Blazing Light, Love's Song

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Clear Sight

A poem by Heather Lucas after being at Spirit Fire for the December Retreat and the December 26, 2012 morning meditation.

Clear sight*

Heavy rain pours down
Weighs down on a day, already heavy with grief
We hold silence, we hold space for the tragedy in Connecticut.
I ring a bell in the morning, I sit.
I drive.
Rain pours down, sheet upon sheet.

As I get closer
A special place not yet seen—Spirit Fire.
The heaviness begins to lift,
the light breaks forth- just a mere opening, yet enough…
Getting higher…a different view, a different place.

Arriving and settling in all at once in group meditation,
No judgment.
Absence that is filled emptiness.
No lack, no want. Pure.
Touching down on what is pure, is clear, is true.
Maybe clear sight?

Finding community already in creation,
Soul energy connected inward and outward.
Spirits imprinted. Water blessed, Nature returned…
As we return to all we are, all we were, all we can be.

I drive.
Driving home. Where is that –“home”?  Everywhere.
Nature speaks.  Her brilliance outlines the clouds in silver lining,
Blazing Light.
See- we all shine together.
Soft watercolor hues color the sky.
Tie die purple-white clouds join the air, the ethers.
Calling us back,
to hopeful beings, to lighter beings, just BEING.

*inspiration:  Spirit and experience of Solistice 2012 at Spirit Fire – reflections on arrival, return and being.
Heather A. Lucas

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