This is a very simple message. And it comes from a very deep place within me. And I’m giving 0 (zero) details about what inspired it (but it was inspired).
There are many things that come up in one’s path on this planet. And many choices we are presented with.
I have always found it useful (and more and more essential), that no matter what “decision weight” I might feel myself under, the weight is removed when I stand with The Guidance Trees. Tall and strong, shading and protective, connected intimately with Higher Self (“The Higher Guidance” is another phrase I often use), their Guidance is all I need.
It matters not at all what “the world out there” believes or, even more important, what you believe “the world out there” believes, about you, or anything. The Guidance Trees always have the answer.
Blossom: Well, here we are again! So quickly the days fly by! How would you care to start today? I personally am unsure as to what we shall discuss now. We have spoken of LOVE and we shall keep on speaking of it I guess. It all FEELS a bit odd as to where we go from here and what our mission is!
The Federation of Light: We would enjoy stating quite clearly that our mission is to help you understand who you are! This has the rippling effect of lifting the planet Earth into a Higher resourceful level which will have you ALL KNOWING that LIFE … LIFE IN ALL ITS GLORY … gets a whole lot better than you currently think it can be.
We have watched energies deplete over the last weeks of your time. Some have felt the need to retreat into a corner. They have a need to put a blanket over their head and never again emerge … so strong was their disappointment of ‘nothing’ taking place on the date that they had focused ‘their life’ upon. Others have exceeded all expectation of themselves and are experiencing a NEW EARTH. It is THEY themselves that have CHANGED into the next phase of themselves and they are receiving so much joy and wonder from every moment of thought.
There are those too … we would say … much like yourself Blossom … who are in between the two.
Blossom: And yet it is very much a global overall ONE!
The Federation of Light: Indeed this is so. Yet it is through each individual ‘doing their bit’ that makes the whole turn around … turn around!
We desire only to uplift. We are aware that many consider US to be the cause of their anxiety … of their disappointed point of view. They put ALL their hope and TRUST into US. From our perspective nothing that we have said has changed direction. ALL that we have offered to you has come from our Greater Knowledge of what is to be/what can be/what will be.
Did we not say to you ‘Expect the unexpected’? And now that which you did not expect has arrived … it is up to each one as to HOW THEY CHOOSE to accept WHAT IS!
It is deep within your BEINGS dearest ones that you can find the TRUTH of what took place. For we say to you … something HUGE DID transpire on the said date that so many of you relied upon.
When one tastes the most glorious of cakes … it is many ingredients that allow the taste to arrive. Yet … what is it that perhaps makes that cake different from most? An ingredient that others have not used before. One that has not been in ‘the mix’ before. We say to you in our TRUTH … you have a new ingredient in your ‘mix’. Some are simply unaware of it, for they did not see it being added into the bowl. Yes … the cake tastes nice … but then it always did. For some they simply at this time refuse to think that this added ingredient could be so subtle. They choose to think that it is not there at all.
Yet … there are those that KNOW! They did not see the ingredient being added either … And yet they allow themselves to accept THE FACT that something NEW has been added. And it is this ‘something’ that makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE. SO VERY DIFFERENT from the way things tasted before.As this cake is eaten and digested … it is then that the real affect shall begin to shine. Be patient with yourselves dearest ones. All in good time.
Blossom: Mmm! I don’t think that last statement will go down too well with many!
The Federation of Light: Yet we would suggest that one looks at it in its TRUTH.
Blossom: Being patient is something those of us down here FEEL we have done a lot of … and some have lost the will to carry on.
The Federation of Light: To carry on what?
Blossom: To carry on believing.
The Federation of Light: In what?
Blossom: In you.
The Federation of Light: Yet we are not here for a popularity contest dearest ones. Those whose patience has run dry and through the process have decided we are of no use to them are simply choosing to take another path at this time.
Blossom: Yes … I get that … but surely one is wanting more people to ‘get your messages’ as opposed to having those that were once so keen ... turn away
Blossom … it matters not to us how another chooses to walk their journey. All we desire is that they find the LOVE within themselves in order to create the world that everyone desires to live in. We cannot ‘Take hold’ of another’s ambitions and dreams and expect them to always ‘Do it our way’. That would certainly not be of our choosing.
We desire for a soul to find their own TRUTH through whatever way ‘Floats their boat’.
Blossom: Yet … surely … it is desirable for more and more to be ‘tuned into you’?
The Federation of Light: Why?
Blossom:Because then we can manifest our union with greater ease … and more quickly.
The Federation of Light: Yet … what we are doing is … what we are doing.
In the same way you choose to continue to communicate with us … we continue to communicate with you … because we FEEL it is beneficial to the whole … to the upliftment of mankind and indeed your planet. We cannot control the outcome of anything. Each individual is in control of their own outcome. This NEW WAY shall become more and more apparent to each as they allow themselves to flow with the NEW ENERGIES.
