Through my 15 years of training in the non-violent martial art of Aikido, I became exposed to Kototama - the millennia old tradition in which Morihei Ueshiba, the founder, was trained. [Morihei Ueshiba] Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido Kototama seems to be a message from ancient cultures of how to tune ones consciousness to the energy of the universe. Kototama is an ancient Japanese tradition that means “spirit of language”, “sacred sound”, or “the knowledge of the vibration of the Universe.” It is the practice of generating ritual sounds and words, with the belief that they can influence your body, mind, and soul. The Kototama chant creates a resonant torus around the body as Jack Wada demonstrates in this video.
Ancient texts cite 49 “motive” sounds in Kototama and one toning, the 50th, which encompasses them all. This 50th toning is the secret – it’s the active dynamic of the torus and it’s what allows people to access higher levels of consciousness through the Kototama. This is a strategic and enduring way to pass along vital information across generations.
Could it be mere coincidence that the sequence of vowels is identical to the Hebrew name of God – “Yahweh” – that people were told not to speak aloud?
Actually there is strong scientific evidence being collected in our current era that this process can have profound effects on the tuning of our own consciousness.
I trained at the Monroe Institute in Virginia, where they have been studying the “beyond the body” experience for decades. Along with the other students, I was taught to chant a tone and visualize a torus shaped aura of light surrounding me, flowing up through my feet, and out my head. It seems that skillful re-creation (visual and auditory mimicking) of the fundamental energy flow is a key to expanding levels of consciousness as well as tapping space energy for electricity. Is it possible that this access to expanded consciousness – this link with the creative force was what was being concealed from people in everyday life?
You must love yourself before you can love others, otherwise love is discounted or it is crippled love, like someone who tries to introduce Fiji apples who's never had an apple. But each has his own definition of love. Some put conditions on love: If you were taller, smarter, whatever, then I would love you. Some think control is love: you must do what I want for me to love you. Others want power, domination, and many other extremes. When love has conditions then it is no longer love. Love is unconditional.
Taoist put no condition on love. Love is based on self and others. If can't love self, then can't love others. Human nature is to be compassionate, to have mercy and compassion. That is love. Human nature is love.
Do you allow your husband to live? Usually not… Husband does the same thing. You expect people to behave in certain ways. The challenge is to allow them to be themselves. When others do not behave in the way you expect then often experience frustration and anger. Do you give others the opportunity to be different? No value, no judgment attached to it. You first have to practice with yourself.
In a relationship, in Taoism we look at it as a soul, spiritual companionship. Between man and woman, man and man or woman and woman, this day, relationship is companionship; two souls go on a journey as companions. They hold hands with each other, walk down the path without expectation. But have respect and dignity, care, forgiveness and support for each other. Both paths are parallel, they do not necessarily have to be the same path or have to cross, but they can be exactly parallel paths. Two people can be completely different but they can be a wonderful couple or in a wonderful relationship.
We teach people not to have high expectations. Once you set high expectations of a relationship then we preset destiny, we preset a goal. Once not reaching the goal then the relationship can go very sour. This can have a very bad result. The most important thing, is to learn to respect each other’s character, intelligence, emotions and desire. Respect the personal difference; finding the sameness, find the sameness from the difference. There is always some common interest. There is always something the same, even from complete difference. If we can find the sameness from both person’s heart, then the relationship can go on very long and very lovely. Do not put conditions or expectations on love. Practice unconditional love: live and let live.
Blossom: Hello my friends. Well, a bit of a journey has been walked since last in communication … which I have written about on my BlogSpot. ( So I guess I would like to hand it straight over to you and see where we go from here?
The Federation of Light: Welcome to you and we are very much ready to speak with you once again. We are aware that one’s journeying … not just yours Blossom … but many, has had its ‘rocky road’ to travel over this last period of time. We are aware too that for many the Light entered their BEING and they were astounded by it. We understand that you personally were awaiting a ‘major show’ and that your heart resisted the joy that was available.
Blossom: Not on purpose … that’s just the way it went for me.
The Federation of Light: This we accept. And yet you are also correct in noticing that there were many that needed to transform negative energy through their body so that the ‘disappointment’ was not as HUGE as it could have been.
