After my last two walks in the Gatineau Park and my proximity to Bear, I decide to play it safe and just walk on the bicycle path near my home instead. I am feeling very smart and wise in my conscious avoidance of Bear. It is a beautiful day and I veer off the path to check out a lovely pond nearby. The first thing that I see is several fresh Bear droppings. I can hardly believe it! So close to suburbia! Bear is persistent in my life and I cannot seem to avoid him no matter where I go.
Next day, I think I will outsmart Bear. I will go for a bike ride and not veer off the path. So there! Of course, more Bear scat in several places, right in the middle of the bike path. Then the glimpse of a small black rump heading in the bush. I try to convince myself that perhaps it was just a big black dog. A closer look at the scat reveals that it is full of apple bits. There are several apple trees along the path, of course, one of Bears favourite snacks.
I am determined that Bear will not scare me from my walks or bicycle rides. I heard on the news that Bears have not had enough berries due to the weather and that they were coming from the park into the city to feed on the fruit trees in people's yards. I decide on another bicycle ride, I figure it will be easier to escape should I run into Bear. I am having a perfect ride and feeling secure and confident that I will not see Bear today. What are the chances? I am in the city after all. At one point, I need to slow down...there are several people stopped on the path ahead and blocking the way. They are chatting animatedly and looking up. There in a tall beechnut tree, two Bear cubs, munching contentedly on the nuts, doing acrobatics, hanging upside down. I look at them for a bit, but then move on, as where there are cubs, usually the sow is not far behind.
I shake my head in disbelief. The message I am getting is YOU CANNOT RUN FROM WHAT YOU ARE. It is loud and clear. Finally, I give up! I will try to accept this business of healing. It will be whatever it will be, I will not fight it anymore.
A final dream of Bear. I am being chased around and around my house. Bear is in hot pursuit. Finally I am tired and decide to run in the opposite direction, coming face to face with Bear. I need to know what Bear wants. Bear tells me he just wants to have tea with me and get to know me! Well why didn't he say so sooner! I put the kettle on and we have a lovely tea party at the patio table. I wake up and am happy that I have finally made peace with Bear after all these years.
Fall is now upon us and it is stunning with bursting colours. Paul, the boys and I, head to the Lariault trail in the park to drink it all in. We are always happy on our family walks. The waterfall is gushing from the last few days or rain. Paul crosses the water on a big fallen tree that creates a bridge. We rest awhile and take a drink of water and snack before heading back. The boys are all ahead of me and I am enjoying the peacefulness of the quiet woods. I spot a black rock sticking out of the ground. It looks round and smooth and I think it will be oval. I dig it out of the has a flat bottom, but rounded top. I look at it, then put it in my pocket. I come up to the top of the hill. The boys are still up ahead with Paul trailing back a bit. I look up on the side of hill. There is a black shape there. Is it a Bear? I cannot tell. It is perhaps 50 yards away. I have been fooled many times, seeing what I thought might be a Bear, only to find out it was a stump. I think I can see the shape of a head and ears, but it is not moving at all, so I wait...and wait...and wait some more. Then it moves! It is a Bear! I call Paul gently so as not to spook Bear, tell him to call the boys back. They arrive and I point to the hill. They see Bear, sitting, looking at us looking at him. After a bit, he scratches behind his ear with his back paw, like a dog. He is calm, relaxed, and just enjoying the day like we are. We stay another 5 minutes or so then start heading home. I think to myself, I should pick a rock to remember this moment, this gift, this honouring from Bear. I slip my hand in my pocket and remember my rock. I pull it out, it looks exactly like the shape of a sitting Bear! I do not need to look further.
I have not had another dream of Bear after that last dream many many years ago. Until last night. I knew this would be my last blog about Bear and I guess he was on my mind before I fell asleep. It was a short and sweet dream. I am with Gracelynn, my 3 year old grand daughter. I take my little teddy bear (that I bought for her to keep at my house for when she comes over), and I place it in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. I tell her, “it will be here for when you are ready for it later Gracelynn”. I wake up and remember the dream. It appears Bear medicine will be waiting for Gracelynn. Perhaps one day, my Bear stories will bring her some comfort while she tries to figure out her place in the world.
Posted by Kumu Leinaala Kaahuhailikaukoalaaikaalaneo Brown on 1 March, 2013
KAUA'I CALLS ~ "The Journey 'Ike Ho'opono "PONO"... August 20 at 9:00pm -5:00pm Last Day: Until August 31 9:00am at 8:30pm Pau ~
Kaua'i Lemuira (Mu) ~ Up-Dated Agenda to Follow upon registrations.
ALOHA ~ WELCOME HOME TO KAUA’I The Journey to Lemuria Unlimited Abundance
"Reclaiming Our Divine Birthright" ~ “A Journey of A Haku” The Path to Awakening Unlimited Abundance
August 20st to 31st , 2013 Eleven (11) Days ~ Sacred Spiritual Retreat & Ho'oponopono Trainings from Sacred Sites, Heiau Temples 9:00Am - 5:00Pm Daily. Longer Days on Sacred Sites
Ka Leo ‘O Na Kahuna Lapa’au ‘O Hawai’i Ho’ola ‘O LomiLomi Lapa’au Clinic P.O. Box 1137 Contact (808) 967-7781 Volcano, Hawai’i 96785
With “You Are the Gift” ~ The Creative Center of Abundance…. Peace Warrior Princess Kumu'Ola Leina'ala Kahuna Healer, Pule, High Priestess of the Laka and Lono Order KAUAI CALLS ~Up Dated to a Eleven Day Retreat Training and Journey....Kaua'i Calls ~ August 20 to 31, 2013 Sacred Journey Itinerary ROYAL ELEVEN DAY KA WA KAHIKO ANCIENT RETREAT
ITINERARY: The "experience" begins on the FULL MOON, AUGUST 20th, 2013!