Some may FEEL that this CHANGE … this form of Enlightenment only happened to a select few. This we would say is not how it was. We would say that each one … no matter what stage of your journey you are upon/within … received a GREATER LIGHT energy into their BEING.
Just because it did not come the way one ‘expected’ does not mean it did not happen. Yet until one is fully complete in their distinction between the old and the new … they will take a little time to discover their new reality. Yet … discover it they will.
Little by little one will notice the subtleties that are occurring. One will recognise that they no longer are concerned with trivialities that once consumed them. They are FEELING the bigger picture ... simply by complying with the FEELING … the KNOWING … that a CHANGE has occurred … within them. Inside of themselves.
There is a combination of ‘seeing’ and ‘understanding’ that is moving one into a place of ‘Peace’.
For those who were so bitterly disappointed … indeed disillusioned … we continue to have our ‘scouts’ seek them out and offer them upliftment of their very soul. Their dismay is purely temporary … for those who KNOW LIGHT cannot turn away from it … not for long.
What we consider to be of most importance is not that you desire to ‘merge with us’ … although we say without hesitation this shall come about when all is in place.
What we desire is that you open your hearts to an even Greater Awareness ... of WHAT IS. For within that awareness you discover WHO YOU ARE. Once this is accomplished there shall be little need for anything we say to enhance your journey … for you shall have all knowledge at your fingertips.
Blossom: OK … speaking of journeys … A little matter I would like to bring up with you. Last year I mentioned that I was going to England to visit my mother for the first time in almost 9 years. You made the comment that by then, (this Feb) there may not be the need to even buy a ticket. It was received in the energy of a little ‘tongue in cheek’, yet … clearly ... it is blatantly obvious that we are nowhere near that form of advanced transportation. So … that leaves me confused as to why you would say that? … and in all honesty ... makes me question the ‘quality’ of my work with you. I’ll be interested to see how you answer this.
The Federation of Light: Dearest Blossom. How we respect your desire for TRUTH. At the time when this was discussed we considered it important for the expectation of NEW WAYS to remain in ones focus. May we say here … we did not say if we recall that this would definitely be the case. Did you believe that it was?
Blossom: No.
The Federation of Light: Then what you believed you have created. We are aware that you are not altogether convinced of our reply.
Blossom: Don’t get me wrong I am a number one fan of ‘thought creating reality’ … Yet for me … I could not see that happening within the time frame … assuming we are talking of teleportation .
The Federation of Light: We wonder then how many FELT the same as you. How many thought ‘well I doubt that … but let’s just wait and see’.
Blossom: Hmm! I am beginning to FEEL where this is going.
The Federation of Light: UPWARDS! Do you not see that it is NOT UP TO US to bring these things about? … IT IS UP TO YOU!
Blossom: You mean by creating the thought of ‘teleportation’ in our mind?
The Federation of Light: Exactly! Yet is it not that you are waiting for us to come and show you how it is done?
Blossom: Well yes …. I can’t even ride a bike that well!
The Federation of Light: Keep with us on this matter for it is of importance. YES … without a shadow of a doubt we have the means … the technology … the where with all … to be exactly where we desire to be in an instant … and for us … we also have the ability to ‘be there’ in whatever form we choose to ‘appear’. As much as this is an incredible phenomenon to you ... it is very much matter of fact to us. For like anything ... when one understands the workings of … the ‘how’ … then it no longer seems an impossibility. Yet … for you personally Blossom … you do KNOW that this is possible. Is this not so?
Blossom: Sure. Yet no idea HOW it is accomplished.
The Federation of Light: How often do you visualise yourself teleporting to a particular destination?
Blossom: Hardly ever … eh … never! I made a joke about it when on my trip to The States due to the craziness of customs etc.
The Federation of Light: So you admit to not having it within your possible radar?
Blossom: Oh ... as I say ... I know it is possible , yet I don't give it much thought ... if any! So you are saying then … that all these things that we think YOU are to bring with you concerning ‘out there technology’ ... has to be visualised in thought by us first and foremost.
The Federation of Light: Of course. All these things that you are hoping for HAVE TO BECOME A REALITY IN YOUR MIND.
Blossom: Yet … thousands of us … if not millions … I have no idea about numbers … think of YOU coming to join us in our reality … and I have to say … I SEE NO SHIPS.
The Federation of Light: Yet many do! The more of you that create our reunion … the quicker it shall come about.
What we are about to say you may find rather odd.
Blossom:And that’s new and different because ... ?
The Federation of Light: We ask of you to let go of HOPE.
Yep. That is new and different.
The Federation of Light: HOPE is something that you really WANT to happen. It gives one the FEELING of a CHANGE for the better does it not?’
Blossom: Indeed … so what on Earth do you mean?