Yet would you not say that now that is done … you have a FEELING of expectation and hope?
Blossom: Indeed yes … but not for anything that is to happen … not anymore. Just a feeling inside me of hopefulness that the world is rapidly going to see changes for the good. I still feel there is to be an Event. I still feel we will see Pillars of Light … speaking of which … would you care to comment on the Brazilian Light pillars that took place? ( )
The Federation of Light: We thank you for bringing that up and we would suggest that the form that the LIGHT took in these shots that were taken were a residue of film (?) that was cast from atmospherics much higher up. When we say ‘film’ we do not mean of the ‘movie’ we mean of the word … ‘layer’.
Blossom: So are you saying this was a ‘fraction’ of the pillars of Light that you have been talking about?
The Federation of Light: We are indeed. These pillars must be created as we are sure you appreciate. They do not just appear out of nowhere. Yet from your perspective this is how it shall seem. We have spoken to you of these pillars being filled with knowledge and energy. These therefore, must be accurately devised in order for the correct effect. And yet we say to you …. That although we would ‘suggest’ that this particular Light pillar is ‘of our doing’ … what we intend to ‘project’ out to you will be far more ‘intense’ than that which we are speaking of.
Blossom: So, just to clarify … This was from you?
We choose to say it was a combination of a gift from us … shared with a gift from Mother Earth. Together we work toward achieving all that has been promised you.
Blossom: Ok. And would you say that the ‘EVENT’ is still to come. The BIG EVENT that no one shall miss?
The Federation of Light: We speak assuredly of such a happening. Many of you still FEEL of this in your hearts space. It is NOT … we repeat ‘NOT’ of a wishful thinking aspect. It is because your hearts KNOW that this shall take place.
Dearest friends. We would care to add … THE LIGHT … THE LIGHT that you have become is now working towards a certain peak point. You have allowed yourselves to create this ‘level’ for yourselves. You have remained steadfast and your strength has seen you though once again. Does this not say to you … does this not PROVE to you … that you have ‘ASCENDED’?
Blossom: Whoa! Didn’t expect you to say that. Have we? Have we Ascended …?
The Federation of Light: Dearest ones. That which you expect does not always become the reality. Expectation is different to each. Each ones thoughts of what ASCENSION is … belongs to the self. Yet we say … although it was not as many of you imagined … or indeed ‘expected’ … there was an ‘occurrence’ that allowed a metamorphosis to take place. Some may still be shedding the old skin, but without doubt, one’s NEW self is emerging. Do you FEEL It Blossom?
Blossom: Sort of … yes. In good moments I could say ‘of course I do’. In other moments I could say ‘maybe’. What I would say is that my FEELING of LOVE and positivity definitely FEELS different. I can’t quite put into words how.
The Federation of Light: Then let us try for you. Inside of you, each one of you … is the DIVINE spark of LOVE … GOD …JOY … HAPPINESS … whatever you choose to name it. It is essentially YOU. Everything else that you think is YOU is merely decoration and a means to function. Let us say that we … for explanatory purposes … would liken this spark to that of a light on a gas cooker. One can have this flame low or one can turn it up to its highest capacity in order to ‘do what it does best’. Your flame has been turned up to a much Higher ‘notch’. It is not at full beam yet … but without doubt it has moved up to a degree that is most noticeable if one cares to ‘tune into it'.
How one chooses to conduct themselves from here on in … as of always … will depict exactly how one’s pathway shall unfold. Yet this journey now shall rapidly flow in the direction of your creation. This you shall notice almost immediately.
Allow despondency to cease. Within you is a wiser perspective of ‘how things are/to be’.
Blossom: Yes, I can say I can go along with that. Is this for just a few though or for all?
The Federation of Light: We would say that each one has ‘risen’. Each one … should they inquire within … shall be able to notice a difference within themselves and their ‘persona’.
Blossom: I am amazed how the date 21st that had so much focus throughout time … with people from all walks of understanding predicting ‘something’ , of such a diverse range of thought … came and went as it did . How would you comment on that?
The Federation of Light: We would say that there HAD to be the expectation of such a date in order for what took place to occur. We state here again that this was not ‘THE EVENT’… THE HAPPENING’ … Yet there was most definitely a VAST CHANGE in your BEING … all around you … in EVERYTHING. We have so often spoke to you of FEELING.
