this 3+ hour documentary, David Sereda analyzes the footage, and provides a very in-depth level headed scientific investigation into these phenomena. It is important to note that David Sereda does not automatically jump to the conclusion that everything seen in this footage is inherently an alien or man-made spacecraft, but that there are some very peculiar phenomena occurring in the videos. He keeps a logical scientific open mind as to what is observed. In his investigation he contacted several officials at NASA about the footage, only to be told it was dust and debris, or could just simply not be explained. In the second half of this documentary David Sereda presents his new Theory of physics, called "Gravity Beyond Light Speed Theory", in which he presents how to travel faster than the speed of light. This is the most comprehensive analysis of the NASA footage obtained by Matryn Stubbs. In the beginning Dan Akroyd gives a quick synopsis of what you are about to see. Watch, Enjoy, Share, and decide for yourself.FAIR USE NOTICE: I am making this material available in my efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights,economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. I believe this constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
Naturopathic physician, and the founder of the Institute of Applied Energetics, Rita Louise, shared her most recent work researching the genetic origins of humankind, through the study of various ancient mythologies and cultures. She and her co-author Wayne Laliberte found that there were concepts and storylines which paralleled across cultures that you could line-up and create a chronology from, starting with the formation of the Earth. According to her thesis, a group of ETs first came to Mars, and then relocated to Earth after a destruction occurred on the Red Planet."We were most certainly engineered by the gods. Mythology is very clear that there were a number of attempts to create mankind. Some were successful because we're here, but many of them were unsuccessful," she stated. In contrast to Sitchin's theory that the Annunaki created humans as a slave race, Louise suggested that our creation could be viewed more like a "domestication," such as how we have domesticated certain animals. She also did not find a consistency in the idea that the ETs were here to mine for gold, but there was some evidence that ochre was mined 40,000 to 90,000 years ago. Louise further speculated that the ETs may still be here, but they aren't able to survive under normal conditions, thus they live in their ships, or subterranean or underwater environments. Biography:SoulHealer, Rita Louise, Ph.D. is a Naturopathic Physician, the founder of the Institute Of Applied Energetics and the host of Just Energy Radio. Author of the books "Dark Angels", "Avoiding the Cosmic 2x4" and "The Power Within", Dr. Louise, grew up in a haunted house but that is not where her interactions with ghosts, spirits & attached entities ended. Over the years, she has worked with countless clients who have been affected by attached entities, and has helped eliminate them from their lives. WikipediaMars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System. Named after the Roman god of war, it is often described as the "Red Planet", as the iron oxide prevalent on its surface gives it a reddish appearance. Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, having surface features reminiscent both of the impact craters of the Moon and the volcanoes, valleys, deserts, and polar ice caps of Earth. The rotational period and seasonal cycles of Mars are likewise similar to those of Earth, as is the tilt that produces the seasons. Mars is the site of Olympus Mons, the second highest known mountain within the Solar System (the tallest on a planet), and of Valles Marineris, one of the largest canyons. The smooth Borealis basin in the northern hemisphere covers 40% of the planet and may be a giant impact feature. Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, which are small and irregularly shaped. These may be captured asteroids, similar to 5261 Eureka, a Martian trojan asteroid.Mars is currently host to five functioning spacecraft: three in orbitthe Mars Odyssey, Mars Express, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter; and two on the surfaceMars Exploration Rover Opportunity and the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity. Defunct spacecraft on the surface include MER-A Spirit, and several other inert landers and rovers, both successful and unsuccessful, such as the Phoenix lander, which completed its mission in 2008. Observations by NASA's now-defunct Mars Global Surveyor show evidence that parts of the southern polar ice cap have been receding. Observations by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have revealed possible flowing water during the warmest months on MarsIn recent decades, the high-resolution mapping of the surface of Mars, culminating in Mars Global Surveyor, revealed no artifacts of habitation by 'intelligent' life, but pseudoscientific speculation about intelligent life on Mars continues from commentators such as Richard C. Hoagland. Reminiscent of the canali controversy, some speculations are based on small scale features perceived in the spacecraft images, such as 'pyramids' and the 'Face on Mars'. Planetary astronomer Carl Sagan wrote: Mars has become a kind of mythic arena onto which we have projected our Earthly hopes and fears
On April 4, 2012, Pierre Poilievre, MP for Nepean-Carleton, spoke on behalf of the Government on Budget 2012 and stood up to defend Economic Freedom for all Canadians.
Wake Up you sleepy Catholics!http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/vaticancityandholysee/9717310/Vatican-introduces-new-security-measures-after-Vatileaks-scandal.html
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.