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Deluded Piers Morgan Compares Himself To John Lennon

Deluded Piers Morgan Compares Himself To John Lennon

Exploitative, sensationalist CNN host represents rotting core of the mainstream media

Steve Watson
Jan 8, 2013
Yesterday the majority of Americans did not know who Piers Morgan is. Rest assured, they do now.
Following weeks of endless knee jerk verbal attacks on the US Constitution, and excessive fearmongering regarding gun violence in the US, Infowars’ Alex Jones had simply had enough of listening to Morgan on his prime time, (albeit scarcely watched) show.
Jones marched past TSA threats of arrest, got onto a plane to New York, walked into the CNN building and proceeded to give the British subject a verbal leathering that he will never ever forget.

Today every single major publication and TV station in the US and Britain is reporting on the confrontation.
Of course, CNN are not used to this level of attention. The viewers Jones’ appearance has brought the channel will provide a temporary spike in an otherwise flat lining ratings picture.
While some may have disagreed with Alex’s bombastic approach, a majority of Americans who value their Bill of Rights, as well as any who care to question the drivel that corporate owned mainstream media outlets like CNN put out on a daily basis, are now fully aware of the establishment’s all out attack on the Second Amendment.
If Piers Morgan expected a “civilized debate” with Jones, perhaps he should have treated his previous guests, such as Gun Owners Of America director Larry Pratt with a modicum of respect, rather than flat out calling him a “an unbelievably stupid man” and an “idiot” for expressing an opinion he did not adhere to.
Reacting to the petition to deport him from the US, in an interview with Politico, Morgan today ludicrously compares himself to John Lennon:
“There is a pattern of British people who espouse peace or want more peace being gagged in this country,” he said, citing John Lennon and Charlie Chaplin.
Really? The same John Lennon that wrote this:
You say you’ll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it’s the institution
Well, you know
You’d better free your mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow
The US government attempted to deport Lennon because he advocated freedom through a peaceful revolution of information and an expansion of the creative mind, not because he wanted to limit people’s rights and feed them relentless cheap sensationalist bullshit like Piers Morgan does.
In reality, perhaps the closest British figure to compare to Morgan is the notorious Alan Partridge.
Much like Piers’ CNN efforts, ratings for Partridge’s own chat show in the mid 90s “started off badly and went downhill from there.” The only difference between the two is that Partridge is a fictional character created for comedic purposes. Morgan, on the other hand, is all too real.
Ironically, perhaps one of the only people in Britain who would welcome Morgan returning would be the creator of Partridge, Steve Coogan, who is a victim of the ongoing phone hacking scandal that Morgan is intimately involved in.
Morgan didn’t so much “flee” the country, but more slowly slithered his way out after it was revealed that as editor of the Daily Mirror he had published fabricated stories concerning British soldiers abusing Iraqi detainees at the height of the war.
Morgan proceeded to appear as an “outspoken judge” on several bottom feeding “talent” shows in the US, that constituted mostly ridiculing people who have been brainwashed into believing their only purpose in life is to be a “pop star”. After providing his expert opinion week after week on shows that literally no one watched, at least no one with more than a handful of brain cells, Morgan was handed the reigns on CNN’s prime time news show.
It was therefore not a great surprise when it turned out that no one in America knew who Morgan was, or cared for that matter.
Morgan represents the lowest of the low of media “personalities” in Britain. When he is not ranting about gun control on CNN in the US, he is interviewing Z-rate celebrities and failed soap stars on British television, reveling in the disgusting tabloid media circus freak show that has reduced their experience on this Earth to a meaningless pitiful existence of abject misery.
One incident Morgan is perhaps best known for in Britain involved a punch up with motoring television presenter and general loudmouth Jeremy Clarkson. The two had continually traded verbal blows on a personal level before finally coming to physical confrontation in public at a TV awards dinner.
While Clarkson is a polarizing figure who the British people generally either somewhat dislike or outright hate, he was treated as no less than a national hero after the incident, because the entire country recognises Morgan for what he is – a creature that feeds on misfortune and desperation and spins it into sick carnival for the television intoxicated masses.
Morgan could only ever exist as a “personality” in a society gone wrong, in a place where true talent, artistry, and the freedom to create has been slowly strangled and forced underground by the promotion of vacuous empty sensationalism, a hideous plastic throwaway culture, the systematic destruction of privacy, and the normalization of the pretence that relentless public exposure equates to success.
That’s what Morgan represents, and that’s exactly why he was handed an establishment prime time television news show.
Prior to yesterday’s encounter, Morgan was only despised by a majority of people in Britain. Now he is also despised by a majority of people in the US too.
Piers Morgan is a being who thrives only in a thoroughly morally corrupt environment. As such the idea that he has any right to lecture anyone, be they American or British, on what is civilized, correct and sound within society is simply laughable.
Alex Jones understands this, and it sickens him to his core.