Aloha! Welcome Home to Mu (Lemuria) ~ this will be an amazingly rich experience for all...the incredible beauty and magic of Kaua'i, from ancient to modern...eleven days, plus a magical opening night full moon celebration (and orientation). Dinner to follow.
The base itinerary is below...more details to come soon! Our History (esoteric included), culture, spiritual significance, etc., will be shared throughout the 11-day tour. Ho'oponopono the Hawaiian healing method of forgiveness... [[ Kumu, you can write this... ]] Itinerary: Tuesday, August 20th 6:00 pm Full Moon gathering beachside of Marriott Courtyard (our hotel), Sacred Ceremony, Orientation; Dinner to follow in main dining room at 7:15 pm. Wednesday, August 21 - Day 1 7:00 am Breakfast at Hotel or in nearby Kapa'a Town 9:15 am Kumu's Teaching (following tour of Hikinaakala Heiau and Hauola City of Refuge) (open air teaching at Hikinaakala Heiau) 12:00 - 1:30 pm Lunch plus Swimming/Snorkeling 2.30 pm Pickup at Marriott Courtyard for check-in at Smith's 3.30 pm Smith's Fern Grotto Boat Ride 4.50 pm Boat Returns to Landing 5.00 pm Smith's Lu'au (adjacent to boat marina - simply walk to luau) 9.00 pm Return to Hotel ~ Enjoy the Blue Moon ~
Thursday, August 22 - Day 2 7:00 am Breakfast at hotel 8:45 am Sacred Sites Tour Holoholuku Heiau and Pohaku Ho'ohanau (Royal Birthstones) Poliahu Heiau, Picnic Lunch, Opaeka'a Falls Overlook Kuilau Arboretum, Wailua River Sacred Immersion/Swimming optional, relaxing 7:00 pm Dinner - Oasis on the Beach (Waipouli Beach Resort)
Friday, Aug. 23rd - Day 3 7:00am Breakfast at Hotel 8:45 am Hindu Temple private tour arranged in advance followed by private audience with Bodhinata Velanswami, head of the Monastery (talking/Q&A) 12 Noon Sacred Rudraksha Forest - Picnic lunch Kuilau Trail - easy hike with views of Wai'ale'ale and Makaleha Mtns. 6:30 pm Dinner - Shivalik Indian Restaurant, Kapa'a
Saturday, August 24th - Day 4 (times will be modified slightly) 6:30 am Breakfast 8:00 am (morning cruise) Catamaran Charter [Lunch is served on board] 1:45 pm Ele'ele Bay 2:45 pm Kukuiolono Park (pohakus) 5:00 pm Menehune Fishpond 6:00 pm Dinner at Duke's (Marriott Kalapaki) - enjoy sunset view
Sunday, August 25th - Day 5 7:00 am Breakfast 8:45 am Visit Anahola - Womens' Heiau (pending permission) 12:00 pm [Lunch at Common Ground's Garden Cafe] 2:00 pm Kilauea Lighthouse 3:00 pm Hanalei Bay/Pier 3:45 pm Hanalei Town Shopping 5:45 pm Cocktails at St. Regis Hotel, Sunset Watch overlooking Hanalei Bay 7:15 pm Dinner (restaurant of choice - tba)
Monday, August 26th - Day 6 7:00 am Breakfast 8:45 am South Shore visit (entire day) Makauwahi Sinkhole - short hike (views of Maha'ulepu) Short hike to Shipwreck's Bluff, 12:30 pm Picnic Lunch at Shipwreck's Beach Park Spouting Horn, NTBG Visitor Center Garden, Prince Kuhio Park, Orchid Garden at Plantation Gardens 6:15 pm Dinner at Plantation Gardens
Tuesday, August 27th - Day 7 and Wednesday, August 28th - Day 8 7:00 am Breakfast Two days of Self-Love - Lomi Lomi, Steam, etc.. at Aunty Margaret's Mu'olaulani - logistics to be determined (Also, these days will be Kumu's time to teach, in shifts) Picnic Lunches will be provided.
Thursday, August 29th - Day 9 7:00 am Breakfast 9:00 am Kamokila Hawaian Village Tour, Fresh coconut feast, early Lunch 2.15 pm Sunset Cruise - Check in at Captain Andy's 5.00 pm Buffet Dinner onboard the Catamaran 6.30 pm Cruise Returns ~ Free time in the evening ~
Friday, August 30th - Day 10 7:00 am Breakfast 8:45 am Waimea Canyon/Koke'e Picnic Lunch Kalalau Overlook, etc. 5:00 pm Luau Kalamaku Saturday, August 31 - Day 11
7:00 am Breakfast 8:45 am North Shore Tour Tunnels Beach, Limahuli Valley Garden Tour, Waikanaloa Wet Cave, Waikapalae/Blue room wet cave, Picnic Lunch, Heiau 'o Laka, walking at Ke'e Beach at Sunset Closing Dinner Party at Hotel (beachside)
Sunday, September 1st - Departure (or stay in paradise longer!)
REGISTRATIONS: EMAIL Early Registration $3595.00 by March 7th, 2013 after is $3895.00. Own Hotel, ground transportation, meals, Two Catamaran's Journey to Na Pali Coast...Deposit is Non Regfundable: $500 to hold your space. 50% by April 15th, 2013 and Balance is Due May 15th, 2013. Presented by: Ka Leo 'O Na Kahuna Lapa'au 'O Hawai'i ~ Hale 'O Lono.Org.... (808) 961-3118. Mahalo.