The Federation of Light: We mean that we wish you to let go … for instance ... of THE HOPE … that we are coming and shall reunite as a family. We ask you to CHANGE HOPE INTO KNOWING that we are coming to reunite as a family. THERE IS A VAST DIFFERENCE … A WORLD APART …. from HOPING AND KNOWING. Do you see?
Blossom: Yes I do. So after all we have been through … not to play at the heart strings and complain … it is not of that … but how do we CHANGE that HOPING into a KNOWING?
The Federation of Light: By visiting s deeper part of yourself. By letting go of all expectations of WHAT MAYBE … and simply allowing the WHAT WILL BE … TO BE … WHEN IT IS!
Blossom: I do understand what you are saying. I have had this conversation recently … that no matter how much we seem to ‘FEEL let down’ through our own choosing of course … there is still this DEEP KNOWING that THE EVENT … the ‘You having a cup of tea with me’ … will ONE DAY BE a reality.
The Federation of Light:Yes … we accept this KNOWING … yet may we question as to how much of a HOPE is also involved?
Blossom: Well, for me … if we let go of hope …
The Federation of Light: And replace it with KNOWING …
Blossom: Yep! I got it. Truly I just got it. Thank you … I will definitely work towards that ... yet surely it is not a matter of convincing oneself.
The Federation of Light: Not at all. It is a matter of transferring what one hoped for into … getting it!
Blossom: How?
The Federation of Light: By going to the deepest place within where all information is stored and ‘pulling out the file’ of that which you choose to create. When you revise this file you will recall its TRUTH and no longer ‘hope’ for ‘such and such’ to be a way of your world … once you KNOW it … you can create it.
Blossom: And do we get that deep inside ourselves by meditating?
The Federation of Light: Of course … and by many other methods… Joy… Love … Laughter … Service … Giving … Receiving … shall we continue?
Blossom: Nope … I get the gist.
The Federation of Light: The happier you choose to be … the easier and the sooner you KNOW!
Blossom: Thanks chaps /chapesses! I’ll certainly do my best. Like with all your wisdom offered, I FEEL it is to be received on a deeper level of ourselves … Not sure how to do that … other than just ‘ask it to be’.
The Federation of Light: We have so much more to say over time should you desire.
Blossom: Oh indeed I do … and I think I can speak for many. In Love and thanks to you.
Posted by Kovácsné Hegedűs Katalin on 5 January, 2013
Wes Annac: The Ascended Masters – Your Growth and Learning will be Everlasting (Part 1/2) Posted by Alice C on January 5, 2013 / Comments Off Category: Ascension Tags: Ascended Masters, wes annac
Channelled through Wes Annac – January 04, 2013 Imagine and feel that you are Creating the grandest of change that can be Created in your increasingly-evolving third dimensional reality. Imagine and know that this change is being Created by each of you in your own unique ways, and imagine that what you are doing now is to greatly impact the Lives of every dear soul on Earth. We have wished for you dear souls to know that what you are doing is setting the stage for the events that will bring about planetary abundance among so many other things, and we focus on this element specifically because we wish to make known that you are contributing to the Lighted energies helping to bring about abundance on your world. Humanity as a whole is recalibrating and readjusting to a continually-pure state of consciousness and the increased inner-cognitive senses many of you will begin to find, will be among the many things showing you that you are working toward something real. Indeed, the validations that are simply too real to disbelieve will make their way to you and if you make the efforts to attune to such things as much as possible, you will increase your ability to perceive them in a quicker and realer manner. Everything happening at present entails a continual readjusting to increasingly-pure states of consciousness as you begin the quite rapid travel through the realms of the fourth dimension. For those of you who may be wondering; you have indeed began your ventures within the fourth dimension as a collective and while much of your collective is indeed still anchored in dimensions lower than and matched with the third, the actions of the Lightworker collective in holding the Light and anchoring the pure vibrations of Source unto your world is having a massive influence on the collective energies and is allowing Gaia’s planetary collective to begin your surface travels through the realms of the fourth dimension. Many of you have been learning fourth dimensional lessons for some time, and those of you who have already been able to Master the lessons of compassion, understanding and the need to avoid self-martyrdom will handle the coming weeks and months quite gracefully as you will find yourselves breezing through repeated lessons that are only being repeated within you because the entire collective is (and will be) experiencing such fourth dimensional lessons. Your resolve and ability to remain centered will indeed be tested, and we mean this for all of you. Every last bit of you will be and have already been undergoing the necessary testing that truly displays to you if you are ready to embrace ascension and your continually-unfolding reality if the external circumstances do not always seem pertinent to do so. You are indeed being given the choice of how much faith and involvement you place in your ascension from here on out and many of you are passing these tests with much ease, while others are finding considerably-more difficulty. It was anticipated that the Lightworker energy could take a dive after the 21st period because of the nature of change expected and the nature of inner-change delivered but not felt by all, and we wish you all to know that the brazen manifestations many of you have looked toward are completely within your sphere of ability to pull into your personal vibrations and manifest. The collective, mass energies are required to move something along in a much more grand manner, but you can all begin to radiate your personal vibrations toward the disclosure of your Galactic brethren’s existence and presence on your world as well as a plethora of other things, such as abundance being delivered to your entire world and the wealth being restored to its proper owners; each and every citizen of your Earth. There is so much good to