BitPay Banks $510K In Investment To Become PayPal for Bitcoin

the link is to, dated 1/07/13, author is Drew Olanoff...

BitPay Banks $510K In Investment To Become PayPal for Bitcoin

Bitcoin, a heavily underground peer-to-peer payment solution, is starting to peek its head above ground. Today, a payment solutions company called BitPay has announced $510K in investment, led by Shakil Khan, Barry Silbert, Jimmy Furland and Roger Ver.

Put simply, BitPay feels like it is positioned to become the equivalent to PayPal for the virtual currency payment processor rival, Bitcoin.

I spoke with BitPay’s co-founder and CEO, Anthony Gallippi, and he explained to my why Bitcoin has a huge opportunity to go more mainstream in 2013: “We definitely think it’s the future. We wouldn’t be spending our time if we didn’t think that.”

What makes Bitcoin so interesting is that it flies in the face of payment models that we’re used to today; it’s a push model rather than a pull one. When you give a website your credit card and billing information to buy something, the company is pulling money out of your account. Giving up that personal information isn’t the safest thing, and Bitcoin allows you to “push” the money to a company to buy something. This means that no personally identifiable information goes with it, making eventual identity theft and fraud nearly impossible during the transaction.

Shakil Khan, known best for his involvement with Path and Spotify, tells me why he decided to invest his money in BitPay:

2013 will be the year for critical mass understanding of the importance of friction free international payments and I predict Bitcoin will become a global payment network. With very little resource, BitPay has already taken the place as market leader in the bitcoin payment processing ecosystem, and along with the other investors, I am very excited to help the founding team scale up and take it to the next level.

Based in London, Khan is also an investor in SecondMarket, Invi, BlackJet, Thread, and Summly.

Much like you’d find with companies and businesses using Stripe or PayPal, BitPay provides all of the back-end handling of payments, as well as “buy buttons” for the web. In November, BitPay had 1,300 businesses using their service, but after WordPress decided to adopt Bitcoin to pay for services globally, the company saw a dramatic rise to 2,100 merchants since then. For consumers, there is mobile integration to pay on the go, which will help Bitcoin pick up traction.

BitPay accepts Bitcoin and then puts “real” money into the bank accounts of businesses. Basically, there’s no worry on the end of merchants, because they end up getting paid the way that they’re used to. The difference is that a small business in Kansas City can now accept a payment from Indonesia for goods and services, which was nearly impossible before.

Until the $510K investment that the company announced today, Gallippi tells me that his small team has put in about $100K of its own money to prove out BitPay’s model. Clearly, it’s on to something. As far as what BitPay will do with the money, Gallippi says that it will immediately hire five people, mainly engineers, to help continue to develop the platform.

I asked Gallippi why he’s so sure that Bitcoin will take off as a payment alternative, and he had this to say:

We think that Bitcoin adoption will follow email, which started in corporate enterprise. With Bitcoin there won’t be a 10 year lag, but a lag, and businesses will lead the charge in Bitcoins.