Clear ~ Surrender ~ Release ~ Restore ~
In this rare and beautiful experience you will access ancient wisdom to higher frequencies of peace, love, harmony and healing. Topics to be covered include: • E Ho'omaluhia: Relax ~Release all negative~ Deep Meditation ~ Surrender all that does not serve us • E Mana Ka Oia'io: Truth to Restore Mind, Body, Spirit and Active the Love Essence of your truth within that Sparks your Soul • E Mo'okuauhau: Legacy heaven gift of Aloha ~Re-Claim your birthright, your roots in the beginning of time • E Aloha ~ Rejuvenate ~ taking time for you moments of meditation daily, the Simple Key Elementals of Life are Peace, love, celestial Joy • E Ho'oponopono ~ Daily Ho'oponopono (clearing your pathway) • E Ho'omanamai'ola (clearing all earthly Chakras) • E Pule Wehe~ Meditation Oli ~ Daily Chanting (sound vibrational balance) • Hula is Life Oli is the Words of Life ~ Daily Dance of Life ~ Kawa'kahiko is the ancient Lemurian (Mu) Keys to JOY • E Hauoli Mai Kakou ~ The Seed to Success is pure Happiness is Unconditinal Love. Love is All there Is ... • E Ka Mana'o 'O Talani Our Cosmic Universal Memory of the Ho'okulani ( the heavenly star of light) • Pule Pani ~ Clear our path by walking it, boldly in Grace and Joy ~ In the Dance of Life. • Ancestral Wisdom of Sacred Healing
• The Journey to Lemurian Unlimited Abundance Ask Your Money Angel - Manifest Money Hypnosis Video •
Just to share a few sacred sites ~ Eleven Day Sacred Journey Kaua’I Calls ~ A Journey of a “HAKU” See our Guides This is a Continuing Teacher Training Course: January 2013 to January 2014
The Journey to become the "HAKU"
About Na Kahuna’s: For countless generations, Kahuna have been the guardians of the core elements of the Hawaiian Culture that takes them back to the begining of time: Mu (Lemuira) and I'o (Divine Creatio ns). "Kahuna," literally translated, means "the secret," defining their role as the caretakers of Divine Ancient knowledge. Na Kahuna are the Grandmasters of Healing, Health, Wisdom of the Ancients and Na Kumu'Ola (Teachers of Healing) of the traditional.
Kahunas are the spiritual leaders of guidance of the Hawaiian peoples, thus taking great care in maintaining the spiritual connection between the mortal people and the Akua Ao (Gods) and (Goddess). We invite you to join us for this very special healing sacred journey’s, and workshops.
REGISTRATION KAUA’I ~ THE JOURNEY TO LEMUIRA ABUNDANCE & PEACE FEE: Early registration by March 1, 2013 is $3595.00. Deposit is $500 Non Refundable to hold your space. Registration after March 7, 2013 is $3895.00 . Only 25 opening. Don’t Wait to Register. Only 25 Pax. Own, housing, some meals, and own/ground transportation.. All Special meal, luau, sacred guided journey’s to sacred travels and sites all included……
This is a Continuing Teacher Training Course January 2013 to January 2014 The Journey to become the "HAKU" Email: Visit Us:
Guests Please Provide. Own Hotel, Ground Transportation, meals, two Catamarans Na Pali Coast,. All Eleven days all trainings, sacred sites with group transportation included, 2 luaus, complete Ho’oponopono Level I. Trainings from sacred heiau temples, all special lunches included…Dolphin Energy- Self Love- Healthy lunches, included. Transportation, Music, Alternative healing modalities, Hawaiian LomiLomi Salt Scrubs Massage, and much more. Own cost….
Kauai Resort | Courtyard by Marriott Kauai at Coconut Beach Special Group Rate: Garden and Ocean ~ Hotel Reservations. Reservations with Barbara: Ka Leo ‘O Na Kahuna Lapa’au ‘O Hawai’I ~ Hale ‘O Lono. Kumu Leina’ala K. Brown….CEO. Get away to one of the most comfortable Kapaa resorts, Courtyard Kauai at Coconut Beach by Marriott. Located on Coconut Beach, our sophisticated Kauai ...
KA LEO ‘O NA KAHUNA LAPA’AU SPECIAL GROUPS Hotel Own Costs ~ Group Specials. 650 Aleka Loop Kapaa, HI 96746 (800) 321-2211
• KINDLY CONTACT CANDACE FOR YOUR KAUA’I CONDO. WAIPOULI BEACH • Waipouli Beach Resort & Spa ~ our location site. • Private Condo’s ~ Own Expense. Contact Candace to set up reservations directly.