look forward to and you all have the ability to attract such good to yourselves, which is why we ask you to do so as a collective. Collectively mediate on the initiating of disclosure, the giving of abundance to your world and your collective finding ascension. Truly feel and radiate your vibrations toward everything you have worked for, for you are the prominent Creators and experiencers of your reality and your personal (and collective) vibrations determine more than anything else, what is to happen on the surface of your world. We continue to reiterate that your ascension and the events to come with your ascension are and have always been assured, but we must still ask you to continue to make your effort to attune to the fifth dimensional reality many of you can begin to feel, because there is so much for you to witness and experience and you are just at the beginning of your journeys. Indeed, from an Earthly standpoint you are at the end of a long journey within the lower dimensions, but you now begin the most exciting and incredible part of your Earth journeys which is, of course, bringing-forth Light and change on a mass level on the surface of the Earth for every single soul on your beautiful, pre-Galactic planet to benefit from. Can you dear souls believe that your actions are affecting the Lives of everyone on your world? This is truly so and this is why we ask you all to continue to place the importance in your ascension processes that many of you placed before the 21st alignment came and went. We ask you to remain as focused and excited for the manifestation of wonderful ascension-related events in your Lives as you were before this timeframe for indeed, you still have many more dates and timeframes to pass through that, while not solely important or crucial to the manifestation of brazen or bold events and should not be looked toward in such a manner, will still serve to greatly benefit those who have continued in their inner-search and found an attunement to your ascension energies. There are so many things we can feel you dear souls wondering about, and we wish to calm your fears, apprehensions or anxieties and remind you that everything is, has always been and will always be okay. Yes, there is still mass separation and hatred manifested on your world on a day to day basis, but you would be surprised to learn of the dissolving influence of such lower energies even right now. While they are still manifested on a massive level in your current moment, more and more Earthly souls are responding to the continual work that the higher realms have been doing on their evolving bodies and spirits and they are finding the personal revelations and inspirations from spirit that are seeing them change their lifestyles into ones that match the happiness and wholeness they wish to feel in their Lives. Please know, dearest Lightworker collective, that your actions are greatly benefitting the Lives of every Earthly soul and you are helping everyone to begin adjusting to and assimilating while benefitting from, the energies being delivered to your world at present in increasing purity. There are so many beings doing all that they can to continually increase the purity of energies Creating your reality, as there is much going on within the realms past your conscious perception. Everything is being rebuilt and reformatted on an energetic level, to fit the expanded and evolved environment you will soon all exist within more fully and purely again. There is oh-so much going on and we wish we could detail every last bit of the progress that has been made since the alignment of the 21st but for this current moment, we can only ask you dear souls to prepare yourselves for all that is to happen because as you can see, events have taken quite a long amount of your time to manifest and are reaching the point wherein they simply cannot be stalled any longer. Yes, this has been said before and there have been many instances wherein the Company of Heaven has chosen to step back on matters for necessary reasons, and this is why we continue to implore you dear souls to Create as much positive and Lighted change as you can in your internal and external realties, because our actions are based on your choices and experiences whilst on Earth. Everything you do or express toward others is fed to your collective consciousness in the form of a specific energy, and the general energy given out by your entire Earth collective in each moment determines the ability of the Light energies to match such energies and soak-into your collective conscious and subconscious, benefitting you all. When negative actions, emotions or choices are fed into this matrix of consciousness, the Light energies are filtered and restricted from coming through and we are thus, unable to work with a landscape that is too dense for our intervention. As you’ve heard, we [as well as the Galactics] cannot interfere with your freewill and we have no desire to do so, which is why so many Lightworkers and starseeds have incarnated unto your Earth to feed the collective of your world the most positive and harmonious of energies possible; to help give the Light energies a way through to your collective consciousness so that the Earth collective can be initiated into the pure states of consciousness your beginning Age of Aquarius is to call for. You have so much awaiting you and yet, for some of you the spiritual road could not seem bleaker as you perceive yourselves as being duped or fooled into thinking something grand would happen, one too many times. We understand that some may not feel comforted by our requests to keep the faith and hold strong to your vision, but as you are Creating your individual and collective experience in every single moment and your Creation determines our ability to intervene and assist, we are asking as many of you as possible to do so and the importance of your positive and Lighted energies simply cannot be overstated. Everything that you have heard about is real, dear souls. We know that you can feel this and we know that you know this. To those who have attuned, nearly endless validations have been given and we can personally attest to meting so many of you in your dreamscape, during interactions that you may not likely remember because of your non-lucid state of perception during such moments. There is so much Divine interaction taking place beyond the realms of your conscious perception, with us and you all and the Lighted