One other interesting thing is that Gallippi explained to me that credit cards were never designed to be used on the Internet, which makes complete sense. Payment utilities are evolving (just look at Square), so it’s nice to see a company like BitPay step up and fight the good fight.

Visa has a billion dollar a year fraud prevention facility. Bitcoin makes this obsolete.

Those are fighting words. Sure, PayPal could start working on Bitcoin integration, but the company probably sees the opportunity as a low priority, thus giving BitPay the runway to surge forward and lead the space. There are others trying to grab the top spot, too, such as Y Combinator startup Coinbase.

One thing is clear: global payments are a massive opportunity for any business.

A vain and petty God.

God created an infinite universe and by definition an infinite universe will contain infinite possibilities, all creatures great and small exist somewhere at some time in an infinite universe, as it must.

Having created this, this infinitely powerful being requires validation of its greatness from one of it's creatures that exist on a small planet amongst an infinite amount of planets scattered throughout it's universe.

Q: What sort of vanity and absurdly self absorbed ego would drive such a being to need this kind of validation?

Billionaire space entrepreneur wants vegetarian-only colony on Mars

the link is to, dated January 9 2013

Billionaire space entrepreneur wants vegetarian-only colony on Mars

A US billionaire and co-founder of PayPal, Elon Musk, has made plans to build a settlement for 80,000 people on Mars when technology makes it possible for man to live there – as long as the inhabitants are vegetarians.
Musk is a considered one of America’s most respected private space entrepreneurs and was in charge of creating SpaceX, a space transport company that produced the Falcon 9 rocket that delivers NASA cargo to the International Space Station.
Musk, who is worth about $2 billion, revealed his tactics in a speech at the Royal Aeronautical Society. He was in attendance in order to be presented with a gold medal for his contribution to space exploration in November.
While the idea of a city on Mars may seem far-fetched, scientists predict human settlements on the red planet and elsewhere in space could occur in the near future, possibly within ten years. Eric Anderson, a leading entrepreneur in the industry and chairman of Space Adventures, told RT that technology has almost reached the level where tourists can be sent to space.
“I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that there will be a space hotel within the next ten years, in orbit around the Earth,” he said in October.
Musk plans to take it a few steps further by building a city for 80,000 space explorers. The new city would use sustainable technology and send people to space on a rocket powered by liquid oxygen and methane. The billionaire’s estate and prominence in the space industry could make his plans feasible, but the California-based engineer has not left behind his personal ideologies: Musk will only allow vegetarians to live in his settlement.
At a cost of $500,000, vegetarians could choose to travel to the faraway settlement, although Musk did not clarify whether payments could be made using PayPal.
“The ticket price needs to be low enough that most people in advanced countries, in their mid-forties or something like that, could put together enough money to make the trip,” Musk said.
While 800,000 residents may seem like a large number of people to send to Mars, Musk explained that reducing the size would cause the gene and culture pool to be too small, while the risk for civil war would be too high.
“On Mars you can start a self-sustaining civilization and grow it into something really big,” Musk said.
But an undertaking of that magnitude would not eliminate the dangers: space exploration comes with the threat of deep-space radiation, bone-rot and toxic dusk, which space visitors and those constructing the settlement would have to risk acquiring. Still, Musk believes his goal is within a near reach.
And Anderson concurs: the space entrepreneur believes the commercial enterprise will far surpass the works of government-funded agencies like NASA and rapidly bring settlements to other planets.
“With my work, and many others working in the private section, the mission is coming closer to reality,” Musk said.

rand paul: cut aid to israel

finally something i can agree with.

US senator calls for gradual cut in aid to Israel

slowly is better than not at all.




Indian officials have stirred further outrage over the now infamous brutal gang-rape and murder that occurred on December 16, 2012 on an Indian bus by insulting the deceased victim.
The brutal assault became a murder after the victim, a young student, fought for her life until her final passing on December 28, 2012 when she succumbed to the injuries she sustained.