This NEW World which you have now entered through the gates of … is about FEELING … For this is how you discover what is TRUTH and what is not.
We add that when many, many have gathered inside of these gates … the EVENT will take place.
Ask yourselves … WHAT DO I FEEL? HOW DO I FEEL? Some of you may KNOW instantly and say you KNOW of a deeper FEELING of LOVE and UNDERSTANDING. Others may FEEL that they have been let down enormously and perhaps FEEL that never again shall they ‘take on board’ any more messages from those unseen. Yet … whether this be the case or not … they too shall emerge when they are ready and recognize the change within them.
Take time to notice the depth of color around you.
Take time to FEEL the LOVE that surrounds you.
Take time to BE and appreciate that BEING. Concentrate only on that which you KNOW to be of a world that you desire … for yourself and all.
Blossom: Not sure I KNOW what you are talking about.
It is with ease that you can FEEL this KNOWING. You do not have all the answers to the most complex questions … not yet. Yet would you not say that you have a KNOWING that you are on track? A FEELING … A KNOWING. They are one and the same. For what you FEEL is telling you that you KNOW.
And YOU KNOW … that all that you have FELT over these last decades has led you to THE KNOWING that you KNOW NOW. You FEEL even more so that your TRUSTING in yourselves and that which you KNOW … SHALL COME ABOUT.
Your so called disappointment has made you even stronger and more powerful and more confident in that which you KNOW. You came through the other side KNOWING THIS.
Blossom: The other side? Mmm! That made me think of THE BRIDGE. Would you say we have crossed THE BRIDGE then?
The Federation of Light: Have we not said to you that for many it shall be that you cross back and forth?
Blossom: Yes, but it was said that we would be doing that to bring others back over to the other side with us. I see no brother on my back.
The Federation of Light: Again … your interpretation of our words differs greatly from perhaps that which we try to portray.
Blossom: An ongoing issue! Yet I too was speaking metaphorically! That’s it really isn’t it? That’s where I reckon YOU have been misunderstood. It is our interpretation of your words and that which we create in our minds for it to mean. Then we build on that and indeed focus on that and then blame you for getting it wrong. Yet you have to admit … it is easy for one to get carried away when YOU get all forthright and excited.
The Federation of Light: Yet this is our TRUTH. HOW anyone of you chooses to interpret our messages is how each one is recognizing that which is within themselves. When WE get overzealous … we are TRULY speaking our TRUTH … yet you tend to ... and have done so … put a time line on it.
Blossom: Okeydokey … can’t let this slip by unnoticed! You say ‘we’ put a time line on it. For the 21st? Yes … I can say that you did not mention that date … yet in ‘times’ gone by … was it not you that said the Pillars of Light would appear before the end of 2011 and was it not you who said a ship would appear in the sky for three days on Oct 14th 2008. That last date I can let go of due to your explanation of why it did not happen. The pillars of Light? … Mmm! … something definitely went awry there on the time scale ... which you put there.
The Federation of Light: We would agree with you on that.
Blossom: Good lord!
The Federation of Light: So much … in fact … ALL … that we are working on with you … the plans … the future world … are not trivialities.
Blossom: No ‘s**t’ Sherlock!
The Federation of Light: We are all in this together. There are times when we can certainly FEEL the disappointment that YOU FEEL WE have caused. We do understand this from YOUR perspective … yet from ours … we do not see it this way. We simply have tried … if something does not turn out quite as planned then so be it. We KNOW that particular method does not work. Yet we do not blame … we do no scorn. We learn that we must simply try another method. We will always accomplish much in the ‘trying of’.
You asked … where do we go from here?
Blossom: And your answer would be ‘onward ever onward’.
The Federation of Light: Let us not forget the ‘up’ … The upward!
Be of great abounding LOVE In your heart space. We are overjoyed at this outcome. We are continually in awe of your resilience when it ‘appears’ that things have not gone according to plan.
WE LOVE YOU. We are ever closer. Ever closer … to each other. This too you can FEEL/KNOW within side of yourselves.
As this remains your TRUTH and more steadfastly … then the nearer we become. Oh! The unexpected wonders that are so unexpected … one should expect!