change you are Creating even while your bodies lay sleeping and you hold meetings with us, your Galactic brethren and a plethora other souls and collectives, is indeed enormously-pure in scope. There are so many important manifestations riding on your ability to stay positive and centered, as you are all literally forming bridges and holding open portals for the energies of the higher realms to come through yourselves. While some of you are experiencing a final surfacing of doubt and fear in yourselves, others are benefitting greatly from your ascension energies and those of you who are benefitting could help greatly in consoling those who feel as if the higher realms, the Universe, we Ascended Masters or their personal guides have somehow abandoned them or left them, as they perceive of their ascension having not happened. We are absolutely here for you dear souls and we will continue to make our presence known to you, in the form of synchronicities and many other things we will do to attempt to get your attention. As always, pay attention to the messages of spirit because there are so many ways we can get ahold of you, and some of them may indeed surprise you. Continued in Part 2 below
Posted by Kovácsné Hegedűs Katalin on 5 January, 2013
Wes Annac: The Ascended Masters – Your Growth and Learning will be Everlasting (Part 2/2) Posted by Alice C on January 5, 2013 / Comments Off Category: Ascension Tags: Ascended Masters, wes annac
Channelled through Wes Annac – January 04, 2013 Continued from Part 1 above We wish to make our presence more personally known to each of you who feel as if you are cut off from the higher realms or as if the higher realms have abandoned you, because you have so much good to look forward to and as has been expressed, you are and have been in the home stretch, viewing the landscape of your fifth dimensional Eden whilst knowing your role of holding the space and helping the entire Lightworker collective to evolve before then finding your own heroic evolution back to the realms of the fifth dimension. And oh, don’t even get us started on the wonders that lay beyond the fifth dimension. Your processes are to continual eternally, and your growth and learning will be everlasting from the fifth dimension. You will experience lessons, growing and learning that will ready you for even purer sub-planes, planes and dimensions of consciousness and each dimension you experience will offer unique challenges, lessons and frames of perception. Everything you experience will serve to show you aspects of yourselves that have been forgotten as you traversed the lower dimensions, and you are to find that you are and have always been the Creator in an increasingly-distorted form with each lower dimension you had fallen to in an attempt to traverse such dimensions. You have all traversed the lower realms with a heroic might that you are strongly looked upon for, and we personally thank you for your efforts up to this point and for the efforts you don’t yet know you will be making in the time ahead. You are so important to Earth’s ascension, dear souls, and we wish for you to know this with every bit of yourselves for if your power is given away, you cannot experience the enlightened perspectives that show you the reality and awesomeness of the developing higher realms in yourselves. You can all begin to channel the energies of your rapidly-developing fifth dimensional New Earth and we encourage you do so, for there is so much wonderful vibration and energy for you to attune to and find within yourselves and every last bit of it is happily and graciously awaiting your realization of it and its presence within and around you. The brimming vibrations of Source are expressed in a very pure yet still distorted manner in the realms of the fifth dimension, as the purest energies of Love and Light are as well considered the purest of “distortions” and the building-blocks of your realities. Your reality is a moldable and changeable energy that so many der souls have begun to learn to work with to help bring about the best intended results and experiences they seek, and we say that your Life path will garner in you, the understanding of working with your reality and finding for yourselves, the situations and experiences you desire. You will be led increasingly with the events that manifest in your Lives, to take control of your Life paths and begin to Create for yourselves that which you truly desire, and some of you can perhaps notice these very catalysts playing-out for some around you at present. Every one of you are being led toward the revelations and epiphanies in yourselves that show you your ability to find happiness and wholeness in your Lives, rather than continue to put up with the same old limitations or distortions you had previously allowed to form the basis of your conscious experience. You’re now being given the full opportunity to turn away from and transmute the lower and dissatisfying aspects of your Lives as they stand at present, because you dear souls have wanted the realms of the fifth dimension and you must first receive them in yourselves. The unawakened Earth collective who cannot yet feel these energies will be able to [receive them] because of your actions in anchoring them and holding the space for them to come forth. As you hold this space, you will continue to realize that your own reality is refining and you will increasingly see matters playing out in your Lives from a different vantage point, a different perspective. You will begin to feel the hollowness of many aspects of your reality that have been fed up until this point, and many of you may find yourselves seeming to drastically change the ways you have Lived or the direction your Lives have been heading in, in favor of a reintegration into a more fulfilled and happy state of being. One cannot ascend if one is still trapped within self-employed limitations and we can only do so much to help you realize such limitations as sometimes, even pointing out a limitation or employed density to an Earth soul can be considered a violation of their freewill-ordained right to believe that what they are doing is not harmful to their Life paths. Humanity is feeding as a collective, the very same dense and negative, outdated energies in various different forms and facets. Sarcasm can be a destructive energy if used in a destructive way, and humor specifically has been distorted to a certain extent on your world. There is indeed