Further inflaming Indians who have already taken to the streets and clashed with police, government officials and political leaders have made a series of comments and expressed horrid sentiments blaming everything from “western culture” to the victim for her outfit and being out late at night.

Some of the examples are laid out by the Washington Post’s Rama Lakshmi in an article titled "Amid Rape Fiasco, India’s Leaders Keep Up Insensitive Remarks." The article offers quotations from various significant Indian leaders on the rape, some of which actually either blamed the victim’s outfit or otherwise accused her of being a prostitute.

One leader, a female lawmaker named Sushma Swaraj, is reported as stating:
“Accused in such cases should be hanged. Even if the 23-year-old survived she would be a living corpse, traumatized for life."
Swaraj reportedly made this statement in India’s Lower House as the victim was still battling for her life.

Sadly, the sentiments weren’t expressed by just one political party or a narrow, non-representative sliver of the Indian government and political body. The callous attitudes to rape victims were widespread.

Mohan Bhagwat, head of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, known as the RSS, went as far as blaming “Western Culture” for the incident and claiming that such rapes only occur in big cities where Western lifestyles are prevalent.

The RSS was the more militant nationalist faction in the fight for Indian independence from the British and still play a huge ideological and cultural role in Indian politics and thought.
Men are fucking pigs!

The four business gangs that run the US

This is depressing


The four business gangs that run the US
December 31, 2012
Read later
Ross Gittins
The Sydney Morning Herald's Economics Editor

IF YOU'VE ever suspected politics is increasingly being run in the interests of big business, I have news: Jeffrey Sachs, a highly respected economist from Columbia University, agrees with you - at least in respect of the United States.

In his book, The Price of Civilisation, he says the US economy is caught in a feedback loop. ''Corporate wealth translates into political power through campaign financing, corporate lobbying and the revolving door of jobs between government and industry; and political power translates into further wealth through tax cuts, deregulation and sweetheart contracts between government and industry. Wealth begets power, and power begets wealth,'' he says.

Sachs says four key sectors of US business exemplify this feedback loop and the takeover of political power in America by the ''corporatocracy''.

First is the well-known military-industrial complex. ''As [President] Eisenhower famously warned in his farewell address in January 1961, the linkage of the military and private industry created a political power so pervasive that America has been condemned to militarisation, useless wars and fiscal waste on a scale of many tens of trillions of dollars since then,'' he says.

These days, almost every US Treasury secretary - Republican or Democrat - comes from Wall Street and goes back there when his term ends. The close ties between Wall Street and Washington ''paved the way for the 2008 financial crisis and the mega-bailouts that followed, through reckless deregulation followed by an almost complete lack of oversight by government''.

Third is the Big Oil-transport-military complex, which has put the US on the trajectory of heavy oil-imports dependence and a deepening military trap in the Middle East, he says.

''Since the days of John D. Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Trust a century ago, Big Oil has loomed large in American politics and foreign policy. Big Oil teamed up with the automobile industry to steer America away from mass transit and towards gas-guzzling vehicles driving on a nationally financed highway system.''

Big Oil has consistently and successfully fought the intrusion of competition from non-oil energy sources, including nuclear, wind and solar power.

It has been at the side of the Pentagon in making sure that America defends the sea-lanes to the Persian Gulf, in effect ensuring a $US100 billion-plus annual subsidy for a fuel that is otherwise dangerous for national security, Sachs says.

''And Big Oil has played a notorious role in the fight to keep climate change off the US agenda. Exxon-Mobil, Koch Industries and others in the sector have underwritten a generation of anti-scientific propaganda to confuse the American people.''

Fourth is the healthcare industry, America's largest industry, absorbing no less than 17 per cent of US gross domestic product.

''The key to understanding this sector is to note that the government partners with industry to reimburse costs with little systematic oversight and control,'' Sachs says. ''Pharmaceutical firms set sky-high prices protected by patent rights; Medicare [for the aged] and Medicaid [for the poor] and private insurers reimburse doctors and hospitals on a cost-plus basis; and the American Medical Association restricts the supply of new doctors through the control of placements at medical schools.