Blossom: Ok. There we are then. That was the ‘nod’ to end today’s session’. Thanks guys. Catch you later.
The Federation of Light: Indeed. Shine on NOW brighter than ever in the KNOWING THAT YOU KNOW!
Blossom: We will. In Love and thanks.
PS. It struck me when finding the link for the pillars of Light to post here … that The Federation Of Light … before oct 14th 2008 spoke of snow cones? Just a thought!
In your many lives through the cycle of duality, you have faced immense challenges and as a result grown all the more at a spiritual level. Now duality such as you have known it is losing its power over you, as it recedes into the background. Yet as you wrestle with its influence upon you, and clear yourself of your links to the lower energies, you are facing a strong challenge. We know it is difficult to throw off attitudes, ideas and beliefs, based on what you have been brought up to believe. However, within you have all knowledge and you should look there for the truth, and do not hesitate to move to a new understanding if you are in any doubt. It was easy in the past to be judgmental because that was how people acted, but now you want to move to a new position where instead you see all souls as part of the One.
Separation was a game the dark Ones played to keep you at each others throats, but now you can refuse to continue living their lie that you are all different. Forget the physical differences, customs and religious beliefs, as behind all of that are beautiful souls of Light exactly as you are. In recognizing the Oneness of everything you are taking your place along side of those ready to move further along the path of Ascension. You know now that your search for perfection is never ending, until you finally return to the Source of All That Is. Yet in your own way you have succeeded in overcoming all attempts to keep you from the truth. You have recognized that you will always be a part of the One Truth of which your contribution is as important as anyone else's, as without you it would be incomplete.
You may be leaving behind some unfinished business, but that no longer matters as 2012 saw the completion of the cycle of duality. Karmically speaking you will have dealt with your important issues already, and since the Law of Grace operates at such times all is as you might say "forgiven". You have learnt your lessons that have lifted you up, and made further experiences in duality unnecessary. The year 2013 thus becomes a year of fulfillment, as you establish a new and more meaningful connection with your Higher Self. It means that unlike the past you can tap the fountain of knowledge that your Higher Self holds, and will no longer need to rely on others for your knowledge or understanding.
Have we not told you that you hold all knowledge within. Believe in yourself for guidance and you will know intuitively whether you are making the right decisions. This year will be one of immense gains for you, as you accept the ever flowing stream of high energies that continue to reach Earth. Everything is speeding up even faster, and time will gradually cease to have the same relevance as previously. The next part of your Ascension is with Mother Earth, and with our help to create a new Earth that is befitting souls who are growing exponentially and becoming fully conscious Beings. You will then be able to call yourselves "Galactic Beings" and the doors will open to even greater opportunities than you have ever experienced. Your rate of progress is entirely up to you, and once you have made your decision you will have plenty of help from us.
The most important person on the Earth is you, as it is you who determines where your journey takes you. You choose from the various options available to you, and that is why care is taken to ensure you know what they are. Taking care of yourself and your own needs does not mean that you ignore others, as part of the work of all Lightworkers is to also tend to the needs of others as well. Each soul now has the responsibility to prepare to receive a greater amount of Light, so that their consciousness level keeps expanding. It will keep you firmly on the path to a higher understanding, and help you to continue moving into a higher dimension. The path is there before you and you progress at precisely the speed that suits you. As we have said previously, you are immortal and have all infinity in which to evolve. You are under no pressure to progress except at a rate that you feel comfortable with.
You have done the hard work by releasing most of the lower energies that have tied you to duality. Now you can be more ambitious and set your sights much higher than previously. The effort you have put in since the Millennium, and particularly during the past few years has yielded much success. There is no need to feel that somehow you have failed simply because Ascension did not meet your expectations. It is in fact quite the opposite, as you lifted the vibrations so that incoming energies could be grounded through you. That set the grid in place that is now able to lift you even further and "Love" is taking over, which is your assurance that you will now advance more quickly and receive the advantages of the New Age. The many delays and the many obstructions that the dark Ones used to hold up progress, can no longer be continued. They do not have the power or the organization to do so, and their activities are being recognized for what they really are.