humor in the higher realms, and you will occasionally find even one of us cracking a joke or two as we do indeed Love to laugh. We Love and radiate out naturally, anything that feels good or is of a good vibration and when we speak of humor being used for ill gains, we speak of the humor that is employed and attached to darkness which can come in the form of sarcasm or ridicule. Finding personal gain because of the misfortune of others has become rife on your world, but the pervading energies of Oneness will see humanity realizing the need to put such a distortion to an end. Of course, it would be a generalization to claim that all of humanity is feeding the select few mechanisms we have discussed here but overall, the prevalent few energies of darkness are fed and established massively on your world at present through a plethora of different souls. Your media continues only to reinforce the negative and keep every person attached to it in a state of illusion and separation from their Godsource, and many of you will notice the purposeful violence and lower vibrational material put forth in nearly every aspect of your mainstream media. So very many television shows have been produced, unknowingly fulfilling an agenda of filling humanity’s minds and hearts with the continual vibrations of anger, violence, lust, sarcasm and most of all, separation. One will notice that humanity is painted in a very negative Light in the majority of movies and television shows given on your world at present, and what is currently meant to keep one from fashioning a connection with One’s Godsource will soon be utilized to bring-forth truth that all of humanity needs to be reintroduced to, so that you can properly view your Earth through a lense of knowing all that has happened. You are taught to view a world that is only physical and that has never experienced any wonders past what physical reality teaches, but so very much has happened that if you knew about, would display to you that your world has always experienced miracles and things that the majority of people in your current society would simply write-off. The fact that much that’s been hidden from you would be unaccepted as reality by the majority of your world at present should not faze you dear souls, because your world is to be reintroduced to the concepts that drive a higher dimensional experience and in doing so, will see that they have allowed themselves to be held back in many instances. The choices humanity has made has contributed to holding humanity back and among the choices you can begin to make to help cleanse yourselves of the negative vibrations of illusion and lower dimensional Life, are choosing the proper nutrients to feed your ever-evolving bodies in the form of healthy food, drink and interaction with your reality. It is important now to find the most Lighted of foods that will not serve to block up your chakras or keep you in a state of lower dimensional discomfort. Meat production of any kind is to become a thing of the past so very soon, as you will find yourselves sustained in a different manner and less accustomed to the mindsets that would teach you to desire meat or pleasure within flavor, as you will feel constant bliss all around you and you will contribute to such bliss with your own blissful energies. It has been discussed that you will still be able to replicate your favorite heavy foods with the technology of your Galactic brethren and with your own Creative abilities which you will learn to utilize with the assistance of Galactic technology, and it should be expressed that you will likely need or want much less for such heavy foods despite your ability to manifest them. The fact that you will indeed be able to have them will see them lose their perceived luster that some would perhaps imagine when thinking of not being able to enjoy their favorite lower dimensional pleasures, and despite the pleasure meat can provide for some souls, it is still vastly disrespectful to and un-allowing of the freewill of the animal collective who are forced to give up their body temples; usually in very violent ways and in ways that are destructive to their souls. These souls really do seek peace and salvation from the twisted-up energies they have felt by losing their body structure by the hand of a human being in a violent manner, and to those of you who are eating meat, we would humbly ask you to bless and thank the spirit of the animal you would be consuming before doing so. You can send your healing energies to the animal collective as a whole and to the individual sprits of each animal who has been forced to exit their incarnation in the name of becoming food, and all of humanity will realize the need to come together with the animal and even plant kingdoms, and you will no longer utilize them for nourishment as you find all of your nourishment provided to you and by you, in ways that do not require utilizing the sacred temples of any soul. You are all Loved so very dearly and it is hoped that we have been able to offer a glimpse into your already-unfolding New World and New Year of 2013. 2012 will forever be known as the starting-point and the rest of your experiences from here on out will continue in the intensified manner they are beginning to play-out in. We ask you to employ hope and balance when looking toward your future, and remind you that only you can bring what you desire to yourselves. Thank you to the Ascended Masters.
Posted by Kerrie/Zoolithe ~site creator ♥ on 5 January, 2013
Listen, I tell you a mystery: we will not all Sleep, but we will all be Changed — in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. I Corinthians 15:51
((: All over the world the Earth has started Humming. This supposedly has been going on now since October 2011. The Last Few days in many different countries. It made the Channel 4 News this morning in the USA. A Mystery so they say. Remember our discussions about the quartz crystals and how they will start to activate, the Pyramids are giving light. The old Technology is begining to awaken. The Earth Mother is cleaning herself through our all her bedrock. She is preparing with love for the new being We are becoming in this new age. Remember to keep walking in truth, love and light without fear to make her task easier. This is an Amazing Time. :))
The moment of the GREATEST CHANGE that you have been working towards for eons of your time upon THIS Planet and other Planets is entering the birth canal.