I'm feeling dissolusioned and wonder if I will ever find peace and be free of the scars of abuse. I fight so hard to be positive and feel so tired and hopeless when I cannot keep it up and sink once again into the bowels of depression. I am 48 and still am having to have therapy to come to terms with my childhood, youth and young adulthood that was filled with mental, physical and sexual abuse. I was diagnosed as being 'emotionally immature' at the tender age of 13 when I took my first overdose and almost died. I am the truthful one in my family and was treated as the scapegoat. I am both my mothers and fathers child yet have never had the same close, loving and supporting bond from both my parents as have my siblings. I am the one kept at arms length. As a 12yr child I turned to a paedophille for love and affection as I was not getting it at home. He did not shout, critise or physically hurt me. I know now that he did emotionally damage and take advantage of the situation but at the time he was my saviour and when I could no longer see him I tried to kill myself. I rejected my family, society everyone as had been bullied at school and never seemed to fit in at home, school etc.. I have one hell of a life story.. Gang raped twice, pimped by paedophilles, violent relationships, drug and drink addiction, breakdowns, living apart from my children etc.. etc.. Life threatening situations. Such horrendous memories that I know with therapy are just memories and do my best not to give them power. The problem is that the past tends to overspill into the present. For example one week after I mentally brokedown with my childrens father and ended the violent relationship my mother was in his bed. Needless to say I did not get custody of my four children not only due to my mental breakdown but years later when better and trying to rescue my children who had told me they were suffering my mother and brother went to court with the childrens father and deliberately lied to prevent me having the children and won. I have never harmed or neglected my children nor have a police record for harming anyone. What they did drove me mentally insane and I am diagnosed with bi polar, borderline personality disorder, recurrent depression syndrome and depressive psychosis. Added to that I have the depression from fibro myalgia and other challenging physical disabilities. I had felt a failure as a child but nothing can compare to the feelings of having failed to protect your own children. To make things worse everytime their father met someone contact with my children was stopped due to his new partners jealousy and I would have to go through the court process again. My children have been lied to about me too and have all grown up emotionally damaged in one way or another. They were told I abandoned them and ran off with a sailor! and was such a terrible mother that my own mother and brother went to court for them to live with their father instead of me! They have relationships with me now apart from one but it is constantly like stepping on eggshells as they throw the past in my face. I try to explain and they say they do not know who to believe and that the proof is their father was there and I was not. I have even offered to go on Jeremy Kyle and take lie detector but they do not want to know. I have had years of therapy including living in a theraputic community and still am the victim of my past due to being treated as the one who did and is wrong when in reality I was the victim as well as my children. I do not have close friends as I know people may be friendly on the outside but I cannot trust what if any darkside they may have. All I have known is that people men and women hurt me. I am married again and have been for 14 years and it took a very long time to trust my now husband and then he had a head injury and a total loss of memory. He has come a very long way and I am his sole carer. He has episodic dyscontrol and episodic depression as well as short term memory loss, epilepsy etc.. and I also care for my son who has aspergers and his mentally challenged fiance who live independentaly of us with our support. Finances are always a struggle as is settling. I truthfully since childhood have moved over 75 times and never had a home of my own. I so so want to settle but unfortunately cannot afford the home I need. So much has happened in my life that noises from neighbours constantly trigger fearful emotions within me and I have to move to get away from it. We are presently in a housing association flat. They had letters from my doctor and psychiatrist telling them that I cannot cope with noises of people living above or below me but they do not cater for that or take it into consideration and with it just being my husband and I will not give us a house. Even worse due to our disabilities we need adapted property and they do not have many of them and we could be here for years and so are looking to try and afford private renting again but cannot afford a deposit or rent in advance and so are trapped. I did after therapy try to rebuild my relationship with my family and it seemed to be going fine until my neice was going to be put into care due to neglect and we stood beside her instead of my sister and it led to my mother cutting me off and making it very clear that I am dead to her. That was over five years ago and she meant it. So here I am with no close friends to talk to or have a coffee with as cannot trust people not to take advantage or hurt me. Having only ever known abuse and therapy taking another big step into more therapy to live in the middle bit and I suppose things can only get better except that things that I had thought I had come to terms with I have not and now as well as having dialectical behavioural therapy I am to have sexual abuse therapy again as well which I can truthfully say I am definately not looking forward to at all. I keep feeling suicicidal and am just hanging on in there. I know my life has been the way it is for a reason but need to be able to share what I have learnt and do not know how. I can no longer work due to the arthritis, fibro myalgia etc.. and so my self worth levels are low. I have never known unconditional parental love, family acceptance and feel so down that I do not have those skills and knowledge to pass on to my children and am so scared of failing them because I do not have those skills. I do my best but cannot trust myself to be phsically or mentally well. I am like a book when it comes to self love and care as it is not fully mastered within me although I am a lot better now. Not being able to be reliable makes me feel so inadequate. Living off benefits and not being able to earn my own living is horrible. I feel so ashamed of myself when I think of those who have so much less than I. In my mind I feel that as long as they had friends or family love they are lucky. As a child I knew hunger, homelessness etc.. so I have the skills of making do and making ends meet. All my life I have been victim, survivor but have never lived and so much want to be free. Suicidal thoughts to be free of this life are so powerful and selfish I know and mostly I can rationalise with myself yet when I have a bi polar low it is chemical and like a drug and I have no control and have almost lost my life so many times. Yes I am medicated and as long as my body does not get used to the antidepressant dose or need to change antidepressant I am safe. Spiritually I know god loves me and that strangers really care as I really care and try to help people I do not know. I just wish loving and caring about myself was a part of me and not a constant fight and I have this battle daily and have done since I learnt about self love and care in 1995. So many people have said for me to write a book about my life yet I cannot do it alone and do not have the resources for the support I would need or for someone else to write it for me. Recently my daughter had her first child and her father was present for her caesarian birth. I felt so jealous and upset. I remember going into labour for her at about 8am and even though she is my fourth child he would not believe I was in labour and told me I had to go to the doctor for verification before he would come to the hospital with me. He also refused to let me go to the doctors until I had sorted out my other three little ones aged four and a half, two and a half and sixteen months at the time and did all the housework. By half nine I was in agony washing up at the kitchen sink and I called him a fxxxxxxg bastard in frustration and desperation. He attacked me knocking me to the floor and battering me. He then in guilt let me go and I begged a neighbour to take me to the doctor who confirmed my labour. When I got back I then had to literally beg him to come to the hospital with me as I was terrified of giving birth as had had a hard time with my third child. We got to the hospital just before 11am and my daughter was born just 6 minutes later. He actually had to deliver her as the midwives could not get there in time. He has always boasted about delivering her. My daughters bond with her father is strong and even stronger now. He comes first with everything and I am always the after thought. His evil won and still is. I was not allowed to go to the hospital when she was having my grandson as he did not want me there. I have not spoken to the man for years so it is not like we argue etc.. I know that when my grandson has a birthday party I will not be invited as he will not want me there and she puts her dad first and now my grandson like my children will grow up knowing lies about me too. I cannot win and truthfully just for the record I was a good mother to my children and never partook in drugs or alcohol while they were in my care. I really am struggling with all this at the moment and don't know what to do to help myself.
