Blazing Light, Love's Song

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We walk together


2013 will be a year of truth, deep truth, and the maybe the deepest truth of all: we are in this together. The fullness of that statement, in all the ways it can be heard and said, come through this note from someone of the Spirit Fire community who lives in Connecticut. As you read it, telescope in and out to them and from them, to similar pain and needed awareness and change here, there, and around the world. (shared with the permission of the author written on December 26, 2012)

We are processing much loss from the Newtown tragedy and from local deaths. Of five funerals this week, 2 were Newtown victims; the other 3 were unexpected from the community. I only attended one this week.  I will also participate next Sat. in a memorial for our elder employee and then the current rituals of passing will be done for a bit.

 Beyond the funerals, the PTSD is setting in for the rescue people.  A Bethlehem state cop was among the first “pod” to enter the school.  Five guys had the job to neutralize the situation and go through every square inch of the building to report the situation and insure safe entry. He’s is bad shape from what he witnessed.  After 30 yrs on the force, there’s no place to hide after what he experienced.

 Men and women alike are fragile right now, easily triggered into emotional grieving.  So hard the mind tries to make sense, to control, to insure we’re safe.  Of course, it doesn’t work.

 A deep sadness and loss is wanting to find it’s voice.  Mostly, the thoughts keep repeating.

 My sister is here from New Hampshire bringing some normalcy and new conversation. Usual holiday gathering is more about finding solace with each other than about celebration.

I know you are there, at Spirit Fire, holding the flame and teaching the only lessons that can truly bring healing and change.  I’m grateful for that connection.

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THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents. En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.

Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales. Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas. RELAJACIÓN MÚSICA, MÚSICA RELAX, MÚSICA MEDITACIÓN, MEDITATION MUSIC, FRECUENCIAS SANADORAS, MUSICA ALTERNATIVA, MUSICA SANADORA, MUSICA PARA SANAR EL ALMA, HEALING MUSIC, MUSIC FOR HEALING,healing frequency, FREQUENCY TO HEAL, MUSICA ESPIRITUAL, SPIRITUAL MUSIC, MUSICA DELFINES, DOLPHIN MUSIC, MUSICA NEW AGE, MUSICA REIKI, MUSICA YOGA, MUSICA DE BALLENAS, RELAX MUSIC FRECUENCIAS SAGRADAS SOLFEGGIO