We ask you to continue your life with the same focus that you had before, and think positively as all exists in the "Now" waiting for you to manifest exactly what you desire. At different times you have been given sufficient details to know what to expect, and as the new paradigm takes over you shall have every opportunity to benefit from entering the New Age. The present period of uncertainty will be short lived, and soon you will both notice and feel the changes taking place. What you should register is the result of a general upliftment in consciousness levels, because it will bring about a new attitude and willingness to move your civilization into the New Age with all speed. Accept that some inconvenience is inevitable, as the scale of changes is going to be quite far reaching. However, we of the Galactic Federation are ready as ever, always adjusting our plans according to your coming needs. Once we commence rapid advancement will be made, far beyond anything you are currently able to do.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that your overall reaction to Ascension has been one of acceptance, and you understand that you have not lost out in the Ascension process. All proceeds as ordained and your wonderful future is assured, as you will experience in due course. Our love goes with you wherever you may go, and will ever be.
As much as some of us would have loved to have some dramatic events on 21st dec 2012, like the three days of darkness with the sun not showing himself or the earth stopping in her tracks and forgetting to revolve and rotate.. and the earthquakes, volcanoes... and all of us running helter skelter...Phew..!!! All of this sounds a bit funny now, like a caricature. Because each of us perceived the "change" in our own ways.
But then let s take a look at the other side. What if the things had actually happened ??!!!
It really would have been catastrophic in the true sense what with losing our dear and near ones, destruction playing havoc everywhere. Post catastrophe what would we be doing ? Running around trying to help others ?How many can we save on this human level ? Not many. Then what would follow ? Pain, fear, trauma, and all the old age emotions of duality. Then who would cleanse the earth of this debris ?? Let us not be under the impression that higher light beings will be ready with their sophisticated vaccum cleaners to clear all the mess ! Please.. let s give them a break. They are here only to assist us. Let us get this straight. These higher beings are here to make us understand in subtler ways that we too can rise like them. They are here out of great love. Yes at times even they would perhaps feel "let s be done with this and flood the earth with instant changes". But then they hold back as it would be interfering in our process of discovering our true power. Assume that they bring about instant magical changes, then what ? We will get busy worshipping them. Oh Plssss.. Not again. We need to grow and reach a point of magnificience ourselves thou help is always at hand from these beings.
So me thinks that this transformation will happen gently and gradually. We are all a part of this great process called "evolving into Gods". Isnt that exciting and thrilling to go down the pages of history as bearers of light and transformation ? We are the torch bearers.
Feeling impatient for the changes to manifest ?? Solution is simple. We have to be floods of love and light such that the conditions around will melt and transform quickly. Let us "be Love". Go about our days as usual and illuminate whichever paths we walk with love and light.
Folks.. we need to understand that we are on a slightly longer trek and a hike here. Of course it is always in our hands to quicken the pace.
Oh boy.. ! Am i glad that 21st dec went about like an ordinary day except for the rise in the beautiful energies which flooded many hearts. Now that is the "change".
Let us be gleeful and give thanks for the way 21st dec 2012 went about ! That the ship called "EARTH" is still beautiful and sailing towards magnificience in a gentle way carrying us along with her in her loving bosom.
Onward folks..!! Let s row.. Heavens are visible on the horizon.. !!!
THE FREEDOM ROAD: In "Road to Freedom" David Icke gives a keynote lecture reveals many secrets where hidden by those who govern us and manipulate. Among other things, talks about the Freemasons and the Illuminati and its relationship with many of the U.S. Presidents.
En "Camino a la Libertad" David Icke nos ofrece una magistral conferencia donde desvela numerosos secretos ocultos por aquellos que nos gobiernan y manipulan. Entre otras cosas, nos habla sobre la masonería y los iluminatis y su relación con muchos de los presidentes de EE.UU.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing.
Special music for relaxation, meditation and healing. Are frequencies that affect the balance and harmony of the body, restoring energy patterns. Among other tunes are Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana and music with dolphins and whales.
Música especial para relajarse, meditar y sanar. Son frecuencias que inciden en el equilibrio y la armonía del cuerpo, restableciendo los patrones energéticos. Entre otras, se encuentran melodías de Ahu Saglam, Arnica Montana y música con delfines y ballenas.