We are still feeling the effects of the Virgo Full Moon from Monday, February 26th. What a powerful energy we are receiving. This moon represents our balance so the past can be gone and the future may be revealed. It has taken us into a tailspin of energies that will affect us through the four body system. Some of us experienced releasing old timelines from previous lifetimes that were ignited through our Etheric Body before the full moon and others are experiencing those effects presently. Whatever is the case, each of us is expanding deeper into our Higher Essences for them to be the defining factor in our relations with ourselves and others.
What are some of the symptoms? Intense energies, tiredness, cannot get enough sleep, extreme headaches or other areas of the body reacting, because they are being infused with the higher energies of light. Our multi-dimensional bodies are trying to interact with our physical existence of the NOW. It is important that we take care of the elements that do not serve us as it is changing very quickly which we are learning to move through it all.
The power of these energies cannot be measured by anyone as we have never experienced it before within any planetary function. We are the pioneers moving into a new paradigm of experiences as we are trying to ground the energies. The rest of this week we need to take time to allow what we are feeling to be fully activated within us. When we have the periods of extreme uncertainty, it means that we need to take further steps to feel comfortable within ourselves. We cannot stress enough how important it is to act within your Higher Self motives and remove the programming that has kept us stuck in dysfunction for way too long.
The fact that we may feel uncomfortable is because we are the new-born essence finding our way in a world that does not support the upgrades that we are receiving. So it needs to happen for each of us in the way that we can handle it. The Emotional and Mental bodies are on overload as they are not accustomed to feeling and acting in a new way. We are the Children of the Light and must act accordingly. Going too swiftly or slowly is not going to serve any purpose. The most important pathway is “what is right for you in this moment”.
Express yourself through your feelings with compassion and love. It is very important for us to speak our truth but understanding the other’s point of view. It must not be in anger or aggression of the lower energies, but allowing the beauty of who we are to illuminate out to the world around you. Connecting with the Mental body is essential, but it is important not to get into the states of “worrying” to the point of being judgmental to the self of why, how, and if statements. Instead use the breath to connect with your Higher Self to activate the Divine Essence you are into your physical creation. Allow yourself to be in an awakened meditation continually.
As Dr. Joshua David Stone always said, “Fake it till you make it.” Use this technique to help align you with your Higher Essence within the physical body. Eventually it will become a practice you don’t even have to think about. Then the emotions will flow much easier especially in times of high energy exchanges like we are feeling presently.
It is important to utilize your Higher Self continually. We are now in Mercury Retrograde which is a testing ground for allowing your higher essence to be your guide. The cycle of Mercury in Retrograde can be challenging to communicate to others but think about how much better you will feel by accessing your Divine Will continually. We, then, will not feel as challenged with the planetary interactions as we do when living in a physical world only.
Think about it ~ if you are living as if you are meditating, it is going to affect all of your life circumstances including working with computers, and all mechanical ways of communicating. If you are traveling during this time, do not let the understanding of Mercury Retrograde effect the way you are living, but use it as a tool to rise above it. It is a perfect time to work through the old timelines that you have been trying to remove out of your consciousness. The world of communication becomes very acute during this cycle, but we don’t have to be enmeshed within it. We can use it as a tool to move through the energies as we are doing with the higher vibrational changes.
2013 will have more of these challenges to help us walk into the world of the 5th dimension. Most of us do not realize the depth of our essence that needs to be changed in the process. We are going through a cycle of Rebirth. Take an inventory of where you are presently to understand what needs to be changed and allow the energies to help you do so.
Each of these weeks going towards the Spring Equinox is assisting us greatly even though it may feel as if you are being challenged continually. Nothing can stay the same and if you are on this pathway, “Congratulations” as you are going to help many others that will follow.
March is going to prove to give us more of the same so it is important to understand that each stage of growth there will be a short period of integration which will take us to the next level of advancing our physical bodies to receive the higher essence. Embrace the change and it will embrace you.
What a beautiful week it is! Each of you are experiencing such an expansion of the Light emanating from the Higher Forces of Light into the planetary existence that it probably has been quite challenging physically.
Grandmother Moon has been holding these frequencies for the past two weeks which is a direct result of what you have been feeling within your bodies. As the energies have shifted greatly, between the Sun and the Moon they aligned within each individual person a new expression of balance. These essences were ignited last week, continuing through the Full Moon of this week and allowing it to settle into each individual person.
What does this mean? More equilibrium is occurring within the Masculine and Feminine energies. It is common knowledge that physical humans have a tendency to be imbalanced in either the Mental or Emotional bodies. This is due to your previous timelines that are being activated along with the lifetimes of karma you have endured. It has nothing to do with the fact that you are a woman or a man. We want you to understand that fact.
Where are you in your balance of the subtle bodies of light? Do you have a tendency to be emotionally centered or masculine-oriented in your approach to life? Do you think quite a bit before you speak along with worrying about every detail and needing more information for each task that you perform? Are you more flowing and allow your Feminine Divine to assist you in the process of solving problems through your intuition? Do you cry at the drop of a thought or emotion? Or do you think about it deeply?
These are the elements to think about this week as the energies are taking each of you into a deeper level of yourself. It is important to realize that what you are feeling or thinking is important but the flow of ideas must come from the Mental body into the Emotional body so that it is aligned in its true identity.