Your Mother Earth is in labour and her contractions can be heard throughout your atmospheres.
Sooth her tired brow by sending her thoughts as you would a physical birth from one of your womankind. FEEL too the excitement as that of NEW LIFE EMERGING. As if a NEW SOUL is entering bringing with it the LOVE that fills your BEING when a new born arrives.
I am in extremely High Spirits this morning … so excited to chat with you … You extremely High Spirits you!
It is our intention of this day to assure you that our credentials consist of honour.
How will you be doing that?
By acknowledging first of all that never has there been and never will there be a proposal that will dishonour those of your planet who have the braveness of heart to follow that which they KNOW to be their Truth.
Wait … I have to read that back … Ok … carry on …
We who are with you from a place that is ‘obscured’ can reveal to you that those of you who were ‘chosen’ to comply with decisions that were made long ago … are not only honouring that which they came to do … but understand too that there cannot be dishonour for such a service in the hearts of those who ‘KNOW BETTER’.
I assume you are talking regarding the FEB 4th event with Steve Beckow?
Not just of this … but of many such proposals. There is only HONOUR that is observed in such cases ... for the hearts KNOWING is KNOWING what it must ‘accomplish’ and is prepared to carry out such itinararies … no matter what it may ‘seem’ to be to those who are lacking in understanding. For that is all it is. There are many who’s understanding is ‘intact’ and KNOW deep within that what may appear to have not taken place … has fulfilled its mission on a level that very few are able to comprehend at this time. Those who do … smile quietly KNOWING that the DIVINE PLAN is in complete coherence with these undertakings and when the time for ALL understanding is to reveal itself , many many … oh so very many will say ‘AH HA!’
Thank you for that … I was not going to bring the matter up … I was leaving that to your discretion.
In service to your planet we undergo great discussions as to what outcomes particular events may align with. We would not consider ourselves to be anything other than effectively cautious considering all that is at stake and yet … there are assignments that are necessary to carry out that may seem to the detriment of many. Yet we would disclose that in the depths of the understanding of the greater picture … in the larger scheme of things, these ‘efforts' that are bravely undertaken … are cause of much jubilation in realms of Higher leagues ... where such plans are cause for celebration when they achieve the desired effect.
Again we would stress to you that it is very different from where we sit, to that where you are positioned.
You can say that again … but no need … in case you don’t understand the humour!!
In TRUTH there will come the time when that which appears to be so misguided and understated will be prominent in the minds of men … to that of incredulous wonder. In days forthcoming … and we PROMISE you that these days will arrive … that which your hearts have at times felt to be lost in a quagmire of untruths and mistrust … will bring Divine Light into your Beings.
You will inevitably be able to laugh at the way in which ... you had been led to believe are Truths ... and when revealed as to what their actual TRUTH is … your relief that you were not ‘off the planet … off with the fairies’ will be of such joy to you .(that does make sense if you work on it!)
Not that there is anything wrong with being'off planet' or 'off with the fairies' indeed!
It is to your benefit to ‘wise up’ on such matters and Truly seek comfort in your own souls TRUTH. For we say to you, that each one of you KNOWS deep down that we are ALL One. That we are brothers and sisters of the Universes. YOUR HEARTS KNOW THIS DON’T THEY?
Well, I can only speak for myself … and no matter what ‘appears’ to be happening on the surface these days … I find myself filled to the brim with Love and excitement in the KNOWING that this Divine plan is so very close to revealing itself in a much fuller capacity and that because of this, so many more of us will be able to awaken to the Truth of our souls and why we are here. It sort of feels as if … for want of a better way of putting it ... it is inbred … this KNOWING that now we are in this year if 2012 ... we will SEE FOR OURSELVES the change from that which has held us back from who we Truly are … melting away … curtains pulled wide open to reveal ... US!
And the reason for this is that this ‘inbred’ feeling is one that is part of your structure. You were ‘designed’ if we may put it that way … to FEEL this way. You cannot be prevented from being who you are as the vibration into Truth arises. It simply is not possible for you to remain ‘stuck in the mud’ when there is no longer mud for you to be stuck in! ... The rains shall wash the mud away.
I have to mention here of course that whenever White Cloud speaks of water (any kind) he speaks of LOVE. Now … something I hadn’t planned on asking but seeing as I have mentioned him … could you tell me where White Cloud is? I appear to have lost him! His energy hasn’t been around me since I took my break with you at the end of Nov. Readings have been ok to do … yet any other time … I just can’t feel his energy around. This has happened before … but not for as long as this .
Of course you KNOW that all is well with this situation?
I have learned from past experience to Trust that it is … and besides … no matter what I did … he wouldn’t judge me and take a hike!