''The result of this pseudo-market system is sky-high costs, large profits for the private healthcare sector, and no political will to reform.''

Now do you see why the industry put so much effort into persuading America's punters that Obamacare was rank socialism? They didn't succeed in blocking it, but the compromised program doesn't do enough to stop the US being the last rich country in the world without universal healthcare.

It's worth noting that, despite its front-running cost, America's healthcare system doesn't leave Americans with particularly good health - not as good as ours, for instance. This conundrum is easily explained: America has the highest-paid doctors.

Sachs says the main thing to remember about the corporatocracy is that it looks after its own. ''There is absolutely no economic crisis in corporate America.

''Consider the pulse of the corporate sector as opposed to the pulse of the employees working in it: corporate profits in 2010 were at an all-time high, chief executive salaries in 2010 rebounded strongly from the financial crisis, Wall Street compensation in 2010 was at an all-time high, several Wall Street firms paid civil penalties for financial abuses, but no senior banker faced any criminal charges, and there were no adverse regulatory measures that would lead to a loss of profits in finance, health care, military supplies and energy,'' he says.

The 30-year achievement of the corporatocracy has been the creation of America's rich and super-rich classes, he says. And we can now see their tools of trade.

''It began with globalisation, which pushed up capital income while pushing down wages. These changes were magnified by the tax cuts at the top, which left more take-home pay and the ability to accumulate greater wealth through higher net-of-tax returns to saving.''

Chief executives then helped themselves to their own slice of the corporate sector ownership through outlandish awards of stock options by friendly and often handpicked compensation committees, while the Securities and Exchange Commission looked the other way. It's not all that hard to do when both political parties are standing in line to do your bidding, Sachs concludes.

Fortunately, things aren't nearly so bad in Australia. But it will require vigilance to stop them sliding further in that direction.

Read more:

Happy 75th Birthday Game Show Host Bob Eubanks 1/8/1938

Bob Eubanks (75) 1/8/1938
----------------- Born: Flint, Michigan / Spouse: Irma (? - ?) 3 children
----------------- Father of actor/writer Corey Michael Eubanks.
----------------- First gained fame as the host of the TV game show 'The Newlywed Game' (1966).
----------------- Baltimore Bob states “Bob first did this game show at age 28 and it ran for 9 seasons”.
----------------- Bob Eubanks was a guest on the new "I've Got a Secret" (2000) program on the
----------------- Oxygen Cable Channel in December 2001.
----------------- His 'secret' was that he was Dolly Parton's agent in the 1960s and 1970s.
----------------- Has hosted 4 different versions of The Newlywed Game in as many decades.
----------------- Has been a commentator of the Tournament of Roses Parade for L.A. television
----------------- station KTLA from 1978 to present.
----------------- Helped finance The Beatles' first performance at the Hollywood Bowl.
----------------- Movie debut at age 46 in ‘Johnny Dangerously’ (1984) as an MC.
----------------- 2009: Latest movie role at age 54 in ‘Home Alone 2: Lost in New York’ (1992)
----------------- as Ding-Dang-Dong Host.
----------------- Baltimore Bob's favorite game show host simply because he is a fellow Bob.

----------------- Bob Eubanks on the show The Newlywed Game had the Best Line Ever said by
----------------- a Contestant when the question posed to the Husbands was the #1 place where
----------------- you make Whoopey/Love and the Wife stated “In My Ass.”

Should DFB have a poll?

He's never in them.


Is Dog Fish Boy a psychopath?

I'm confused, Dog Fish Boy.

Did you claim yourself to be a psychopath, or are you just very interested in studying psychopathy?

Because I doubt very much a psychopath would walk around announcing to everyone that he was a psychopath.

It's an honest question. You could be a psychopath, but for some reason I think you just fancy yourself as one....

Maybe I'm wrong....which is why I'm asking.





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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

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