A perfect example would be: You are thinking about a project, something to study, or a problem that needs to be solved. So you sit and write an outline of a list of items you need to consider. This is coming from your Mental body. Do you then stop and reflect on who to create the process for the work you need to do?
If you are running in a Mental level, you probably would re-write the list, cross out things, and ponder for a long time. Then you are not quite sure how to get started so you just jump into the process without looking at other variables.
If you are within the Emotional level, you might feel the thoughts intuitively but then become emotional of how to get started. You know you can do it but the thoughts are not coming to you, but you see the vision, The Overall Picture.
Someone who is in full balance within the Masculine and Feminine Essence would take some time to meditate on the project or problem. Get an understanding from the Higher Self or Guides to help formulate the process. Then upon finishing the meditation, they would sit with their Higher Self intact and write the list. During this time, they might be activating their Higher Self with the breath as they are bringing forth the ideas. This is the crucial phase as now the Emotional Level can be activated through the breath. The visions will come and the ideas will flow more easily.
The Masculine Divine initiates the energies by bringing forth the ideas, setting the groundwork; whereas the Feminine Divine then activates the process to occur through the ability of visionary work allowing the process to be created.
This is exactly what the present energies represent. Last week we talked about the timelines being purged and ignited. Now the balance is coming into effect. Not everyone is going to accept their internal equilibrium to be ignited due to elements that are too strong or weak on each side. The process of changing it into a balanced state is not easy and each of you is being challenged to do so.
So what do you do about it? First acknowledge which side of you, the Emotional or the Mental has the deciding rule. Then, look at the characteristics that support the balance and rid yourself of the weak ones by activating your Higher Self in the process. Learning which aspects are not fitting your highest purpose will help you, the physical being, to accept the process. We guarantee you that the effects you are feeling from these energies are trying to help you accept the Divine Union of the Masculine and Feminine to be incorporated.
Also, look at the areas you are being affected physically. Check which chakras need to be aligned and infused with more light or need to remove the parts that do not fit this higher essence. It is important to realize that your chakras need to be cleared fully in order to receive the higher chakras. If you are feeling ill in any of these areas, then attention must be put to the physical conditioning. Each of your chakras represent the masculine and feminine within them so they must be balanced. Breathing deeply through them daily will help align the energies.
Then take what you do not need and give it away through the Violet Flame, through Gaia, through the Rocks, Trees, and the Lands. They balance themselves continually and when you ask for their assistance it will be given. Then you show your gratitude by giving them a portion of your Light that you are receiving. They will be very grateful and will flourish within the essence of GAIA. Then, each of you is collaborating with one another.
The changes are going to be getting more intense and some land areas will be affected. The most important aspect to remember is to not embrace the lower energies of fear and anguish. But use your Masculine and Feminine Divine Will of God within you to decide what you need to know and embrace. If you feel the need through this essence to relocate, then do so. It is all about knowing what you need to do in each moment and be prepared but with balance of both aspects within the Love, Power and Will that you are.
We know it is a challenge presently and more will be coming. But in between the moments of increased energies, think how much better you feel, are interacting, and accept the multi-dimensional self that you are.
We embrace each of you with the Arms of Light
The Unified Whole Command representing Many Masters of Light
So Mote It Be in Oneness!
To ignite your chakras with balance, check out Walking Terra Christa’s powerful series, Integrate the 22 Rays of God Into Your Chakras,, which is available for download.
Here in the wasteland A place thats lost in time Where dreams come to die Stars no longer shine where broken lovers come to leap Lost children at your feet Crying in there sleep
Here in the wasteland Where longing no longer yearns Memories only burn Had you only seen the turn Where all sorrows seem to go No river ever flows despair here is the only show
Here in the wasteland Where nothing grows I found a rose
I found a rose
Here in the wasteland Where faith is only a word Hope is never heard All seems so absurd One here gave it all a few for others took the fall All here missed the call
Here in the wasteland Where nothing grows I found a rose
I found a rose
And this rose that i beheld I shared with someone else And they shared with others too Soon roses everywhere Begin to bloom Out of the low Comes the high Salvation in your reflection From some strangers eyes So know no matter the end All is found to begin again
I want to let you in on a belief of mine that up to this point, I have only shared with a couple people in my life. I strongly believe in a heavenly practice I coined, “Soul Selection”. This belief lives in my heart and my being, and it brings me much peace and much love in my day to day life. But, before I get into the ‘meat and potatoes’, I want to provide you a little cheat sheet to help you along. Here are a few words that I use in this post, and the words I include in their meaning: •God: Greater Good, Higher Power, Spirit, Soul Source, Love, Creator •Heaven: Mystical Place, higher vibrational field, source of all love, eternal playground •Soul: Our being, our essence, who we are, our heart, our breath •Prayer: Meditation, Reflection, Stillness, Quiet, Talks with God or loved ones
Now that we have that straight, let’s get going here….
Soul Selection is my most powerful understanding of our humanness here on Earth, as well as, my understanding of our connection to Heaven and Oneness with God. The essence of my belief is that every soul (person) volunteered for their life role and purpose before being created, and did so willingly, gracefully and lovingly. I like to think my belief backs up such quotes as this one which states: **** Continue Reading by Clicking on Link ***
Being quiet, being still, how powerful is that? Well, it doesn’t look very powerful. It doesn’t feel very powerful. It may not seem very powerful. How still is the foundation to a building… a pillar that supports physical plane things? Once the pillar is there it is much forgotten, and everything is built upon it. Once the foundation is laid, it’s taken for granted. And skyscrapers are built upon it. Your capacity, your ability to do meditate, to focus on one thing, to clear the distractions, and my… are there ever distractions. Balance on earth, free will, distractions.