We would simply express to you that his absence is part of the plan.
Simply expressed …. …. …. …. And short!!
This is all that is necessary. We are aware that it is not distressing you in anyway and to offer you more would have you contemplating matters down pathways that were not in the right direction. This is not to be ‘secretive’ … please understand this. Again … all will be revealed in its True time. However we will offer you the knowledge that upon his return you may find him ‘unrecognizable’. Yet as we say … do not have your thoughts travelling down windy roads ... for there is no need.
All I can think is that …. White Cloud has said that one day he will reveal his True self … having no idea to be honest who that is … even after all this time of working with him ... I look forward to the transformation … perhaps I could get a makeover at the same time?
We are content to leave that there and pursue a matter that quite a few are curious about.
Oh Ok. Thanks … yes … many have written in asking if I could ask you what is causing the weird eerie noise on different places of our planet. I have listened to some of them and they have a sort of ‘whale song’ lilt to them. Can you explain what the noise is and where it is coming from please … for it seems it is coming ‘out of nowhere’?
And once again you hit the nail on the head … or perhaps we assisted you in your wording. The sound you are inquiring of is ‘coming out of nowhere’. It is a resonant vibration that is literally ‘singing’ its call to you. There is no cause for alarm here … far from it. We would ask you to consider ‘tuning into it’ and although you may not think it to be of the most melodic discourse , there is a part of your vibration that can merge with the vibration the sound contains.
How will this benefit us … and what is its purpose for being here?
It will benefit you through its connection with you. Its purpose is to enhance not to take away.
Ok … but WHAT IS IT?
It is a ‘stepping stone’.
That takes us where?
To the next stepping stone …
Which takes us where? etc etc …
You will find that instead of your curiosity bending toward a fearful explanation … as we feel this is the concern of many … we would ask you to extricate your thoughts from such and consider the possibility of a young trumpet player picking up the instrument and practicing regularly in order to achieve an accomplished sound. The ‘tone’ in which this ‘pitcher’ sends out, may not be one that is up to ‘concert standard’. Yet ... as vibrational frequencies are attuned with all that is going on and coming through and settling down then you will notice a distinct ‘change’ in tone and fervour .
I am sort of being reminded in my head of the tones that were ‘given out’ in the movie ‘Close Encounters.’ Yet these were far more amenable. However … as you say , practice makes perfect . So basically you are saying that these sounds are coming from nowhere , they will attune themselves to a more perfect pitch as we ‘go along with them’ and will eventually be of ‘beautiful music’.
More or less.
Which? More or less?
Yet I still don’t get the purpose? And please don’t say ‘you will’. What is that sound here for?
It is here to ‘speak’ with you.
From nowhere?
Yet how would you define nowhere?
Somewhere where there is no place …
So are you saying nowhere has to be ‘somewhere?’ A particle of dust seems to arrive from nowhere … yet you see it present somewhere , where once it was not.
Ok ... could you summarize this topic … in a nutshell ….
A nut is protected inside its shell until it is ready to be opened. When that time arrives and the shell is cracked apart … there is that nut … ready and waiting to be shown to the world.
At this time I have such KNOWING that things we cannot understand WILL BE understood in the days ahead that I am happy to let that be.
Anything else? As I am feeling it’s time to go and I just looked and the hour has once again gone by .
We would say to you this … We urge you to address your soul. To listen to that inner voice ...
That we can’t hear!
Yet you can FEEL it … Feel your TRUTH in yourselves! FEEL the LIGHT in YOU … telling you that these days ahead are the ones that you came here to rejoice in . You have wandered for so long … taking different paths along your way … yet ultimately you are now all arriving on that same path … the one path that leads you home. How many of you are recognizing each other as you walk the road? If not in flesh then in soul light?
Oh lets hope so … lets KNOW so! Many thanks … In Light and Love.
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.
((: All over the world the Earth has started Humming. This supposedly has been going on now since October 2011. The Last Few days in many different countries. It made the Channel 4 News this morning in the USA. A Mystery so they say. Remember our discussions about the quartz crystals and how they will start to activate, the Pyramids are giving light. The old Technology is begining to awaken. The Earth Mother is cleaning herself through our all her bedrock. She is preparing with love for the new being We are becoming in this new age. Remember to keep walking in truth, love and light without fear to make her task easier. This is an Amazing Time. :))
The moment of the GREATEST CHANGE that you have been working towards for eons of your time upon THIS Planet and other Planets is entering the birth canal.
Your Mother Earth is in labour and her contractions can be heard throughout your atmospheres.
Sooth her tired brow by sending her thoughts as you would a physical birth from one of your womankind. FEEL too the excitement as that of NEW LIFE EMERGING. As if a NEW SOUL is entering bringing with it the LOVE that fills your BEING when a new born arrives.
IT IS SO! ~The Federation of Light~