To be able to concentrate, to be able to focus, where there’s no thought, no mosquito, no sound, is more important than your intention, because, the thing is more important than your intention. The power of meditation is to teach you to listen, be still, be a pillar, be a foundation… where the inner world and the outer world meet quietly. And peace and serenity reign. We can whine about the politicians, we can complain about the state of the world. We can pray for peace, have huge fundraisers for peace, but with the power of meditation, we emanate peace. Peace of inner world. Peace of outer world, and a piece of the two worlds coming together.
We can all talk. We can all write. We can all whine. We can all complain. We can be silently angry and silently in love. When energies are running, emotions are traveling. When you meditate, when you’re still and focused, peace is queen. Listening to God, Source, and Spirit is a priority. Yes, when we start meditating, we start meditating at a specific time every day in a certain chair with a meditation pillow that we love dearly. And we may repeat a mantra, and we may be listening to somebody’s tape, and we may do the TM and we may do the RM and we may do any WAY of meditation when we start. Sometimes it’s just one branch of a tree gnarled in such a different way that you… become it. It’s one flower that’s twisted around that it’s so ugly that its beautiful… and you become it. Or a crack in the sidewalk that looks like a wizard. And as you grow, and as you glow, there will be minutes and moments of deep meditation that still you, that grab all your worlds, that silence the voices, stills the emotions… but you’ve got to start with meditation. You’ve got to have that practice. You have to know how to still yourself.
And it can be the eyes of a person, behind their own little shield, but totally of love, or it can be the breath of a baby. As we grow it’s no longer gentle, it’s no longer easy. If someone cuts us off! Get your grounding back… to meditating… focus… there. And if someone says something rude to us! Thank you. And somebody says nothing at all to us… and we shine. We listen… to nothing. “ No-thing” but God and earth and ourselves together takes precedence. That is the power of meditation.
For 3 years I dreamed of having my own studio/storefront. I sketched it, visualized it, prayed for it, believed it and worked so hard to get it, but it never happened. I barely had enough money to eat and support my family. Last year, I pretty much gave up on the big dream. In November 2012, I was feeling down and wanted to help someone in need because it always made me feel true happiness. Something inside told me to contact an old friend that I had not seen in a year. So, I contacted her and found out that she was jobless, broke and had no food in her fridge. I had just sold a painting for $150 so I immediately gave it all to her. She thanked me and said " I will pay you back once my early pension sum of 8K comes in from our previous employer" I asked her what she was talking about because I hired her at that employer and was there twice as long. She said " didn't you get the paperwork in the mail offering to give you a lump sum of cash for your pension". OMG!!! I threw that away because I knew I wasn't getting that pension for 20 years.
I called Pension company and the girl on the phone says " WOW!! you must have an Angel watching over you because today is the last day to complete the paperwork. I will fax it over to you". I asked her how much the payout was and she said " You will receive $18k dollars in February 2013". I hung up the phone and dropped to the floor and began to cry. What seemed so far away and financially impossible just 24 hours prior, was now about to become a reality. All of this just from helping someone in need.
My wife found the perfect size space right down the street from my house, at the top of my budget. The owner said that it was just rented the day before, but he had another space twice the size. I said " No thank you, it is way above my budget". My wife convinced me to meet the owner and just look at the space. When I met him he said " Aren't you an Artist? I believe we watched you finger paint at a local show last year. My daughter knows your son from school and he shares your artwork with her. If you are going to make this space into an Art studio, I will let you rent it for the same price as the one half the size and you can move in tomorrow." Again I went home, fell to my knees and cried like a baby. I thought, this cant be happening, but it is. We spent the last 2 weeks, designing, building, painting, cleaning and shopping.
Today, I am sitting in my studio writing this blog as tears of joy flow down my face. We officially open the doors in two weeks and I teach my first class called " The Art of Being" next month. Its time to enjoy living this dream and show God how grateful I am by painting something beautiful today and spending time with him. Peace
Posted by James Bean on 28 February, 2013
"Recognize the Path to your Beloved, O travelers and take the route of the anguished lover in separation. Keep the Master's grace in your thoughts, and reflect on his pure teachings. Develop love and devotion with endearment, and keep the thought of the Creator always before you. Try to merge yourself into God like water in water. Fix your mind within by following the Path of the Sound Current. A yearning will arise; make then an intense and anguished call. Repeat the Name of your Beloved, day and night, again and again. With care in thought, word and deed, you will cross to the other shore."
-- Sant Dadu Dayal, who outlined his vision of the spiritual life to be pursued during our time on Earth
(Sant Dadu Dayal, Encyclopaedia of Saints Series, Bakshi and Mittra, Criterion Publications, New Delhi India)
Posted by James Bean on 28 February, 2013
On the origin of the Holy Name Satyaraam (Sat-ya-Raam). Satyaraam is the holy name of God and Simran Word used/chanted/repeated by followers of the Path founded by Sant Dadu Dayal of Rajasthan (Dadu Panth):
"He [Dadu] said that in the Universe, all were bound by a unique thread in which there were millions of mantras and techniques for the fulfillment of every wish and desire. So Daduji Maharaj gave the Maha-mantra [Great Mantra] Satyaraam to all humans because it was simple and understandable."
"Before disappearing into the cave forever, Shri Maharajji [Dadu] raised his right hand in blessing and said, 'Saints and disciples -- Satyaraam'. Since then, the Satyaraam Maha-mantra (Great Mantra) has been used by Dadu devotees as a symbol of blessing, as well as to greet each other."
"Repeat the Name with the pang of separation, and sing its glory with love and devotion [prem bhakti]. Fix thy mind in repetition with joy and dedication, O Dadu.
"Sweet, indeed, is the Name of God, O man. Nothing is good without His Name; repeat only God's Name." (Dadu)
"He [Dadu] explained the secrets of the Omnipresent, Formless Brahma (Nirguna Brahma [Formless God]), and the intense practice of meditation and yoga in very simple language."
"Saint Shri Dadu Dayalji is to be found as belonging to this school of mystics and was in no way less than Kabirji and Raidasji. His mortal life was lived from 1544 -- 1603, and his immortal life lives in his verses, songs and 'Sakhies' compiled in the Shri Dadu Vani, the Holy Granth [scripture].
"After the interesting historical introduction, this 'Shri Dadu Amrit Vani' shows us the setting of the mystic singer's life, as well as the collection of 'The Sakhies and Bhajans of Saint Shri Dadu Dayalji' and his disciples' poems and teachings with the sweet fragrance of Bhakti. Saint Shri Dadu Dayalji said: 'He dwells in every heart; and is ever near thee.' He dwelt within thee; there is His abode. Seek Him there and thou wilt find thy Beloved.'"
"Repeat within thyself the Name of the Imperceptible One in such a way that God echoes forth from every pore of thy being. Dissolve thyself completely, as salt in water; that is called the true repetition of the Name." (Dadu)
Posted by Dorothy M Neddermeyer on 28 February, 2013
Thoughts To Ponder #55
"It takes less time to do a thing right, than to explain why you did it wrong." -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"Not all who wander are lost." -J.R.R. Tolkien
"If you make a habit of buying things you do not need, you will soon be selling things you do." -Philippines Proverb
"A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains." -Dutch Proverb
"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything which it is poured." -Mark Twain
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -Martin Luther King Jr.
"Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all." -George Washington
"If I were two faced, would I be wearing this one?" -Abraham Lincoln
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk to blossom." -Anais Nin
"Success is dependent upon the glands - sweat glands." -Zig Ziglar
"If you have it and you know you have it, then you have it. If you have it and don't know you have it, you don't have it. If you don't have it but you think you have it, then you have it." -Jackie Gleason
"It's horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment." -Ansel Adams
"The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it." -Richard Bach
"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles." -Audrey Hepburn ###
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD is an internationally recognized expert on bridging Science, Spirit and Human Potential with 30+ years experience as a transformation facilitator, speaker, and educator in natural health and wellness; personal/professional development. She holds a PhD in Metaphysics and Founder/CEO of Genesis Consultants, Inc. Past President, International Association for Regression Research and Therapies, she serves on the board for Arizona Holistic Chamber of Commerce; Faculty Member for the World Regression Congress - Netherlands, India, Brazil, Turkey and Portugal 2014.
February 28, 2013 an easy 20 mile meditative run,"Do not attempt to do a thing unless you are sure of yourself, but do not give up simply because someone else is not sure of you."
This was the first time she had ever seen a Spirit Twig.
'They are not any taller than my umbrella,' she thought.
They both turned to her and smiled. Spruce and Timber had heard her. They said nothing out loud, but spoke to her as Spirits in the same way as Piccolo.
A strange feeling came over her. She felt warm inside. She could swear that the statue of Manneken Pis had smiled at her also.
Spruce jumped in surprise. He felt his brown sack shake like a small tremor. The bag grew hot and nearly burned his bark. Timber looked at him, knowing what had happened.
At the same time, Caruso the cat sat straight up on Urania's bed. He was fully alert. His black fur stood on end filled with sparks of electricity.
The stable cat Lady Puss, who had just returned from her visit underground to Cranny Nook, looked up at the horse Sir Periwinkle, and spoke no longer as a cat, but with her best Spiritual voice.
Lady Puss: 'It has begun, Sir Periwinkle. There's an electric scent of a strong conscience in the air.'
Sir Periwinkle no longer whinnied in reply, but also spoke very clearly.
'Yes, you are wise. It is time to prepare Henri. It will not be long before Urania arrives.'
Lady Puss said. 'They must be made ready for the long journey. They will understand the importance of their Mission.'
Sir Periwinkle continued. 'For the past twenty centuries, the people have allowed their will to flutter like the four winds. Infinity has long prepared, in patience, these necessary changes. For the world to stay on its present axis there is no other choice. Actually, this is not too much of a mind meld to bring about. All the people must be ready to tune in. If only we could tell them, this is their last chance at keeping their free will.'
Lady Puss thought deeply about this. 'Infinity has not shared with us when this intervention will be complete. Perhaps Folium knows. '
In the mean time, in the great chamber, Folium was addressing the Council of Nook. He froze mid-sentence. His golden leaves animated. They had become electrified. An invisible breeze moved his twig-like limbs outward. He looked upward to the unseen sky and continued.
'My friends and members of the council. Urania is with Spruce and Timber, and will soon free William Rhue to return to Cranny Nook. She now stands motionless, hearing us Speak.'
The Council members held their meeting in the torch lit room, deep beneath the earth of Chateau La Hulpe. The Great Chamber was decorated with tapestries, which told of tales long past in the history of Cranny Nook. These were not the handcrafts of the Spirit Twigs, but of the humans who had woven the stories from the history of earth into to these tapestries. Folium stood against one of these fine art pieces, and Spoke The Word of Infinity. They listened to him with great care, for what he had to say to them was Gospel. They felt his Light penetrating their outer bark, as he spoke to them. All the Spirit Twigs absorbed Light, and passed it on as wisdom in the form of whispers and breezes.
The group shivered in anticipation, as they beheld the largest of the tapestries. This was the tapestry which was not a story of the past, but of the future, which depicted the coming to the Nook of Urania and Henri. It was this very tapestry which hung behind and graced Folium's podium.
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.